Just When You Think Catholic Church Stories Couldn’t Get Any Worse

Wow. You are really mad that male molesters of boys are gay, and that NAMBLA admits that. I take it you are gay man, given your strident reaction and hurling of insults over this fact, but understand I didn't say all gay men are pedos of boys; just that all male pedos of boys are gay men. B is a subset of A. But A is not a subset of B.
I like truth.
You're screeching a fiction.
If you are so ignorant of the actual topic why embarrass yourself by displaying that ignorance and, even worse, using NAMBLA as your go to source? Perhaps you'd be better serve to remain silent and be thought a closet queen than open your idiot mouth and remove all doubt.

I like truth.
You're screeching a fiction.
If you are so ignorant of the actual topic why embarrass yourself by displaying that ignorance and, even worse, using NAMBLA as your go to source? Perhaps you'd be better serve to remain silent and be thought a closet queen than open your idiot mouth and remove all doubt.

81% of priest molestations involved boys. Do you think that outsized percentage is just a coincidence?

I am glad the Catholic Church took the prudent course and banned gays from the seminary. Molestations are pretty much nil for the past 20 years. Do you think that's just a coincidence?
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The left has been telling us for years to deny our own eyes. We aren't buying it anymore.
There are no pedophile in the churches, among youth coaches, among scout leaders, or private school staff.
All the pedophiles are Gay guys who train children to be gay.


Trust your eyes?


Another self hating closet queen speaks out
So one Soros-financed leftwing rag linked a story from another Soros-supported leftwing rag that unnamed people suspected something by a few gays may have happened 50 years ago. And the anti-Catholic anti-Christian leftwing haters jump all over it.

Notice everything the left comes up with regarding the RCC is a half-century or more old, with nearly all the alleged gay perps dead.
You have to read the whole story and also note that the documents had to be court ordered.

If you are RC, for shame on you for defending such behavior.
You have to read the whole story and also note that the documents had to be court ordered.

If you are RC, for shame on you for defending such behavior.
Who defends the acts of the few wayward gay priests who molested boys, violating the vows of their professed religion? Not me.
I'm glad the US RCC now bans gays from seminaries.
The movie spotlight really was an eye opener. It helped the church Crack down and deal with this issue. Although I left catholicism many moons ago for a much much less strict church, things have improved.
Who defends the acts of the few wayward gay priests who molested boys, violating the vows of their professed religion? Not me.
I'm glad the US RCC now bans gays from seminaries.
The fact remains you have to explain it instead of your postings being obvious and to the point.

Your major mistake? There are far more than a "few wayward gay priests"...
The fact remains you have to explain it instead of your postings being obvious and to the point.

Your major mistake? There are far more than a "few wayward gay priests"...
Only a few relative to the great number of priests.
A ratio twice as great among public school teachers, but you don't care about that.

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