CDZ Just why does the U.S. spend so much on its military? To what end?


Gold Member
Jan 1, 2017
The U.S. expends more money for military purposes than any other nation on the planet, and not by a small margin.



And to what end? Of course there are things our military accomplishes that defend U.S. interests. The Navy's actions against trade piracy is an example. I'm not suggesting that we shouldn't do such things, but do we need to spend ~$600B to do that and carry out other peacetime national defense activities?

To put the extent of military spending in domestic perspective:
In return for spending all that money, just what do you and I get that could not be gotten for materially less money? To answer that, consider how the DoD appropriation is spent.



Of the $496 billion base budget, the vast majority of funding goes towards the cost of operating and maintaining the military and the cost of paying and caring for military personnel. A further $90.4 billion is set aside for the procurement of new weapons systems during the 2015 fiscal year.

Here's where the $90.4B in weapons system procurement goes.



(What's an EELV? Essentially they are the rocket boosters that get discarded when we launch things into space.)


With that high level picture of how the DoD spends our money, are the American people getting what they need in terms of return on our expenditures? How would we know whether our spending is at least paying off, even if it more than the combined spending of the next seven largest military spending nations.
  • The U.S. military might dissuades other nations from invading our homeland. --> Okay, but clearly spending far less, no other major nation's homeland has been invaded either. Who's invaded China or Russia? Canada, India and Australia haven't been invaded either, and Canada and Australia aren't nuclear weapons nations.


  • U.S. military spending defends Americans against ISIS/ISIL. --> Does it? The overwhelming majority of ISIS-conducted attacks have happened nowhere near the U.S., or even North America. Canada has had two. Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean have had none. China hasn't had any ISIS attacks, and China is basically a nation of infidels/heathens. Russia has had one or two.

    ISIS attacks happen mostly in Islamic nations, so just who does our military spending defend, assuming it's intended to defend against ISIS? Egyptians, Yemenis and Libyans. The simplest and least costly way for Americans to be safe from harm in those places is to simply not go. I mean really, what's there? Sure, it's nice to visit the Pyramids, but does one really have to do that? Can it not wait? Can't people "watch the movie?"
  • Our military is effective at eradicating ISIS. --> Nope, the U.S. military doesn't get that done either, yet we spend all that money.
  • The military keeps the sea lanes safe for trade. --> The Navy probably does this to some extent, but to what extent it is effective at it is in great question. There were in 2015 nearly 250 piracy events. In 2005 there were about 205 incidents. You'd think that pirates bring to bear powerful ships and forces, right? Well, this is what modern pirate vessels look like.



    It's not as though pirates put up much resistance.


    Where does piracy happen?


    And in spite of all our spending on the Navy, maritime piracy has been on the rise, particularly off the coast of West Africa. Now call me nuts, but as goes U.S. trade with its largest trading partners -- China, Mexico, Canada, Japan, and the EU, the seas off of West or East Africa don't seem like places we need to be terribly concerned about.

    So there again, just whose trade are we protecting? Surely we don't need to spend as much as we do to protect U.S. trade. Short of the little bit of oil the U.S. may buy from Nigeria (<10K barrels in 2016), there's little that comes from any African port that is critical to the U.S. economy. What does come from Africa that is essential to global industry? In 2015 we imported ~$19B in goods from Sub-Saharan African countries, with the largest import categories being:
    -- Mineral Fuel (crude) ($6.6 billion),
    -- Precious Stones (platinum and diamonds) ($2.9 billion),
    -- Vehicles ($1.5 billion), Cocoa ($1.2 billion),
    -- Iron and Steel ($662 million), and
    -- Agricultural consumables ($2.3 billion worth of cocoa and coffee beans, tree nuts, and spices).
    In the same year we exported ~$18B in goods to Sub-Saharan African countries.

  • The U.S. needs to spend so much on its military because of it's great size. --> Really? The U.S. is the third largest nation on the planet and just a bit over half the size of Russia. It's roughly the same size as China and Canada. Unlike China, the U.S. doesn't share a border with a hostile country, and certainly not with a nation having lots of ISIS sympathizers (potentially ISIS members).
  • The U.S. military spending is pay soldiers to fight on the ground. --> Well, we know it's not that because for all the spending we do in the military, about he last thing we do is put "boots on the ground," yet the two largest categories of military spending is to pay for "boots on the ground." I'm not saying we have to put "boots on the ground," but I am saying if that's on what we spend so much money, well, then we should put men on the ground. If we don't want to put men directly in the line of fire, fine, but then stop spending so much on having men for that purpose and to support directly the men who are in the line of fire.
Those are just a few dimensions by which one might seek to find the worth of our spending on the military. I mean really, for every dollar you pay in federal income taxes, 80¢ of it goes to the military. Do you spend that ratio of your income on personal defense? I doubt it. I surely don't.

The fact of the matter is that time and time again we hear about what the U.S. cannot afford. Well, if we didn't spend so much of our national treasure on the military, there'd be quite a lot we could afford, things that develop and prepare our citizenry to be more successful on their own and by dint of that, for the overall benefit of the U.S. You see, military spending, in the main, isn't like education or health spending. It doesn't provide downstream returns the way spending on people does. The vast majority of military dollars spent today are simply money spent and gone forever.
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My question is why does anyone believe all those bullshit graphs and "media" links that cannot be proven or dis-proven?
The U.S. expends more money for military purposes than any other nation on the planet, and not by a small margin.



And to what end? Of course there are things our military accomplishes that defend U.S. interests. The Navy's actions against trade piracy is an example. I'm not suggesting that we shouldn't do such things, but do we need to spend ~$600B to do that and carry out other peacetime national defense activities?

To put the extent of military spending in domestic perspective:
In return for spending all that money, just what do you and I get that could not be gotten for materially less money? To answer that, consider how the DoD appropriation is spent.



Of the $496 billion base budget, the vast majority of funding goes towards the cost of operating and maintaining the military and the cost of paying and caring for military personnel. A further $90.4 billion is set aside for the procurement of new weapons systems during the 2015 fiscal year.

Here's where the $90.4B in weapons system procurement goes.



(What's an EELV? Essentially they are the rocket boosters that get discarded when we launch things into space.)


With that high level picture of how the DoD spends our money, are the American people getting what they need in terms of return on our expenditures? How would we know whether our spending is at least paying off, even if it more than the combined spending of the next seven largest military spending nations.
  • The U.S. military might dissuades other nations from invading our homeland. --> Okay, but clearly spending far less, no other major nation's homeland has been invaded either. Who's invaded China or Russia? Canada, India and Australia haven't been invaded either, and Canada and Australia aren't nuclear weapons nations.


  • U.S. military spending defends Americans against ISIS/ISIL. --> Does it? The overwhelming majority of ISIS-conducted attacks have happened nowhere near the U.S., or even North America. Canada has had two. Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean have had none. China hasn't had any ISIS attacks, and China is basically a nation of infidels/heathens. Russia has had one or two.

    ISIS attacks happen mostly in Islamic nations, so just who does our military spending defend, assuming it's intended to defend against ISIS? Egyptians, Yemenis and Libyans. The simplest and least costly way for Americans to be safe from harm in those places is to simply not go. I mean really, what's there? Sure, it's nice to visit the Pyramids, but does one really have to do that? Can it not wait? Can't people "watch the movie?"
  • Our military is effective at eradicating ISIS. --> Nope, the U.S. military doesn't get that done either, yet we spend all that money.
  • The military keeps the sea lanes safe for trade. --> The Navy probably does this to some extent, but to what extent it is effective at it is in great question. There were in 2015 nearly 250 piracy events. In 2005 there were about 205 incidents. You'd think that pirates bring to bear powerful ships and forces, right? Well, this is what modern pirate vessels look like.



    It's not as though pirates put up much resistance.


    Where does piracy happen?


    And in spite of all our spending on the Navy, maritime piracy has been on the rise, particularly off the coast of West Africa. Now call me nuts, but as goes U.S. trade with its largest trading partners -- China, Mexico, Canada, Japan, and the EU, the seas off of West or East Africa don't seem like places we need to be terribly concerned about.

    So there again, just whose trade are we protecting? Surely we don't need to spend as much as we do to protect U.S. trade. Short of the little bit of oil the U.S. may buy from Nigeria (<10K barrels in 2016), there's little that comes from any African port that is critical to the U.S. economy. What does come from Africa that is essential to global industry? In 2015 we imported ~$19B in goods from Sub-Saharan African countries, with the largest import categories being:
    -- Mineral Fuel (crude) ($6.6 billion),
    -- Precious Stones (platinum and diamonds) ($2.9 billion),
    -- Vehicles ($1.5 billion), Cocoa ($1.2 billion),
    -- Iron and Steel ($662 million), and
    -- Agricultural consumables ($2.3 billion worth of cocoa and coffee beans, tree nuts, and spices).
    In the same year we exported ~$18B in goods to Sub-Saharan African countries.

  • The U.S. needs to spend so much on its military because of it's great size. --> Really? The U.S. is the third largest nation on the planet and just a bit over half the size of Russia. It's roughly the same size as China and Canada. Unlike China, the U.S. doesn't share a border with a hostile country, and certainly not with a nation having lots of ISIS sympathizers (potentially ISIS members).
  • The U.S. military spending is pay soldiers to fight on the ground. --> Well, we know it's not that because for all the spending we do in the military, about he last thing we do is put "boots on the ground," yet the two largest categories of military spending is to pay for "boots on the ground." I'm not saying we have to put "boots on the ground," but I am saying if that's on what we spend so much money, well, then we should put men on the ground. If we don't want to put men directly in the line of fire, fine, but then stop spending so much on having men for that purpose and to support directly the men who are in the line of fire.
Those are just a few dimensions by which one might seek to find the worth of our spending on the military. I mean really, for every dollar you pay in federal income taxes, 80¢ of it goes to the military. Do you spend that ratio of your income on personal defense? I doubt it. I surely don't.

The fact of the matter is that time and time again we hear about what the U.S. cannot afford. Well, if we didn't spend so much of our national treasure on the military, there'd be quite a lot we could afford, things that develop and prepare our citizenry to be more successful on their own and by dint of that, for the overall benefit of the U.S. You see, military spending, in the main, isn't like education or health spending. It doesn't provide downstream returns the way spending on people does. The vast majority of military dollars spent today are simply money spent and gone forever.
Isn't part of the reason our military spending is so large because we are helping to defend so many other countries, like Japan, Germany, South Korea, etc.? Isn't that why President Trump is so disgusted with NATO? Maybe I'm mixing things up some, but I know the US has been playing Cop to the planet for awhile, in hopes of keeping everyone from bombing the hell out of each other. How are we going to protect our friends in the East without a huge base in the Philippines? We need a base in Turkey so we can nuke Russia.

I'm not saying that's good thinking, but my understanding is that is why we're a military presence all over the globe. And if we weren't, someone WOULD take our place. I'm sure you realize that. That okay with you?
Isn't part of the reason our military spending is so large because we are helping to defend so many other countries, like Japan, Germany, South Korea, etc.? Isn't that why President Trump is so disgusted with NATO?

Perhaps so, but he's not proposed cutbacks in U.S. military spending, and were it just that, spending cuts would pretty well solve the problem.
So's some foreign power don't make ya eat...

... rice an' fish heads...

... or falafal an' goat burgers.
We need a base in Turkey so we can nuke Russia.

We have U.S. land, air and submarine based nukes that can do that.
The above is the nuclear triad that Trump had no clue about when asked. You may remember that tirade of bamboozling BS the man uttered.

As you can see from that there's little point in expecting Trump knows why we spend what we do on our military, how to make what we spend be "worth it" from a critical and objective cost-benefit perspective, or what to do about it or with the military forces we have.

But what do we need to nuke Russia for? As detestable as their leader is, there's not much indicating we have a reason to go to war with Russia and nuke them.
if people haven't learned that its always best to be the biggest and strongest , most lethal force on Gods Good Green Earth they will never learn .------------------- that Strength takes money and thats simply common sense Xelor !!
National Defense is only one part and one reason for the military budget. Military spending is a jobs program where government funds are spent to provide jobs with government funds, without all the socialist and liberal welfare program accusations. It pumps those enormous sums of cash into regions of the country that would otherwise suffer from uncomfortable unemployment numbers. It replaced the New Deal programs of the FDR days. Instead of infrastructure programs, funds were pumped into the MIC.
So's some foreign power don't make ya eat...

... rice an' fish heads...

... or falafal an' goat burgers.

Seeing as this is the CDZ, I was hoping members would respond with rationally sound justifications, explanations or arguments.
Since we have no provable facts to go on, what is the point of this thread? Nothing from the media or the government can be trusted, so while I agree we do spend a lot on the military, how much we spend is a question that we will not be allowed to know the answer to. And if you really think your graph on what the Chinese are spending is correct, well, I don't think we need to spend anymore time here.
Granny says, "Dat's right...

... anybody with any sense knows...

... a country needs it's military...

... to defend it's boundaries an' freedoms."
So's some foreign power don't make ya eat...

... rice an' fish heads...

... or falafal an' goat burgers.

Seeing as this is the CDZ, I was hoping members would respond with rationally sound justifications, explanations or arguments.
Since we have no provable facts to go on, what is the point of this thread? Nothing from the media or the government can be trusted, so while I agree we do spend a lot on the military, how much we spend is a question that we will not be allowed to know the answer to. And if you really think your graph on what the Chinese are spending is correct, well, I don't think we need to spend anymore time here.

U.S. military spending and observed instances of terrorism, piracy and ISIS' very existence despite years of military action against ISIS and Al Qaeda are all self evident facts.

If you would like to join others on my ignore list, just respond to me with another dumbass remark like the one above. You'll succeed. I do not suffer fools. It's not about doing it "well." I don't do it.
Granny says, "Dat's right...

... anybody with any sense knows...

... a country needs it's military...

... to defend it's boundaries an' freedoms."
So far it ain't working out so well.
So's some foreign power don't make ya eat...

... rice an' fish heads...

... or falafal an' goat burgers.

Seeing as this is the CDZ, I was hoping members would respond with rationally sound justifications, explanations or arguments.
Since we have no provable facts to go on, what is the point of this thread? Nothing from the media or the government can be trusted, so while I agree we do spend a lot on the military, how much we spend is a question that we will not be allowed to know the answer to. And if you really think your graph on what the Chinese are spending is correct, well, I don't think we need to spend anymore time here.

U.S. military spending and observed instances of terrorism, piracy and ISIS' very existence despite years of military action against ISIS and Al Qaeda are all self evident facts.

If you would like to join others on my ignore list, just respond to me with another dumbass remark like the one above. You'll succeed. I do not suffer fools. It's not about doing it "well." I don't do it.
Cry all you want. I just tried to point out that you don't really have any facts on spending. as far your above deviation from your topic, while I agree that very existence despite years of military action against ISIS and Al Qaeda are all self evident, it still proves nothing concerning how much we spent on it.
So's some foreign power don't make ya eat...

... rice an' fish heads...

... or falafal an' goat burgers.

Seeing as this is the CDZ, I was hoping members would respond with rationally sound justifications, explanations or arguments.
Since we have no provable facts to go on, what is the point of this thread? Nothing from the media or the government can be trusted, so while I agree we do spend a lot on the military, how much we spend is a question that we will not be allowed to know the answer to. And if you really think your graph on what the Chinese are spending is correct, well, I don't think we need to spend anymore time here.

U.S. military spending and observed instances of terrorism, piracy and ISIS' very existence despite years of military action against ISIS and Al Qaeda are all self evident facts.

If you would like to join others on my ignore list, just respond to me with another dumbass remark like the one above. You'll succeed. I do not suffer fools. It's not about doing it "well." I don't do it.
Cry all you want. I just tried to point out that you don't really have any facts on spending. as far your above deviation from your topic, while I agree that very existence despite years of military action against ISIS and Al Qaeda are all self evident, it still proves nothing concerning how much we spent on it.

Do you think I produced the charts in the OP? Did you click on the links provided? Do you not see source attributions for spending figures I've cited?

As I said. I don't suffer fools. Have a good life.
So's some foreign power don't make ya eat...

... rice an' fish heads...

... or falafal an' goat burgers.

Seeing as this is the CDZ, I was hoping members would respond with rationally sound justifications, explanations or arguments.
Since we have no provable facts to go on, what is the point of this thread? Nothing from the media or the government can be trusted, so while I agree we do spend a lot on the military, how much we spend is a question that we will not be allowed to know the answer to. And if you really think your graph on what the Chinese are spending is correct, well, I don't think we need to spend anymore time here.

U.S. military spending and observed instances of terrorism, piracy and ISIS' very existence despite years of military action against ISIS and Al Qaeda are all self evident facts.

If you would like to join others on my ignore list, just respond to me with another dumbass remark like the one above. You'll succeed. I do not suffer fools. It's not about doing it "well." I don't do it.
Cry all you want. I just tried to point out that you don't really have any facts on spending. as far your above deviation from your topic, while I agree that very existence despite years of military action against ISIS and Al Qaeda are all self evident, it still proves nothing concerning how much we spent on it.

Do you think I produced the charts in the OP? Did you click on the links provided? Do you not see source attributions for spending figures I've cited?

As I said. I don't suffer fools. Have a good life.
No I don't think you produced them. But clearly you just want to play games and make pretend like most America haters. Your sources cannot be verified, it's all just a big fluff job.
So's some foreign power don't make ya eat...

... rice an' fish heads...

... or falafal an' goat burgers.

Seeing as this is the CDZ, I was hoping members would respond with rationally sound justifications, explanations or arguments.
Since we have no provable facts to go on, what is the point of this thread? Nothing from the media or the government can be trusted, so while I agree we do spend a lot on the military, how much we spend is a question that we will not be allowed to know the answer to. And if you really think your graph on what the Chinese are spending is correct, well, I don't think we need to spend anymore time here.

U.S. military spending and observed instances of terrorism, piracy and ISIS' very existence despite years of military action against ISIS and Al Qaeda are all self evident facts.

If you would like to join others on my ignore list, just respond to me with another dumbass remark like the one above. You'll succeed. I do not suffer fools. It's not about doing it "well." I don't do it.
---------------------------------------------- as regards your 2nd to last comment , hussein obama was in charge Xelor .

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