Zone1 After a perusal of Martin Luther's 95 Thesis, I have learned...

Nope, that is an empty statement. You have demonstrated your inferiority in the use of logic, making common, unforced errors. You need to apply those professional standards to yourself to others. Please.
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Nope, that is an empty statement. You have demonstrated your inferiority in the use of logic, making common, unforced errors. You need to apply those professional standards to yourself that you to others. Please.
I couldn't be happier for you to believe that. :)
I couldn't be happier for you to believe that. :)
Thank you!

Have you seen this bit of logic (not aimed at you).

George A. Smith:
I told him that we regarded the Vermont people as a very immoral community. Said I, "We consider their laws of a very immoral character ; and we believe that the people would be better, but that their laws and institutions are of a character that tends to prevent it -that their laws are calculated to encourage licentiousness, and to cause them to live in open violation of the first commandment, to multiply and replenish the earth." "Why how so? Vermont is the most moral State in the Union." I replied, "It may be so, sir; but your laws provide that no man shall have but one wife; and there is a great proportion of females over that of males, and there is a great proportion of males that are too wicked and corrupt to marry and raise up families; and the consequence is that a great proportion of your females are compelled to live single, and hence many of them become prostitutes. -Journal of Discourses Volume 5 pg 11
Thank you!

Have you seen this bit of logic (not aimed at you).

George A. Smith:
I told him that we regarded the Vermont people as a very immoral community. Said I, "We consider their laws of a very immoral character ; and we believe that the people would be better, but that their laws and institutions are of a character that tends to prevent it -that their laws are calculated to encourage licentiousness, and to cause them to live in open violation of the first commandment, to multiply and replenish the earth." "Why how so? Vermont is the most moral State in the Union." I replied, "It may be so, sir; but your laws provide that no man shall have but one wife; and there is a great proportion of females over that of males, and there is a great proportion of males that are too wicked and corrupt to marry and raise up families; and the consequence is that a great proportion of your females are compelled to live single, and hence many of them become prostitutes. -Journal of Discourses Volume 5 pg 11
No, I haven't. What's your point?
You are guilty of everything you accuse me of. Physician heal thyself.

I do not accuse you. Where is here a judge? You speak just simple continuously nonsense to me and you like this nonsense to be true because you think it. That's a form of vanity. I give you an answer to all this nonsense which you say to me. I hope this answers might help you to find yourselve how god thought you to be.
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Empty statement. You and zaangalewa are almost the same person.

Eh? I have absolutelly nothing to do with user ding. He continuously attacks me with empty phrases - that's all. No idea what this man says on what reason. From my point of view he is no Christian at all.

Btw: "Luther" is the theme here. Ever read not only his anti-Catholic but also his anti-Semitic messages? The sad thing in this context is it that this form to think is perhaps a systemic problem and not only a problem of his choleric temperament.
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Eh? I have absolutelly nothing to do with user ding. He continuously attacks me with empty phrases - that's all. No idea what this man says on what reason.
That's in your head. You are the aggressor. I'm just defending myself.
You are the offensive force. I am the defensive force. Now do you understand?

What do you defend?

By the way: "Now do you understand?" is no question but a self-affirmation. "What do you defend?" is a question. A serios question now because Easter is in front of us.

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What do you defend?

By the way: "Now do you understand?" is no question but a self-affirmation. "What do you defend?" is a question. A serios question now because Easter is in front of us.

Your never ending attacks against me. You have issues.
I do not accuse you. Where is here a judge? You speak just simple continuously nonsense to me and you like this nonsense to be true because you think it. That's a form of vanity. I give you an answer to all this nonsense which you say to me. I hope this answers might help you to find yourselve how god thought you to be.
You are projecting "You speak just simple continuously nonsense to me and you like this nonsense to be true because you think it."
Your never ending attacks against me. You have issues.

Wenn ich zu wetten hätte dann würde ich nicht auf eine gute Chance wetten. Aber ich bin nicht hoffnungslos. Ich glaube dass schon biologisch gesehen im Menschen eine Tendenz liegt sein Leben nicht nur als Einzelner sondern auch als Gattung zu erhalten. Und erhalten kann man das Leben nur wenn man es enfaltet, wenn man Interesse hat. Ja, ich glaube man kann auch sagen im weitesten Sinne: Wenn man die Welt liebt. Ich kann an diesem Punkt die Hoffnung nicht aufgeben.
Erich Fromm
If I had to bet then I wouldn't bet on a good chance. But I'm not hopeless. I believe that from a biological point of view there is a tendency in humans to preserve their lives not only as individuals but also as a species. And you can only preserve life if you unfold it, if you are interested. Yes, I think you can also say in the broadest sense: If you love the world. I can't give up hope at this point.

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