Kaepernick to Baltimore?

Back, out 2-6 weeks. He'd be a solid back-up for Flacco.
Back-up, yes. Solid? There is a reason he stunk so bad and was released by the 49ers. There is a reason 31 teams have passed on him. He is a distraction and he doesn't have the talent to offset his distraction. If you are worth the distraction, you will play, if not, you will not. Greg Hardy, Adam Jones, had talent to offset the distraction, Tim Tebow and Johnny Manziel did not.
It'd be interesting to find out and ironic if he took over and led them to a SB win.
SB? I know you don't mean Super Bowl. Kapernick? We're talking about the worst QB in football. I'll take geno smith over kapernick any day, and I'm not saying that because I don't like kapernick, I don't, but that has no bearing.
He damn near already won a SB. He isn't that old. I'd love the irony of him winning one for Baltimore, because that's the team he lost to and it would prove once and for all, which Harbaugh brother is better.

Kapernick started off playing well, but then he proved he couldn't sustain his good play. A lot of QB's flame out. He hasn't played well in years. If there was any chance of him leading a team to a SB you would have teams clamoring over his services, regardless of his politics.
In truth, if they had not tried to teach him to be a pocket passer, he would likely have remained a premiere QB. But they didn't, and he became a royal screw-up trying to get back to relevance.

Maybe the other Harbaugh could get him back to what he was when he won 2 of 3 NFC titles. Who knows. I do know that if he plays SF, I'm rooting for him to get his head knocked off. lol
jorjio, Colin is not nearly so horrible as hardy, jones, timmy zero, and jonni felon.

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