Justice Thomas Should Step Down

Justice Thomas is married to Virginia Thomas, who this past week announced she is opening a conservative lobbying shop, libertyinc.co. Virginia Thomas, a self-styled "ambassador to the Tea Party" creates a conflict for her husband in cases where she has represented one of the parties, and he should not hear such cases.


But beyond that, his wife's ambition and extremist views make me uncomfy with Thomas hearing any further SCOTUS cases.

Thomas has been a controversial appointment since Day One and has not covered himself in glory since assuming his robes. I say it is time for him to resign altogether.


Using your logic Kagen should step down since she was ACTUALLY part of Obama's administration and that runs at least 2 more years.
Justice Thomas is married to Virginia Thomas, who this past week announced she is opening a conservative lobbying shop, libertyinc.co. Virginia Thomas, a self-styled "ambassador to the Tea Party" creates a conflict for her husband in cases where she has represented one of the parties, and he should not hear such cases.


But beyond that, his wife's ambition and extremist views make me uncomfy with Thomas hearing any further SCOTUS cases.

Thomas has been a controversial appointment since Day One and has not covered himself in glory since assuming his robes. I say it is time for him to resign altogether.


So? Because you are uncomfortable with Justice Thomas that means he should step down?

Hmmm, You know what? Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg and her support for abortion rights makes me uncomfortable. I suppose she should step down as well. I am not too fond of Justice Kagan either... she should step down. I know there are plenty out there that don't like Justice Roberts... down he goes. Scalia too! Hell, if this is a popularity contest maybe we should just disband the entire court?

Come on Madeline! That is ridiculous.

Justice Thomas is married to Virginia Thomas, who this past week announced she is opening a conservative lobbying shop, libertyinc.co. Virginia Thomas, a self-styled "ambassador to the Tea Party" creates a conflict for her husband in cases where she has represented one of the parties, and he should not hear such cases.


But beyond that, his wife's ambition and extremist views make me uncomfy with Thomas hearing any further SCOTUS cases.

Thomas has been a controversial appointment since Day One and has not covered himself in glory since assuming his robes. I say it is time for him to resign altogether.


So? Because you are uncomfortable with Justice Thomas that means he should step down?

Hmmm, You know what? Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg and her support for abortion rights makes me uncomfortable. I suppose she should step down as well. I am not too fond of Justice Kagan either... she should step down. I know there are plenty out there that don't like Justice Roberts... down he goes. Scalia too! Hell, if this is a popularity contest maybe we should just disband the entire court?

Come on Madeline! That is ridiculous.


Immie, I'm not suggesting Thomas step down because I dun like his views. I suggest it because I think his wife's political activity puts a cloud on his votes in future.

It is not a popularity contest...it's an ethics question.
Justice Thomas is married to Virginia Thomas, who this past week announced she is opening a conservative lobbying shop, libertyinc.co. Virginia Thomas, a self-styled "ambassador to the Tea Party" creates a conflict for her husband in cases where she has represented one of the parties, and he should not hear such cases.

But beyond that, his wife's ambition and extremist views make me uncomfy with Thomas hearing any further SCOTUS cases.

Thomas has been a controversial appointment since Day One and has not covered himself in glory since assuming his robes. I say it is time for him to resign altogether.


So? Because you are uncomfortable with Justice Thomas that means he should step down?

Hmmm, You know what? Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg and her support for abortion rights makes me uncomfortable. I suppose she should step down as well. I am not too fond of Justice Kagan either... she should step down. I know there are plenty out there that don't like Justice Roberts... down he goes. Scalia too! Hell, if this is a popularity contest maybe we should just disband the entire court?

Come on Madeline! That is ridiculous.


Immie, I'm not suggesting Thomas step down because I dun like his views. I suggest it because I think his wife's political activity puts a cloud on his votes in future.

It is not a popularity contest...it's an ethics question.

^ Madelwhine fail.

Sorry Maddie, but you've not made a very compelling case other than to prove your own partisan bias.

True story :thup:
If we're going to demand that Thomas steps down over his wife's lobbying activities, are we also going to demand that Breyer step down for admitting to using the laws of foreign nations in making his decisions for cases that have become before the SCOTUS? Which is worse?
Justice Thomas is married to Virginia Thomas, who this past week announced she is opening a conservative lobbying shop, libertyinc.co. Virginia Thomas, a self-styled "ambassador to the Tea Party" creates a conflict for her husband in cases where she has represented one of the parties, and he should not hear such cases.


But beyond that, his wife's ambition and extremist views make me uncomfy with Thomas hearing any further SCOTUS cases.

Thomas has been a controversial appointment since Day One and has not covered himself in glory since assuming his robes. I say it is time for him to resign altogether.


So? Because you are uncomfortable with Justice Thomas that means he should step down?

Hmmm, You know what? Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg and her support for abortion rights makes me uncomfortable. I suppose she should step down as well. I am not too fond of Justice Kagan either... she should step down. I know there are plenty out there that don't like Justice Roberts... down he goes. Scalia too! Hell, if this is a popularity contest maybe we should just disband the entire court?

Come on Madeline! That is ridiculous.


Immie, I'm not suggesting Thomas step down because I dun like his views. I suggest it because I think his wife's political activity puts a cloud on his votes in future.

It is not a popularity contest...it's an ethics question.

That is ridiculous, Madeline!

What you are saying is that the spouse of a Supreme Court Justice, in reality any judge, should not be allowed to participate in any kind of political/legal capacity or the judge must step down. Hogwash!

One would hope that a Justice of the Supreme Court would understand the ideas of Conflict of Interests and the moment it is discovered that there is a potential Conflict that justice would recuse him or her self. But step down from the bench? Baloney!

So? Because you are uncomfortable with Justice Thomas that means he should step down?

Hmmm, You know what? Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg and her support for abortion rights makes me uncomfortable. I suppose she should step down as well. I am not too fond of Justice Kagan either... she should step down. I know there are plenty out there that don't like Justice Roberts... down he goes. Scalia too! Hell, if this is a popularity contest maybe we should just disband the entire court?

Come on Madeline! That is ridiculous.


Immie, I'm not suggesting Thomas step down because I dun like his views. I suggest it because I think his wife's political activity puts a cloud on his votes in future.

It is not a popularity contest...it's an ethics question.

That is ridiculous, Madeline!

What you are saying is that the spouse of a Supreme Court Justice, in reality any judge, should not be allowed to participate in any kind of political/legal capacity or the judge must step down. Hogwash!

One would hope that a Justice of the Supreme Court would understand the ideas of Conflict of Interests and the moment it is discovered that there is a potential Conflict that justice would recuse him or her self. But step down from the bench? Baloney!


Hogwash indeed! It is because Justice Thomas is recognized as being a conservative justice, but not least because he is a black conservative justice, that his opinions must be silenced.
Immie, I'm not suggesting Thomas step down because I dun like his views. I suggest it because I think his wife's political activity puts a cloud on his votes in future.

It is not a popularity contest...it's an ethics question.

That is ridiculous, Madeline!

What you are saying is that the spouse of a Supreme Court Justice, in reality any judge, should not be allowed to participate in any kind of political/legal capacity or the judge must step down. Hogwash!

One would hope that a Justice of the Supreme Court would understand the ideas of Conflict of Interests and the moment it is discovered that there is a potential Conflict that justice would recuse him or her self. But step down from the bench? Baloney!


Hogwash indeed! It is because Justice Thomas is recognized as being a conservative justice, but not least because he is a black conservative justice, that his opinions must be silenced.

Knowing Madeline, I don't think it has anything to do with his race. His political persuasion possibly, but I don't think his race has anything to do with her position.

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I suggest everyone read and consider the issue of ethics as it relates to USSC Justices. A first reading of the link above may help; some may need to read the principle of Stare Decisis and all of us need to understand that Justices of the USSC are human beings and carry with them the same strengths and weaknesses of all of us. Yet they MUST be held to a higher standard for they have great power and a life time appointment.
Judge Thomas has been a very good Associate Justice, and his wife's political views, words and actions have no bearing on his own views, words, actions and decisions.

The OP states not one coherent reason why Justice Thomas should step down.

Indeed, there is no good ground relating to his wife that should make him even give consideration to such a liberally wishful bit of thinking.

Just when I thought you couldn't possibly be more dishonest.
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I suggest everyone read and consider the issue of ethics as it relates to USSC Justices. A first reading of the link above may help; some may need to read the principle of Stare Decisis and all of us need to understand that Justices of the USSC are human beings and carry with them the same strengths and weaknesses of all of us. Yet they MUST be held to a higher standard for they have great power and a life time appointment.

I still see no problem worthy of Impeachment.
Shame on you Maddie, I thought you had more sense than this. Do you really expect Virginia Thomas to stay home and bake cookies simply because she is married to an Associate Justice?

there are plenty of things to do besides become a lobbyist.

And one of them is TO become a lobbyist -- and thankfully -- your permission or approval is not required.

How do you feel about political nepotism? Obviously, no one would ever hire Gin Thomas were she not married to that pervert. And no one would ever hire Evan Bayh's wife were it not for his career.

The examples are way too numerous to list.

Is it just fine that some politician's wife or husband or son or daughter uses that connection to get paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to lobby?

And why would a lobbying firm hire that relative if not for the certainty of being able to influence that politician?

These questions require honest answers, so maybe you should punt.
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there are plenty of things to do besides become a lobbyist.

And one of them is TO become a lobbyist -- and thankfully -- your permission or approval is not required.

So if our presidents wife started a Soros lobbyist group?

You right wingers would be fully supportive of her doing that?

Seems like I recall some hillary talk from a while back about she should just be a presidents wife and not active in govt?

"Two for the price of one" drove wingnuts absolutely fucking crazy.
And one of them is TO become a lobbyist -- and thankfully -- your permission or approval is not required.

So if our presidents wife started a Soros lobbyist group?

You right wingers would be fully supportive of her doing that?

Seems like I recall some hillary talk from a while back about she should just be a presidents wife and not active in govt?

"Two for the price of one" drove wingnuts absolutely fucking crazy.

Hypocrisy drives people crazy. There is plenty enough to go around on both sides of the Aisle.
Judge Thomas has been a very good Associate Justice, and his wife's political views, words and actions have no bearing on his own views, words, actions and decisions.

The OP states not one coherent reason why Justice Thomas should step down.

Indeed, there is no good ground relating to his wife that should make him even give consideration to such a liberally wishful bit of thinking.

Just when I thought you couldn't possibly be more dishonest.

I was, of course, perfectly honest, you flatulent twat. You just don't agree with my assessment of Justice Thomas. That's ok. You aren't required to agree, ya moron.

But your idiotic and baseless and ignorant disagreement doesn't make me a liar on that point, stupid.

Good grief, some of you liberoidals truly are fuckwits. Assholes like Simpleholic in particular.
Justice Thomas is married to Virginia Thomas, who this past week announced she is opening a conservative lobbying shop, libertyinc.co. Virginia Thomas, a self-styled "ambassador to the Tea Party" creates a conflict for her husband in cases where she has represented one of the parties, and he should not hear such cases.

http://www.nytimes.com/2011/02/05/u...ml?_r=1&scp=1&sq=thomas wife tea party&st=cse

But beyond that, his wife's ambition and extremist views make me uncomfy with Thomas hearing any further SCOTUS cases.

Thomas has been a controversial appointment since Day One and has not covered himself in glory since assuming his robes. I say it is time for him to resign altogether.


Non Issue. If you wish to take this tact? Seeing Michelle-My-Belle Obama's activities, activism? Perhaps Obama should step down, NO?
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I suggest everyone read and consider the issue of ethics as it relates to USSC Justices. A first reading of the link above may help; some may need to read the principle of Stare Decisis and all of us need to understand that Justices of the USSC are human beings and carry with them the same strengths and weaknesses of all of us. Yet they MUST be held to a higher standard for they have great power and a life time appointment.

The reason I pointed this out to you in the first place was to prove to you that the code does not apply to the Supreme Court. You really should read links before you start crowing that you are right and everyone else is wrong.

This code applies to United States circuit judges, district judges, Court of International Trade judges, Court of Federal Claims judges, bankruptcy judges, and magistrate judges.Certain provisions of this code aplly to special masters and commissioners as indicated in the "Compliance" section. The Tax Court, Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims, and the Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces have adopted this Code.
Wow, look at that, not a single word about the Supreme Court, or even the Court of Appeals.
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I suggest everyone read and consider the issue of ethics as it relates to USSC Justices. A first reading of the link above may help; some may need to read the principle of Stare Decisis and all of us need to understand that Justices of the USSC are human beings and carry with them the same strengths and weaknesses of all of us. Yet they MUST be held to a higher standard for they have great power and a life time appointment.

I still see no problem worthy of Impeachment.

Nor do I. If you read the OP I didn't suggest impeachment. I do feel Thomas and Scalia, Roberts and Alito put ideology first and consider Stare Desisis on matters they oppose as an annoyance (as well as the rights of the hoi polloi).
It's good to remember the words of Lord Acton: "Power tends to corrupt, absolute power corrupts absolutely."

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