Zone1 My dysfunctional relationship with the Catholic Church


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
I'm divorced and I want to date women. The Catholic Church teaches that if I have sex with a woman other than my ex-wife, I'm committing adultery. That's because in the eyes of the Catholic Church, I'm still married to my ex-wife.

I tried the Epsicopalians. I liked their service, which is similar to a Catholic Mass, even with the Eucharist.

But I asked their priest the following question, "Do Episcopalians believe the Eucharist is the Body and Blood of Christ."

He said, "I do. But some in my parish don't, and that's okay with me."

I remembered a homily of a Catholic priest I'd heard a few weeks earlier. According to a poll, a certain percentage of Catholics believe the Eucharist is only a symbol. He was outraged. He told us under no circumstances was a Catholic supposed to believe that.

So that's the difference between the Catholic Church and the Episcopalian Church. Catholic priests concern themselves with what their parishioners believe, Episcopalian priests do not.

I have to be a Catholic. Also, I believe the Church is correct to say divorced people can't have sex with other people. Jesus said it himself and it's quoted in the Gospels.

But that leaves me in the lurch. I have to get an annulment or continue my sinful ways.
I'm divorced and I want to date women. The Catholic Church teaches that if I have sex with a woman other than my ex-wife, I'm committing adultery. That's because in the eyes of the Catholic Church, I'm still married to my ex-wife.

I tried the Epsicopalians. I liked their service, which is similar to a Catholic Mass, even with the Eucharist.

But I asked their priest the following question, "Do Episcopalians believe the Eucharist is the Body and Blood of Christ."

He said, "I do. But some in my parish don't, and that's okay with me."

I remembered a homily of a Catholic priest I'd heard a few weeks earlier. According to a poll, a certain percentage of Catholics believe the Eucharist is only a symbol. He was outraged. He told us under no circumstances was a Catholic supposed to believe that.

So that's the difference between the Catholic Church and the Episcopalian Church. Catholic priests concern themselves with what their parishioners believe, Episcopalian priests do not.

I have to be a Catholic. Also, I believe the Church is correct to say divorced people can't have sex with other people. Jesus said it himself and it's quoted in the Gospels.

But that leaves me in the lurch. I have to get an annulment or continue my sinful ways.
i am a recovering cathaholic.

my starter wife left me in 1976. i really don't mind but divorce is a problem.

i've been living with the current one for 30 years or so. can't confess because i'm not sorry and have responsibilities. (damned if i do ......damned if i don't). can't marry because bigamy (perfectly acceptable for the patriarchs and such) is a crime in my state.
I'm divorced and I want to date women. The Catholic Church teaches that if I have sex with a woman other than my ex-wife, I'm committing adultery. That's because in the eyes of the Catholic Church, I'm still married to my ex-wife.

I tried the Epsicopalians. I liked their service, which is similar to a Catholic Mass, even with the Eucharist.

But I asked their priest the following question, "Do Episcopalians believe the Eucharist is the Body and Blood of Christ."

He said, "I do. But some in my parish don't, and that's okay with me."

I remembered a homily of a Catholic priest I'd heard a few weeks earlier. According to a poll, a certain percentage of Catholics believe the Eucharist is only a symbol. He was outraged. He told us under no circumstances was a Catholic supposed to believe that.

So that's the difference between the Catholic Church and the Episcopalian Church. Catholic priests concern themselves with what their parishioners believe, Episcopalian priests do not.

I have to be a Catholic. Also, I believe the Church is correct to say divorced people can't have sex with other people. Jesus said it himself and it's quoted in the Gospels.

But that leaves me in the lurch. I have to get an annulment or continue my sinful ways.
Hi BR; we are of it but not in it maybe. I came to terms with it thirty years ago; ex would not go the annulment path so I had to decide. Of course the Church is correct and I am in the wrong. I'll leave the judgement of the four kids to the second wife etc to God. Meanwhile, I get on with being the best Catholic I can be given the situation. I doubt I'll ever really work it out; such is life. Annul if ex is agreeable of course and if HONEST!!

But of course bonking just for self gratification is always wrong wrt Catholics, so do the decent thing, get a civil divorce and remarry. Helps that my Dad was Orthodox.

I'm divorced and I want to date women. The Catholic Church teaches that if I have sex with a woman other than my ex-wife, I'm committing adultery. That's because in the eyes of the Catholic Church, I'm still married to my ex-wife.

I tried the Epsicopalians. I liked their service, which is similar to a Catholic Mass, even with the Eucharist.

But I asked their priest the following question, "Do Episcopalians believe the Eucharist is the Body and Blood of Christ."

He said, "I do. But some in my parish don't, and that's okay with me."

I remembered a homily of a Catholic priest I'd heard a few weeks earlier. According to a poll, a certain percentage of Catholics believe the Eucharist is only a symbol. He was outraged. He told us under no circumstances was a Catholic supposed to believe that.

The word of the millenium in this context is "transsubstantiation". Try to speak it out in Latin. But I'm sure Jesus is really with us.

So that's the difference between the Catholic Church and the Episcopalian Church. Catholic priests concern themselves with what their parishioners believe, Episcopalian priests do not.

I have to be a Catholic.

That's your own decision and not the decision of anyone else.

Also, I believe the Church is correct to say divorced people can't have sex with other people. Jesus said it himself and it's quoted in the Gospels.

Where or when did Jesus say so? Jesus was no friend of divorce at all. And if I am well informed now then Jesus said by the way that a remarriage is okay when the former partner sinned because of whoring. Whoring could mean for example "sex with someone else because of money". So what really happens is not only your decision.

But that leaves me in the lurch. I have to get an annulment or continue my sinful ways.

I was a long time ago a short time married and I am remarried now since decades. Both marriages had been civil marriages. I never had had any real problem in my second marriage and I will for sure continue this sinful way (¿which way is not sinful?) and also because my wife loves detective stories; still she believes me when I say to her "I love you" with a pale jittering fearful face. :lol:

There's a merry-go-round going on in my head
And everything is somehow spinning too fast
The streets are empty and so are you
As if the life that was once here is spent

As if there were another star in the distance
Who, like you, seems so lonely
But there are well over a thousand who feel the same, you are not alone

There are millions of lights in the world
Billions of colors that shine so bright
Millions of lights over the city
They take us safely through the night
There are millions of lights, can't you see them?
Millions of faces
Like you and me
Like you and me

You feel like a comet
That flies into orbit and burns up
You feel yourself running, the rain on your skin
Electricity flows through your veins, you've never been in such a good mood
As if there were more of you in the distance, they attract you magnetically
All the stars out there that look up at the night sky
We belong together

There are millions of lights in the world
Billions of colors that shine so bright
Millions of lights over the city
They take us safely through the night
There are millions of stories that speak for themselves
Millions of lights
Like you and me
Like you and me

Like you and me
Like you and me

There are millions of lights in the world
Billions of colors that shine so bright
Millions of lights over the city
They bring us safely through the night
There are millions of lights, can't you see them?
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I'm divorced and I want to date women. The Catholic Church teaches that if I have sex with a woman other than my ex-wife, I'm committing adultery. That's because in the eyes of the Catholic Church, I'm still married to my ex-wife.

I tried the Epsicopalians. I liked their service, which is similar to a Catholic Mass, even with the Eucharist.

But I asked their priest the following question, "Do Episcopalians believe the Eucharist is the Body and Blood of Christ."

He said, "I do. But some in my parish don't, and that's okay with me."

I remembered a homily of a Catholic priest I'd heard a few weeks earlier. According to a poll, a certain percentage of Catholics believe the Eucharist is only a symbol. He was outraged. He told us under no circumstances was a Catholic supposed to believe that.

So that's the difference between the Catholic Church and the Episcopalian Church. Catholic priests concern themselves with what their parishioners believe, Episcopalian priests do not.

I have to be a Catholic. Also, I believe the Church is correct to say divorced people can't have sex with other people. Jesus said it himself and it's quoted in the Gospels.

But that leaves me in the lurch. I have to get an annulment or continue my sinful ways.
Your fate is already sealed. You got divorced. You're going to the boiler room no matter what else you do now.
I'm divorced and I want to date women. The Catholic Church teaches that if I have sex with a woman other than my ex-wife, I'm committing adultery. That's because in the eyes of the Catholic Church, I'm still married to my ex-wife.

But that leaves me in the lurch. I have to get an annulment or continue my sinful ways.
First: Is there any reason not to pursue the annulment? Was it your wife who filed for divorce, thus showing intent not to keep the vows she made before you and God?

Second: Is this something between you and Jesus? You are caught between a rock and a hard place where from the beginning of scripture we read that it is not good for man to be alone. Your wife left you, and now you are alone. We are told this is not good.

Third: Jesus assured us sins are forgiven. However, the sin you seem to be contemplating is dating and having sex within the date, but still outside of marriage (even should you pursue the annulment).

Fourth: Humanity (including you) is in a broken state. However, all throughout scripture we see that God continues to work with us in this state. We read that God has a high regard for David. I do not. Leviticus teaches that Kings should not have many wives. David did. Not only that, he had a valiant man killed in order to take that man's wife. I am not a fan of David, never have been. However. (And it is a big however), the one thing I do admire about David and his adventures, is that he always prayed to God--and listened--before he went into battle. He always did his best to keep peace between brothers and families. David was one of the Bible's most broken individuals, but God loved him and continued to work with him throughout all the brokenness. God will do the same with you. Sins are forgiven...but don't forget sin does come with their consequences in this life.

In summary: Continue to pray, continue to listen to God. You tried to play by the rules, and that fell apart. Are you now an exception to the rule? Ask God. Remember, God's rules are to benefit you, not hurt you.
I remembered a homily of a Catholic priest I'd heard a few weeks earlier. According to a poll, a certain percentage of Catholics believe the Eucharist is only a symbol. He was outraged. He told us under no circumstances was a Catholic supposed to believe that.
It puzzles me why so many struggle with this. In Exodus, manna (bread) came down from heaven, provided by God. Next we have the Ark of the Covenant and bread--known as the Bread of the Presence--was always present, and eaten only by priests and their sons. Jesus is one with God, and as such, this was the Bread of his Presence. Jesus said he was the living bread that came down from heaven. He broke bread, the bread of his presence, saying "This is my body..."

For fifteen hundred years, this was believed by all Christians, then came the Protestant division within the Church. Not only did they throw out Jesus' words, they through out Exodus as well. I don't get it. And--with apparently straight faces--claim Catholics didn't follow the Bible but that they do, and that they read scripture, but Catholics don't. It's interesting that in order to disparage Catholicism, they must first come up with lies about what Catholics "really" believe.
My thoughts on this disgruntled Catholic bit which we hear all the time

I can understand someone who has been divorced and wants to marry again.

On the other hand, I can understand Jesus saying that a valid marriage (He says this in Scripture and historical Church teaching) cannot be broken usunder.

So it comes down to this: which way we will choose? The human way or the supernatural way that is CHRIST and His Church?

God is not the one who messes up relationships and lives

No, that would be HUMANS

If they would LISTEN to the Church Christ founded, they would not have broken relationships and etc... Well, they actually still would bc it's a sinful world and we are sinners, but there would be MUCH less of this kind of heartbreak and mayhem IF people would only listen to Christ's Church BEFORE making huge decisions like getting married, etc
I'm divorced and I want to date women. The Catholic Church teaches that if I have sex with a woman other than my ex-wife, I'm committing adultery. That's because in the eyes of the Catholic Church, I'm still married to my ex-wife.

I tried the Epsicopalians. I liked their service, which is similar to a Catholic Mass, even with the Eucharist.

But I asked their priest the following question, "Do Episcopalians believe the Eucharist is the Body and Blood of Christ."

He said, "I do. But some in my parish don't, and that's okay with me."

I remembered a homily of a Catholic priest I'd heard a few weeks earlier. According to a poll, a certain percentage of Catholics believe the Eucharist is only a symbol. He was outraged. He told us under no circumstances was a Catholic supposed to believe that.

So that's the difference between the Catholic Church and the Episcopalian Church. Catholic priests concern themselves with what their parishioners believe, Episcopalian priests do not.

I have to be a Catholic. Also, I believe the Church is correct to say divorced people can't have sex with other people. Jesus said it himself and it's quoted in the Gospels.

But that leaves me in the lurch. I have to get an annulment or continue my sinful ways.
Get a jar of lube, a box of tissue and use your hand.
It puzzles me why so many struggle with this. In Exodus, manna (bread) came down from heaven, provided by God. Next we have the Ark of the Covenant and bread--known as the Bread of the Presence--was always present, and eaten only by priests and their sons. Jesus is one with God, and as such, this was the Bread of his Presence. Jesus said he was the living bread that came down from heaven. He broke bread, the bread of his presence, saying "This is my body..."

For fifteen hundred years, this was believed by all Christians, then came the Protestant division within the Church. Not only did they throw out Jesus' words, they through out Exodus as well. I don't get it. And--with apparently straight faces--claim Catholics didn't follow the Bible but that they do, and that they read scripture, but Catholics don't. It's interesting that in order to disparage Catholicism, they must first come up with lies about what Catholics "really" believe.

The only part that puzzles me is saying that the Protestants threw (not Through) out the book of Exodus. Luther WANTED to throw out 4 books in the New T along with the apocryphal ones but I never heard he wanted to toss out that one. Maybe it was some other protestant fed up with Luther? There were so many!

Anyway, yeh, it's amazing how Protestants always go with that Catholics don't know Scripture thing! We Catholics hear the entire Bible read to us-- if we simply show up for daily Mass for 3 years (and ENJOY).

We won't memorize it that way... that takes some effort. And who has ever memorized the entire Bible? It's kind of a big book... but anyhow

Because the sexual faculty was made by God for

and LOVE, the unitive, bonding aspect

It was not made for selfishness

And most people use porn to do that sin so there's that
I'm a single guy and have had sex with quite a few women. Does that make me a sinner?
What do you think?
My thoughts on this disgruntled Catholic bit which we hear all the time

I can understand someone who has been divorced and wants to marry again.

On the other hand, I can understand Jesus saying that a valid marriage (He says this in Scripture and historical Church teaching) cannot be broken usunder.

So it comes down to this: which way we will choose? The human way or the supernatural way that is CHRIST and His Church?

God is not the one who messes up relationships and lives

No, that would be HUMANS

If they would LISTEN to the Church Christ founded, they would not have broken relationships and etc... Well, they actually still would bc it's a sinful world and we are sinners, but there would be MUCH less of this kind of heartbreak and mayhem IF people would only listen to Christ's Church BEFORE making huge decisions like getting married, etc
Jesus' church are saved believers. period. John 3:16.

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