Zone1 After a perusal of Martin Luther's 95 Thesis, I have learned...

No comment is the epitome of "empty phrase."

Why do you refuse to understand what others say to you? NotfooledbyW transported anyway only a little part of a message from me to him from another thread into this thread here. I never spoke here in this thread with anyone about Luther.
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Not to white Christian nationalists. My neighbors, indigenous and white, freaked. Still have not gotten over it, though two of the now have black grandkids they adore. Idiots.
Or to Communist Nationalists who freaked because he was half white.
I learned that Luther was "very" Catholic in 1521 when he wrote that document!

A lot of what he says is exactly what the Catholic Church teaches! Who knew?

Well, I had read a few of the items on this Thesis before but recently read nearly the entire thing... was very surprised to see what a Catholic document it was/is. Yes, there were some heresies there also, and the Church noted those and anathematized them. And later, Luther was excommunicated.

I read The Facts About Luther some years ago and he definitely, definitely devolved away from his Catholicity! He called priests and others horrible names when they disagreed with him and said obscene things I cannot write out here... at least R rated..

In other words, he let himself go to hell, probably literally.

(That's one reason, by the way, that the Catholic Church does not canonize --or name a building after--anyone until that person is gone and there is evidence the person is in Heaven. )
We Lutherans don't give a crap what the Catholics think about our guy.

By the way, many in the medieval Catholic leadership were horrible people. Trying to sell a way by richer into Heaven by making the Pope richer ain't cool.
Why do you refuse to understand what others say to you? NotfooledbyW transported anyway only a little part of a message from me to him from another thread into this thread here. I never spoke here in this thread with anyone about Luther.
I refuse to accept you saying no comment isn't an empty phrase. By definition saying no comment is the epitome of an empty phrase. Providing no information (i.e. an empty phrase) is the intent of saying no comment.

Comparing "no comment" to "the universe is expanding in the mind of God" which one do you believes actually provides information?
Are you ok, ding?

Let me say to you something about ding so he is able to hear it: He has really a very big problem because he is god while I - like everyone else who not shares his opinion - is only one of his idiots. Soon god will die for us all so does god really think everyone is an idiot? And what could be the real reason of Easter except ding and me? Could it be it is the real love of god who lets live also men like ding (and me) but takes the life of much better men?

By the way: Do you know that Easter eggs once migrated from the Ukraine all over the world? Now the Ukrainians on their own try not to have to be migrated - from their own Russian descendents. Putin is shame for all mankind.

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We Lutherans don't give a crap what the Catholics think about our guy.

By the way, many in the medieval Catholic leadership were horrible people. Trying to sell a way by richer into Heaven by making the Pope richer ain't cool.

What a luck that the Muslims who had conquered East-Rome had been much more nice people when they made out of the Hagia Sofia (the mother church of all Christians) a mosque under Erdogan the reconquerer of Turkey and Troyan horse of the NATO. Damn. Back to the past: Rome needed some money to compensate the loss of the Hagia Sofie with St. Peter's Cathedral. In this situation the Romans had had a brilliant idea to make money. Let me call this idea "a typical US-American idea how to make money" although the USA still did not exist. They sold shares that made free from sin. Sure - the poor people still went to confession - but the rich people had been able to buy a writing with seal and signature. Nice. And to be honest: When I see what they made in St. Peter then I would not be sad if I had also given my 50 cent in this time of history.

As with so much in "history", fact is often trumped by tale. The idea that Luther started a movement outside the power of the R.C.C. is an example. The absurdities and excesses of that institution had already been noted and reacted to for centuries before he acted. He didn't seek an alternative, he sought to make superficial alterations to function.
No. I inform him with this statement that I read what he wrote and that I say nothing to this theme. The alfernative is not to answer at all - what could also mean that I did not read what he wrote.
Empty phrase.
He has really a very big problem because he is god
Nope. YOU say I am.

Now let me tell you something about you... you place YOUR politics above God. You don't worship God in spirit and in truth.
As with so much in "history", fact is often trumped by tale. The idea that Luther started a movement outside the power of the R.C.C. is an example. The absurdities and excesses of that institution had already been noted and reacted to for centuries before he acted. He didn't seek an alternative, he sought to make superficial alterations to function.
And opened Pandora's box in the end. Thus proving the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Which according to zaangalewa would be an empty phrase.
Empty phrase.

No. And you know this because because I explained to you what's the difference between the comment "no comment" and no answer at all. Unfortunatelly many people answer on the comment "no comment" - what's the only thing what's strange in this context.
No. And you know this because because I explained to you what's the difference between the comment "no comment" and no answer at all. Unfortunatelly many people answer on the comment "no comment" - what's the only thing what's strange in this context.
Empty phrase.
And opened Pandora's box in the end. ...

... about 100 years later others opened Pandorras box in the Thirty Years War. World War 2 had been a Sunday afternoon walk for Germany compared with this war. But this war ended in an astonishing way. As far as I know it was the first time in history that such an extreme violent war was not lost nor won - it was the first time such a war was solved. The solution was called "Westfälischer Frieden" (Peace of Westphalia). Still today people exist who do not like to accept the spirit of this peace - or the spirit of peace at all. Looks like you are one of them.
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You are by the way unbelievable vain, ding. You prefer even to lie and to defame instead to try to start to think. Unfortunatelly instinctivelly in 85% of all cases vanity is seen as a kind of truth from others. But it helps not at all.

Du siehst, wohin du siehst, nur Eitelkeit auf Erden.
Was dieser heute baut, reißt jener morgen ein;
Wo jetzund Städte stehn, wird eine Wiese sein,
Auf der ein Schäferskind wird spielen mit den Herden;

Was jetzund prächtig blüht, soll bald zertreten werden;
Was jetzt so pocht und trotzt, ist morgen Asch und Bein;
Nichts ist, das ewig sei, kein Erz, kein Marmorstein.
Jetzt lacht das Glück uns an, bald donnern die Beschwerden.

Der hohen Taten Ruhm muss wie ein Traum vergehn.
Soll denn das Spiel der Zeit, der leichte Mensch, bestehn?
Ach, was ist alles dies, was wir vor köstlich achten,
Als schlechte Nichtigkeit, als Schatten, Staub und Wind,
Als eine Wiesenblum, die man nicht wieder find't!
Noch will, was ewig ist, kein einig Mensch betrachten.


Wherever you look, you see only vanity on earth.
What this man builds today, that man will tear down tomorrow;
Where cities now stand, there will be a meadow,
On which a shepherd's child will play with the flocks;

What blooms splendidly now will soon be trampled underfoot;
What now throbs and defies, tomorrow will be ashes and bones;
Nothing is eternal, no ore, no marble stone.
Now happiness laughs at us, soon the complaints thunder.
The glory of high deeds must fade like a dream.

Shall the game of time, the easy man, endure?
Alas, what is all this that we esteem delicious,
As poor vanity, as shadow, dust and wind,
As a meadow flower that can never be found again!
Nor will one man contemplate what is eternal.

Translated with (free version)

[Comment: IN thsi case here "One man" in the last line could also be translated with "all men" or "united man". And "Mensch" means not only man but includes men, women and children.]
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