Justice Kennedy's Hubris...

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Why was that his decision? The adoptions were state matters as were the decisions on gay marriage. He didn’t think it was “fair” because he had a gay mentor?
Upending 5,000 years of human history....for feeeeeeelings.........!!!?

This week on The David Rubenstein Show, retired Justice Kennedy finally admitted the real reason behind his Obergefell ruling, the 2015 Supreme Court decision that created a novel definition of marriage to give legal status to same-sex couples. Kennedy said, “It seemed to me just wrong that under the Constitution, over 100,000 adopted children of gay parents could not have their parents married. I just thought this was wrong.”

Well, now we know. The justice’s reasoning had nothing to do with Constitutional principles. He had an emotional reaction and in his hubris he imposed his private feelings on the nation.

Ironically, the former justice had things exactly backward. The Court’s unprecedented redefinition of legal marriage harms the very children it was designed to protect -- and indeed, all children.

A free society is possible only if it recognizes certain rights as pre-political. The state does not create them -- it merely recognizes them. Chief among those pre-political rights are marriage and family. In all civilizations, people have known it takes a male and a female to produce a child; thus the core definition of the family was based on biology.

All that changed with Obergefell.

The first target was marriage: The only way the state could treat same-sex couples the same as opposite-sex couples was to deny the relevance of biology and redefine legal marriage as a purely emotional bond. But we have lots of emotional bonds. So the state claimed the authority to decide which of them qualify as marriage -- based not on biology but on its own legal fiat.

Read more at americanthinker.com .

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