Kaboom! Joe Biden ha sa Mega Booming Economy and todays Data Proves it Beyond all Doubt

I'm living life under the Biden economy not looking at numbers on a spreadsheet, tard.

Bidens economy sucks ass.
+4.9% GDP !!!
What a smoker, all Patriotic Americans should rejoice this incredible data.

GDP is the true test of an economy, growth is everything, and is used to determine an economies strength.
Trump never had 3% GDP growth annually ever. Biden just gave us a +4.9% quarter, Trump never even had 4% for 1 quarter

Trump never put up numbers close to this good ever, and Trump exploded the deficit every year of his presidency, but still could not put up this growth.

Facts and data prove all, and the facts prove Biden has a booming economy, with the best labor market in US history, 50 year lows in unemployment, lower deficits than Trump's mega massive out of control deficits, and much better GDP growth than Trump.

Republicans can post any lie they want, but the data and facts prove all, and they prove Biden has a better economy than Trump across all metrics.

More lies from the left,,,,,,,GDP is highly manipulated to show whatever numbers they want by TRICKS. Eg; when they mention Steak price, they use cheap hamburger pricing. NUMBERS DO NOT EQUATE TO THE HEALTH OF THE ECONOMY.

Look at the jobs and fxck the GDP,,,,,,Trump had more good jobs than the last 48 years. Now the DemonRats are flooding the country with Dirt poor Hispanics, Africans and who knows what else AND THE Big Business DemonRats are giving people MONEY and WORK PERMITS. ANOTHER WIN FOR THE CORPORATIONS AND CHEAP LABOR.
Biden has the US pumping more oil and nat gas than under Trump
lower annual deficit than what he inherited from Trump
better GDP growth than what Trump had
lower unemployment than Trump
and a better jobv market than Trump

I know people hate this. The treasonous America hating traitors hate this so bad, they are squirming and crying as they read this and have to accept that Biden's economy is better than Trump's.
Yes because those jobs are GIG work like DOORDASH. I see struggling Seniors Dashing because they have to, while Biden is giving illegals free housing, health care, cash, food stamps, job training,,,,,,,,DO YOU SEE A PROBLEM ?

Yes Pumping oil out of our Strategic Reserves and into the hands of the Chinese. The only reason that Biden is lowering the price of oil is because of the Election year.

Biden and his Globalist handlers hate NATION STATES and are working to destroy them via mass migration. They hate America and ESPECIALLY THE MIDDLE CLASS. Strange how young people cannot see that THEY ARE THE TARGET and they have been purposely DUMBED DOWN via CRT and No Child Left Behind. American kids are concerned about Social Justice while Arabs, Asians, Hispanics are studying Calculus, Biotechnology, engineering and they are taking all of Bidens "Good Jobs".

The only reason people are living large now is because they are LIVING ON CREDIT CARDS and Biden effectively postponed Student Loan payments till the election run up.

Study This Picture,,,,you will see Nelson Rockefeller getting Cozy with Trotsky. The Billionaire Robber Barons Created Communism to fool the masses.


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More lies from the left,,,,,,,GDP is highly manipulated to show whatever numbers they want by TRICKS. Eg; when they mention Steak price, they use cheap hamburger pricing. NUMBERS DO NOT EQUATE TO THE HEALTH OF THE ECONOMY.

Look at the jobs and fxck the GDP,,,,,,Trump had more good jobs than the last 48 years. Now the DemonRats are flooding the country with Dirt poor Hispanics, Africans and who knows what else AND THE Big Business DemonRats are giving people MONEY and WORK PERMITS. ANOTHER WIN FOR THE CORPORATIONS AND CHEAP LABOR.

Biden has better GDP than Trump, its all the same data and you are crying because Biden has a better economy than Trump

Biden has better GDP growth than Trump and a better economy
Biden has lower unemployment than Trump and a better labor market
Biden is pumping more oil and nat gas than Trump did
Biden has lowered the deficit from the massive number Trump had

Biden has outperformed Trump by a lot
+4.9% GDP !!!
What a smoker, all Patriotic Americans should rejoice this incredible data.

GDP is the true test of an economy, growth is everything, and is used to determine an economies strength.
Trump never had 3% GDP growth annually ever. Biden just gave us a +4.9% quarter, Trump never even had 4% for 1 quarter

Trump never put up numbers close to this good ever, and Trump exploded the deficit every year of his presidency, but still could not put up this growth.

Facts and data prove all, and the facts prove Biden has a booming economy, with the best labor market in US history, 50 year lows in unemployment, lower deficits than Trump's mega massive out of control deficits, and much better GDP growth than Trump.

Republicans can post any lie they want, but the data and facts prove all, and they prove Biden has a better economy than Trump across all metrics.

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

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