Kamala Repeats the Fine People Hoax as Leftists Refuse to Condemn BLM and Antifa


Diamond Member
Sep 24, 2010
During the Biden Kamala debate, the fine people hoax is repeated again. These people lie, lie and lie, in a desperate attempt to bamboozle idiots who should have never been given voting rights.

President Trump stated in the very same paragraph that he condemns white nationalists totally, as we all know. Meanwhile Biden stands for Antifa and kneels for BLM. Apparently these two need not to be condemned, because they promote communism, and death cults are fine when in the name of that ideology.
White Supremest a have been classified as “Domestic Terrorist” by the FBI and DHS, Antifa and BLM have not been declared ”Domestic Terrorist“ by the FBI or DHS.
Only clueless Trump cultist believe BLM and Antifa are “Domestic Terrorist”.
FYI, I am no fan of Antifa, period. But like anyone who actually gives a shit about their country, I am strongly against fascists, thus my strong destain for Donald J Trump.
White Supremest a have been classified as “Domestic Terrorist” by the FBI and DHS, Antifa and BLM have not been declared ”Domestic Terrorist“ by the FBI or DHS.
Only clueless Trump cultist believe BLM and Antifa are “Domestic Terrorist”.
FYI, I am no fan of Antifa, period. But like anyone who actually gives a shit about their country, I am strongly against fascists, thus my strong destain for Donald J Trump.

"White supremacism" is not an organization, it truly is an idea. Hence it can't be ruled "terrorist".

Antifa is an organization and can be ruled terrorist. But regardless what they are ruled, they are a communist death cult.
White Supremacy as a "movement" personified by the KKK and other organizations is almost 2 centuries old and their "history of violence" includes lynchings and other acts of violence that really do not happen anymore.

BLM was created in 2014, and it is an organization that is well funded by George Soros and others. Antifa is even newer and claims they are not organized, but they have sub-organizations that are highly organized, enough to have an official faceBook page (several of them actually)

Or this one with 28,000 followers: Rose City Antifa

Personally, I think both sides are equally stupid and evil. They are both the same, just on opposite sides.
Why does Trump struggle to denounce White Supremacy?
It should be easy

Do you denounce White Supremacy? Hell Yes
End of story

But with Trump, it takes days. Days for him to make a statement. Days to clarify what he “really meant”. Days to walk back what he said

This does not change the fact that he has already denounced them repeatedly, including to Chris Wallace in 2016, and it is unfair that he is targetted for something that is NOT HIS RESPONSIBILITY. If that is what you believe then Joe Biden has also failed to denounce Antifa and BLM.

I showed this before. It is footage from a 2014 documentary by Oliver Stone on Ukraine. Who do you see in it? Antifa (Guy Fawkes masks) and people in BLM T-shirts. This Color Revolution was widely funded by George Soros. You can't say they are not organized.

Famous movie producer Oliver Stone made "Ukraine on Fire: The Real Story." He is no flake or right-winger. The fact that he made this documentary is a gift to us from the past never knowing how much it would reveal about the future.

- you can jump ahead to 41:32 minutes in if you want, but I recommend you watch the whole thing. Be sure to go to 45:55 and see the protestors wearing Guy Fawkes Masks and carrying Black Lives Matter posters, These images are from 2014!!! Keep watching from that point and you see the whole picture of how the 2020 Color Revolution is already in play.

Say PROGS, give us that video of Trump saying white supremacists are fine people. Surely you can provide one, after-all, the Democrats have fucked you dry on the idea four years now.
Kamala also trotted out the lie about Trump calling servicemen "suckers & losers" (or whatever). That "quote" was from an article with anonymous sources who were never identified, but John Bolton (who is no friend of Trump's) was there and he said he never heard him say that.

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