Justice Thomas Should Step Down


Apr 20, 2010
Cleveland. Feel mah pain.
Justice Thomas is married to Virginia Thomas, who this past week announced she is opening a conservative lobbying shop, libertyinc.co. Virginia Thomas, a self-styled "ambassador to the Tea Party" creates a conflict for her husband in cases where she has represented one of the parties, and he should not hear such cases.


But beyond that, his wife's ambition and extremist views make me uncomfy with Thomas hearing any further SCOTUS cases.

Thomas has been a controversial appointment since Day One and has not covered himself in glory since assuming his robes. I say it is time for him to resign altogether.

Judge Thomas has been a very good Associate Justice, and his wife's political views, words and actions have no bearing on his own views, words, actions and decisions.

The OP states not one coherent reason why Justice Thomas should step down.

Indeed, there is no good ground relating to his wife that should make him even give consideration to such a liberally wishful bit of thinking.
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He couldn't hear a case in which one litigant was a client of his wife's if he were a small claims' court judge. Should we have lower standards for the Gang Of Nine?
Should she have to forfeit her pursuit of happiness because she's married to a SCJ??
He couldn't hear a case in which one litigant was a client of his wife's if he were a small claims' court judge. Should we have lower standards for the Gang Of Nine?


If a case arises in which his wife IS a litigant, then on such a case it might be appropriate for the good Justice to recuse himself.

That has nothing to do with "stepping down."

And whether or not he is even required to recuse himself merely because his wife belongs to some political entity that has tangential connections to a case in controversy is also not established by anything you've posted, Maddy.
Let me see if I have this straight. If a person has the same principles and opinions as their spouse that makes them ineligible to be a SCJ?
Judge Thomas has been a very good Associate Justice, and his wife's political views, words and actions have no bearing on his own views, words, actions and decisions.

The OP states not one coherent reason why Justice Thomas should step down.

Indeed, there is no good ground relating to his wife that should make him even give consideration to such a liberally wishful bit of thinking.

But were it a liberal judge whose wife was going to work for Soros?

Judge Thomas has been a very good Associate Justice, and his wife's political views, words and actions have no bearing on his own views, words, actions and decisions.

The OP states not one coherent reason why Justice Thomas should step down.

Indeed, there is no good ground relating to his wife that should make him even give consideration to such a liberally wishful bit of thinking.

But were it a liberal judge whose wife was going to work for Soros?

What an achingly stupid post uscitizen just embarrassed himself (again) with. :lol:


Given the legal "reasoning" of some of the liberal activist Justices, it wouldn't surprise me if a libbie Justice were to be married to a tramp willing to "work" for a schmuck like Soros.

And? So what? Is it your belief that such a Justice would be required to step down from the Bench?

Absolutely ridiculous.

You libbies seem to have taken a dumb-pill recently. Good news/bad news: It's obviously working.
Ok then. I do not want to hear another word about Michelle Obama out of your prick asses.

I have saved your posts on this subject to use back against you.
Ruth Bader Ginsberg should step down as a Supreme Court Justice. Her membership in the ACLU is just too extremist.

Kagan and Sotomayor should also step down. Their extremist views...
Jason Doiy/The Recorder

SAN FRANCISCO, Ninth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals Judge Stephen Reinhardt today said he wouldn't recuse himself from the Proposition 8 case set to be argued Monday. In a short order responding to a motion filed by Prop 8 proponents Wednesday night, Reinhardt said he can and will be impartial in the case.

The motion cited his wife Ramona Ripston's longtime role as the executive director of the ACLU of Southern California and contended that she conferred with the plaintiffs before the suit was filed, has generally advocated for gay marriage, and that her office sought to intervene in and filed an amicus curiae brief in the litigation before U.S. District Judge Vaughn Walker.

Circuit judges, like U.S. Supreme Court judges, have sole discretion on whether to recuse, and there is no appeal mechanism, meaning it's all but assured that the liberal Carter appointee will be on the panel Monday when attorneys give oral arguments in the gay rights case.

Reinhardt Says He Won't Step Off Prop 8 Case

It never bothered liberals when it was the most liberal judge in America whose wife's work created a conflict of interest. If Reinhardts claim that he could me impartial satisfied them, Thomas' should satisfy them equally.
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He should recuse himself if one of the plaintiffs in a case is directly tied to his wife. Not this indirect "well, she's a conservative" mumbo-jumbo.

Not step down.

Hell, you could make the case that if one of the SCOTU's spouses was employed at Burger King they would have to step down. Corporatism, Big Agra, Beef industry, service workers etc.
Judge Thomas has been a very good Associate Justice, and his wife's political views, words and actions have no bearing on his own views, words, actions and decisions.

The OP states not one coherent reason why Justice Thomas should step down.

Indeed, there is no good ground relating to his wife that should make him even give consideration to such a liberally wishful bit of thinking.

As usual LIEability opines his own far right wing views and defends other extremists. See this link to expose his opinion that his wifes words and actions which Thomas tacitly approve are appropriate and consistent with the Judicial Code of Ethics:

Document Viewer
He couldn't hear a case in which one litigant was a client of his wife's if he were a small claims' court judge. Should we have lower standards for the Gang Of Nine?
Have there been any? How likely is that happening? Wouldn't he simply recuse himself? And if he did recuse himself (within certain plausible standards) wouldn't that be a disadvantage to the side his wife represents because it would deny a supportive vote? - that ought to work to the advantage of the opposite side, and serve its (and your) interests.
Madeline, why is it that you always make such inordinate demands of conservatives? Oh...yeah...I understand completely, except that your demands are irrational and counterproductive.
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Justice Thomas is married to Virginia Thomas, who this past week announced she is opening a conservative lobbying shop, libertyinc.co. Virginia Thomas, a self-styled "ambassador to the Tea Party" creates a conflict for her husband in cases where she has represented one of the parties, and he should not hear such cases.

http://www.nytimes.com/2011/02/05/u...ml?_r=1&scp=1&sq=thomas wife tea party&st=cse

But beyond that, his wife's ambition and extremist views make me uncomfy with Thomas hearing any further SCOTUS cases.

Thomas has been a controversial appointment since Day One and has not covered himself in glory since assuming his robes. I say it is time for him to resign altogether.


Shame on you Maddie, I thought you had more sense than this. Do you really expect Virginia Thomas to stay home and bake cookies simply because she is married to an Associate Justice?
Justice Thomas is married to Virginia Thomas, who this past week announced she is opening a conservative lobbying shop, libertyinc.co. Virginia Thomas, a self-styled "ambassador to the Tea Party" creates a conflict for her husband in cases where she has represented one of the parties, and he should not hear such cases.

http://www.nytimes.com/2011/02/05/u...ml?_r=1&scp=1&sq=thomas wife tea party&st=cse

But beyond that, his wife's ambition and extremist views make me uncomfy with Thomas hearing any further SCOTUS cases.

Thomas has been a controversial appointment since Day One and has not covered himself in glory since assuming his robes. I say it is time for him to resign altogether.


Shame on you Maddie, I thought you had more sense than this. Do you really expect Virginia Thomas to stay home and bake cookies simply because she is married to an Associate Justice?

there are plenty of things to do besides become a lobbyist.

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