Kamala just said the quiet part out loud. She will work on a "pathway" to citizenship for the millions of illegals flooding into our country!

If someone works hard, obeys the law and is a good member of the community, thdy should be welcomed as citizens

These citizens are just as likely to vote Republican
We can't have that standard and still provide governmental services to immigrants. If you want to go back to the days of Ellis Island where immigrants were free to starve and die in the streets from exposure, you can have that standard. Even in the days of Ellis Island, immigrants were screened by both the shipping companies and the staff at Ellis Island and many were returned to their ports of origin.
Well just like we've been saying all along, The Democrat Regime goal is to create a brand new loyal voting bloc made up of illegal border crashers. Elizabeth Warren joined her in committing to this "pathway" to citizenship. And what they mean by "pathway" is rubber stamp citizenship just like they rubber stamp every single person that shows up at our border and says "I claim Asylum". You can't get any more clear proof that the Democrats are working for One Party Rule and could care less on the impact on our country and it's poorest citizens.

She is bringing in tons more. There is no limit to the repopulation plans the dems have in mind for the USA. In this 2019 interview with NPR, Kamala said she is open to 60 million + asylum seekers coming into the country.

It is near the end of the 7 minute NPR audio...




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