Just When You Think Things Couldn't Get Any Worse...


He alone, the imperial president, operating historically outside the Constitution, again he alone, not the American voting citizenry, is going to change the demographics of our country. AGAINST THE WILL OF THE MAJORITY. And why? For purely political reasons. He's an extremely dangerous ideologue, counter to most all American ideals.

And our apathetic, ignorant neighbors twice voted for him.

We are doomed as a nation. Multiculturalism, Statism, socialism.....all the things that have brought down so many other societies throughout human history, will bring down ours. We were forewarned, and heeded it naught.

A couple of issues, here, guy.

first, a majority favors immigration reform. It's the GOP that is acting against the will of the majority by refusing to act.

Americans still favor immigration reform despite political friction study finds - The Washington Post

The survey, conducted by the Public Religion Research Institute and the Brookings Institution, found that 62 percent of Americans favor allowing illegal immigrants a way to become citizens, compared with 63 percent a year ago. An additional 17 percent said in the new poll that illegal immigrants should be able to become legal residents but not full citizens. Nineteen percent said they should be deported.

Second, no one is calling for "socialism' or "statism".

THird, the reason why you guys lost is after getting into a disastrous war and wrecking the economy, you kept nominating clowns who didn't think there was anything wrong with disastrous wars and unequal economies.
So we are being governed by mob rule now. Better get used to it. Is that what you're claiming?
It's what republicans get for willfully creating a vast power vacuum in Washington. Making the government work in ways it was never meant to and failing to act when the people demand it has serious unintended consequences.

Are you saying Republicans abdicated their obligation to stem the tide of progressivism? If so, I agree. And I think it was willful.

If that was not your point, then please re-state, as I don't want to misconstrue.
Make yourself familiar with the concept of a power vacuum. The theory is that political power cannot be destroyed, if found to be unresponsive it will be picked up by others and used. In their zeal to make the government totally unresponsive to the people the republicans have created a situation where festering problems must be dealt with in ways that were never intended. I still wonder if republican lawmakers actually think we can have a government that purposely ignores the people who do not make large donations to them.

Are you even aware, or do you comprehend, what you just wrote???

In what possible way does your sentiments NOT more so apply to democrats? I'm ready for this debate in a big way. Democrats are the progressives, they want to change what is, by definition.

I don't think you have any grasp of the situation. Virtually all legislation and "executive privilege" is designed to buy votes. Are you not aware of that? And isn't that, the topic and your ignorance of it, the EXACT problem?

Regarding your notion of politics being responsive to the people, what must you think of the Tea Party???
Elections have consequences.

In 2012, the Republicans were running against a badly flawed incumbent and lost.

The Left wants to change, fundamentally transform and re-make America, and they're doing it.

Obama should be arrested.

Yes, Constitutionally, logically, rationally, he should be.

But he won't be.

We are doomed. Protect yourself.
Elections have consequences.

In 2012, the Republicans were running against a badly flawed incumbent and lost.

The Left wants to change, fundamentally transform and re-make America, and they're doing it.

Obama should be arrested.

Oh shut the fuck up you ignorant turd.
I will not shut up. I will not stand for a fucking dictator ruling over me. The son of a bitch should be perp walked to Leavenworth.
Elections have consequences.

In 2012, the Republicans were running against a badly flawed incumbent and lost.

The Left wants to change, fundamentally transform and re-make America, and they're doing it.

Obama should be arrested.

Oh shut the fuck up you ignorant turd.

You just defined yourself.

Got anything intellectual to offer?

Hey go ahead and pretend you are me and lets see your form an intellectual response to the statement "Obama should be arrested".

This should be good. Just go ahead and state; no he shouldn't. Can't argue with intellect like that now can ya?
You ever read any of that bullshit that guy writes? Of course, you believe every word of what he writes don't cha?
It's what republicans get for willfully creating a vast power vacuum in Washington. Making the government work in ways it was never meant to and failing to act when the people demand it has serious unintended consequences.

Are you saying Republicans abdicated their obligation to stem the tide of progressivism? If so, I agree. And I think it was willful.

If that was not your point, then please re-state, as I don't want to misconstrue.
Make yourself familiar with the concept of a power vacuum. The theory is that political power cannot be destroyed, if found to be unresponsive it will be picked up by others and used. In their zeal to make the government totally unresponsive to the people the republicans have created a situation where festering problems must be dealt with in ways that were never intended. I still wonder if republican lawmakers actually think we can have a government that purposely ignores the people who do not make large donations to them.

Are you even aware, or do you comprehend, what you just wrote???

In what possible way does your sentiments NOT more so apply to democrats? I'm ready for this debate in a big way. Democrats are the progressives, they want to change what is, by definition.

I don't think you have any grasp of the situation. Virtually all legislation and "executive privilege" is designed to buy votes. Are you not aware of that? And isn't that, the topic and your ignorance of it, the EXACT problem?

Regarding your notion of politics being responsive to the people, what must you think of the Tea Party???
No one is perfect and influence gets bought and sold everywhere but in the case of immigration reform we have a situation where something must be done and yet republicans know for a fact that fighting for their stated positions will cost them dearly. Fearing that they will seem hatefully racist and xenophobic to a large voting bloc that is here, like it or not, they just refuse to deal with it. Someone must update policy to match the current situation so it falls to the president. Seeing as how it is now in the hands of one man he is going to do what he wants with little discussion. Power vacuum for sure.
Elections have consequences.

In 2012, the Republicans were running against a badly flawed incumbent and lost.

The Left wants to change, fundamentally transform and re-make America, and they're doing it.

Obama should be arrested.

Yes, Constitutionally, logically, rationally, he should be.

But he won't be.

We are doomed. Protect yourself.
For a president to act this way there must be some sort of crisis. I don't see what the crisis is in the need to give illegals citizenship. Are illegals suffering because they can't vote? WTF?
Elections have consequences.

In 2012, the Republicans were running against a badly flawed incumbent and lost.

The Left wants to change, fundamentally transform and re-make America, and they're doing it.

Obama should be arrested.

Oh shut the fuck up you ignorant turd.

You just defined yourself.

Got anything intellectual to offer?

Hey go ahead and pretend you are me and lets see your form an intellectual response to the statement "Obama should be arrested".

This should be good. Just go ahead and state; no he shouldn't. Can't argue with intellect like that now can ya?
You ever read any of that bullshit that guy writes? Of course, you believe every word of what he writes don't cha?
Fuck you Zeke I don't give a shit what you think about me. I pay my taxes and have a right to an opinion. Why don't you give us an intellectual reason why illegals need to be given citizenship in this country. What is the crisis that Obama is curing?
Elections have consequences.

In 2012, the Republicans were running against a badly flawed incumbent and lost.

The Left wants to change, fundamentally transform and re-make America, and they're doing it.

Obama should be arrested.

Yes, Constitutionally, logically, rationally, he should be.

But he won't be.

We are doomed. Protect yourself.
For a president to act this way there must be some sort of crisis. I don't see what the crisis is in the need to give illegals citizenship. Are illegals suffering because they can't vote? WTF?
The crisis is that our policy does not match reality because it's been a third rail for far too long. People are needlessly suffering, positive programs are underfunded, ambiguous laws are keeping many in a legal limbo that's seems destined to last forever. Understand that when enough of the people want something to happen, it will eventually happen no matter the legal or quasi-legal means.
Elections have consequences.

In 2012, the Republicans were running against a badly flawed incumbent and lost.

The Left wants to change, fundamentally transform and re-make America, and they're doing it.

Obama should be arrested.

Oh shut the fuck up you ignorant turd.

You just defined yourself.

Got anything intellectual to offer?

Hey go ahead and pretend you are me and lets see your form an intellectual response to the statement "Obama should be arrested".

This should be good. Just go ahead and state; no he shouldn't. Can't argue with intellect like that now can ya?
You ever read any of that bullshit that guy writes? Of course, you believe every word of what he writes don't cha?
Fuck you Zeke I don't give a shit what you think about me. I pay my taxes and have a right to an opinion. Why don't you give us an intellectual reason why illegals need to be given citizenship in this country. What is the crisis that Obama is curing?

In case you missed it. Republicans in the House have had plenty of opportunity to stop the flood of illegals into our country. They could do this by simply offering jail time to any and every employer caught employing illegals in their workforce. Some American employer is giving these people jobs. Why don't you support going after the employers?

Why won' they do that?

You do realize that these illegals are here to work? Right? At least most of them are.
Then you have the problem of kids born here with no knowledge of any other home than the USA. Do kids deserve to be punished for the crimes of their parents? I don't think they do.

But the real problem is that the Republicans in both the House and Senate have decided that a non functioning form of government is somehow to the Repubs advantage.

And Obama has had to pick up the slack and do his job and the Congress's jobs as well.

When there is real work to be done, leave it to a fucking Republican to wuss out and let someone else do the heavy lift. Then they bitch about it for months cause they didn't get what they wanted.

So why are the Republicans leaving immigration law up to the President. Is it just so they have something else to complain about? That's a crisis brewing that the Republicans are making cause they won't do their job.
And you support that? Why?
I think joe is right, most all of us would like our immigration policy concerning at least the southern border reformed.

Myself I would like to see it changed so it is not so porous so that disease ridden little spark keep flooding in infecting our children.

I am not even sure I understand the open border crowd. It is not like these people are engineers or doctors. It is not like we don't already have a boat load of low skilled and low educated people living off of those who do work. It is not like we don't have chronic high unemployment, and yes 5.9 is stitll high. The only thing driving down the UE rate are people dropping off the roles.

Then the open border crowd will cry about wealth inequality meanwhile letting thousands flood our borders. No wonder inequality is going up what would any sane person expect? At least one would think that the open border left wingers wouldn't cry about a problem they created.

Yeah I want reform but I seriously doubt it is what Obama or joe wants. Which is interesting since we already have immigration laws. So apparently it isn't laws they want they want what they want and nothing else will do.
Obama should be arrested.

Oh shut the fuck up you ignorant turd.

You just defined yourself.

Got anything intellectual to offer?

Hey go ahead and pretend you are me and lets see your form an intellectual response to the statement "Obama should be arrested".

This should be good. Just go ahead and state; no he shouldn't. Can't argue with intellect like that now can ya?
You ever read any of that bullshit that guy writes? Of course, you believe every word of what he writes don't cha?
Fuck you Zeke I don't give a shit what you think about me. I pay my taxes and have a right to an opinion. Why don't you give us an intellectual reason why illegals need to be given citizenship in this country. What is the crisis that Obama is curing?

In case you missed it. Republicans in the House have had plenty of opportunity to stop the flood of illegals into our country. They could do this by simply offering jail time to any and every employer caught employing illegals in their workforce. Some American employer is giving these people jobs. Why don't you support going after the employers?

Why won' they do that?

You do realize that these illegals are here to work? Right? At least most of them are.
Then you have the problem of kids born here with no knowledge of any other home than the USA. Do kids deserve to be punished for the crimes of their parents? I don't think they do.

But the real problem is that the Republicans in both the House and Senate have decided that a non functioning form of government is somehow to the Repubs advantage.

And Obama has had to pick up the slack and do his job and the Congress's jobs as well.

When there is real work to be done, leave it to a fucking Republican to wuss out and let someone else do the heavy lift. Then they bitch about it for months cause they didn't get what they wanted.

So why are the Republicans leaving immigration law up to the President. Is it just so they have something else to complain about? That's a crisis brewing that the Republicans are making cause they won't do their job.
And you support that? Why?

Where are these low educated and low skilled workers going to find work? By being in competition with those already doing that work? OK, I might agree that you can't get Americans to pick your lettuce for 5 dollars an hour, I can see that as a problem your side faces. But aside from picking your lettuce on the cheap where are these people going to work?

Right now I see Americans doing every kind of job. When on vacation last year in the south I saw blacks, Hispanic Americans and whites, happily doing menial work. Happy to be productive, happy to have a job, happy to be part of society. THESE are the people Obama are hurting. These are the people who should be pissed. First the government run schools and Society in general fail them and then when they do find work the government forces them out. Those are the people who should be pissed at Obama and they will be but somehow I think that the left wing will blame those who are for legal immigration and not open borders and those who are most hurt by the left will believe their BS.
Elections have consequences.

In 2012, the Republicans were running against a badly flawed incumbent and lost.

The Left wants to change, fundamentally transform and re-make America, and they're doing it.

Obama should be arrested.

Yes, Constitutionally, logically, rationally, he should be.

But he won't be.

We are doomed. Protect yourself.
For a president to act this way there must be some sort of crisis. I don't see what the crisis is in the need to give illegals citizenship. Are illegals suffering because they can't vote? WTF?

They are being rescued from Ebola.

Elections have consequences.

In 2012, the Republicans were running against a badly flawed incumbent and lost.

The Left wants to change, fundamentally transform and re-make America, and they're doing it.

Obama should be arrested.

Yes, Constitutionally, logically, rationally, he should be.

But he won't be.

We are doomed. Protect yourself.
For a president to act this way there must be some sort of crisis. I don't see what the crisis is in the need to give illegals citizenship. Are illegals suffering because they can't vote? WTF?
The crisis is that our policy does not match reality because it's been a third rail for far too long. People are needlessly suffering, positive programs are underfunded, ambiguous laws are keeping many in a legal limbo that's seems destined to last forever. Understand that when enough of the people want something to happen, it will eventually happen no matter the legal or quasi-legal means.
This "crises" is bogus. If these people are suffering here, then they can suffer back home in their own country. I don't owe them a damn thing, certainly not free housing, food stamps and welfare.
Obama should be arrested.

Oh shut the fuck up you ignorant turd.

You just defined yourself.

Got anything intellectual to offer?

Hey go ahead and pretend you are me and lets see your form an intellectual response to the statement "Obama should be arrested".

This should be good. Just go ahead and state; no he shouldn't. Can't argue with intellect like that now can ya?
You ever read any of that bullshit that guy writes? Of course, you believe every word of what he writes don't cha?
Fuck you Zeke I don't give a shit what you think about me. I pay my taxes and have a right to an opinion. Why don't you give us an intellectual reason why illegals need to be given citizenship in this country. What is the crisis that Obama is curing?

In case you missed it. Republicans in the House have had plenty of opportunity to stop the flood of illegals into our country. They could do this by simply offering jail time to any and every employer caught employing illegals in their workforce. Some American employer is giving these people jobs. Why don't you support going after the employers?

Why won' they do that?

You do realize that these illegals are here to work? Right? At least most of them are.
Then you have the problem of kids born here with no knowledge of any other home than the USA. Do kids deserve to be punished for the crimes of their parents? I don't think they do.

But the real problem is that the Republicans in both the House and Senate have decided that a non functioning form of government is somehow to the Repubs advantage.

And Obama has had to pick up the slack and do his job and the Congress's jobs as well.

When there is real work to be done, leave it to a fucking Republican to wuss out and let someone else do the heavy lift. Then they bitch about it for months cause they didn't get what they wanted.

So why are the Republicans leaving immigration law up to the President. Is it just so they have something else to complain about? That's a crisis brewing that the Republicans are making cause they won't do their job.
And you support that? Why?
Typical. Blame the republicans. I'd bet there is a republican house bill filed in harry Reid's waste basket. Dems don't want abipartisan solution.

As far as your response, you make the assumption that we owe these illegals something. Illegal is a word that is supposed to have meaning. No other country puts up with open borders, yet your side thinks we should. And we both know why. Votes. At least be honest and admit it.

Not sure what you're looking for.

You're going to get what you want, I can't be more direct and honest than that. I realize that you're accustomed to partisan rhetoric, in which you and a hardcore rightwinger spin and distort and deflect and just make stuff up, back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. But many of us don't communicate in that way.

I concede, absolutely. How much more clear do I need to be?

Wow, that's a great strategy. Dismiss any point of fact that you don't want to argue as "partisan rhetoric". And then pretend you aren't a hardcore rightwinger, just a freedom loving soul who is against "Political Correctness'.
So we are being governed by mob rule now. Better get used to it. Is that what you're claiming?

No, I'd call it "Democracy".

And the problem is, the GOP knows we need immigration reform, they just refuse to do it because after 30 years of pandering to the ugliest and most racist elements of their base, they can't do what not only they know needs to be done, but what their business backers want to get done.

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