Zone1 Concerning Excommunication from the Catholic Church (to clear up a LIE told here)

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You mean you can't just stop practicing the faith or attending Mass :dunno:

Seems pretty easy to me. And I haven't even brought up the sacrament of confirmation.
You can't get off their official roster and they will always count you as a Catholic even though you had no choice that your parents had a water dripped on your head as an infant. How else do you think they claim to have 1.3 billion sheep in their flocks?
That's bad. I knew a lot of antiCatholics were ACTING like all priests are pervs, never heard of one actually saying it

Martin Luther started all this BS

it was like a snowball rolling down a steep hill

and today we have... All u have to do is look around and you will see what we have; perversion being accepted and promoted... child murder accepted and promoted. The devil, it seems, has won
People get arrested for murdering children.
You can't get off their official roster and they will always count you as a Catholic even though you had no choice that your parents had a water dripped on your head as an infant. How else do you think they claim to have 1.3 billion sheep in their flocks?
So what?
So the entire claim of the RCC that there are 1.3 billion Catholics is false like so many of its other claims.
Couldn't care less. I think that must be more important to you than it is to me. :)
If I cared I would be arguing with you about it like you are trying to argue with me about it. :)
You took the time to respond multiple times to one of my posts you don;t care about.

Just another one of your own contradictions you so easily live with.
You took the time to respond multiple times to one of my posts you don;t care about.

Just another one of your own contradictions you so easily live with.
Yes, I took the time to respond to multiple posts about a subject I don't care enough to argue about to tell you I don't care enough to argue about it. And I grant you my permission for you to keep arguing about it while I couldn't give two shits about it. So go ahead. Swing away, Don.

Yes, I took the time to respond to multiple posts about a subject I don't care enough to argue about to tell you I don't care enough to argue about it. And I grant you my permission for you to keep arguing about it while I couldn't give two shits about it. So go ahead. Swing away, Don.

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For dog sake ding, if you don't care about the discussion, then just leave and stop threatening!
It should be a matter of pride for Catholics to know and understand that their church has given the flock permission to reject the Genesis myth and accept Darwinian evolution.

Isn't this the equivalence of you rejecting the story about living in a whale's belly for three days? What other bible stories need to be exposed as mythical? We'll continue to work on that together!
Is this you attempting to brainwash America with more lies?
You don't want to suggest that the Catholic church has granted its flock permission to reject Genesis and accept Darwinian evolution in it's place.

The least you can do for your church is to point out that the permission is conditional.
As is the bible's Jonah and the whale story requiring creative (creation) thinking.
Can we ever put this issue between us to bed?

My position is that Genesis need no longer apply to Christians and they should be guilt free about it. (conditional)
I want you to state things correctly instead of incorrectly. Because you have a really bad habit of lying about things. I don't think you are a good person.
Thread Locked, Multiple reason:
No link supplied by OP to the Excommunication of Martin Luther or indeed Excommunication itself.
Thread went immediately off topic of Excommunication in the Catholic Churge and did not return.
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