Kamaltoe Harris: My EO Seizing Assault Weapons Would Be Constitutional Because "Yes We Can"

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Joe Biden had attempted to inject some sanity in the Democratic debate over gun control by noting that presidents don’t have the authority in the Constitution to order seizures of firearms and banning guns.

Harris, a former AG, literally laughed off that concern when ABC News anchor David Muir asked her about it

Kamala Harris replied to Biden's claim that her proposed exec order would be unconstitutional by *laughing* and blithely saying "instead of saying no we can't, how about yes we can".

HARRIS: Well, I mean, I would just say, hey, Joe, instead of saying, no, we can’t, let’s say yes, we can.

BIDEN: Let’s be constitutional. We’ve got a Constitution.

HARRIS: And yes, we can, because I’ll tell you something. The way that I think about this is, I’ve seen more autopsy photographs than I care to tell you.

(Excerpt) Read more at hotair.com ...


IF there’s one thing that we can give the POTUS credit for, it’s the snatching off of the mask that the Party of INFANTICIDE has been hiding behind for along time. And what’s underneath it is a sight to behold. Of course, most of us already knew what was under there. Under that so-called, mild-mannered, liberal mask was a full-blown, outright communist party that is hell-bent on destroying our nation and all it stands for as we now know it. The communists knew they could never take us on the field of battle. It took years of infiltration into our education and political systems to get to where they are today. They’ve now taken over the traditional democratic party and their mask has been ripped off. So now here we stand, face-to-face, against this new communist party. These communist SOBs need to be stopped..BIG TIME. It is imperative that every single one of us gets out and votes. And we need to drag friends, relatives, neighbors that will vote for Trump with us.
Our nation, culture, way of life, everything we hold dear and future generations are depending on us.
Had Clinton won the white house it may well gave had a chance to be "constitutional"

Trump could do nothing but golf for 4 years, but losing the court with this much turnover during this period will bite the dems in the ass for years.
Any Executive Order would likely be deemed unconstitutional by the courts, however as President she could declare martial law and with that declaration totally justify the reasons that the 2nd Amendment exists in the first place.
She is a loud mouth piece of shit like the rest of the Democrats. Another comedy show of a debate last night.

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Joe Biden is obviously suffering from dementia.

Yet he is still the sanest one in the whole Democrat clown car.
Gee, it wasn't even 3 months ago arrogant, ignorant, emotionally manipulated / indoctrinated snowflakes were feverishly making posts mocking Conservatives for entertaining the idea that the Democrats were coming for their guns...

...and now the 2020 anti-Constitutional Socialist Extremist hopefuls are openly declaring their intent to disarm law-abiding citizens, stripping them of their Constitutional right to bare arms....TO COME FOR YOYR GUNS!

It's easy to be manipulated and conned when you've got your head shoved up your are ... or up your master's...

To continue to not only follow them but to also lie for them and defend them is akin to sheep defending and trusting wolves...

I agree that the Communists have taken over the Democrat Party.

It used to be considered a low-down McCarthyist tactics to say so, but now that the Democrats have been using McCarthyism against Trump for the last three years, fair is fair, we can do it too.

The Communists not only control the Democrats, they control every political group on the left side of the spectrum.

There is no doubt that the LGBT movement, the feminist movement, the environmental movement, the unions, the universities and colleges, Hollywood, the media, the Fortune 500 companies, Wall Street, Silicon Valley, the Girl Scouts, the Boy Scouts, many charities, many Protestant mainline churches, even many elements within the Catholic Church, are firmly under the control of the Communists.

We can do our part and vote Republican, but eventually that might not save us, and we will have to resort to civil war to take back control of our country. That is why we must keep our guns, that is something we must insist on, and if any government tries to seize our guns, that government is invalid and the civil war begins.

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