Tungsten/Glass Member
As Tree has already pointed out in another thread, it is funny how trunks of uncounted ballots are always found and every vote is for a demofk!!! that is statistically impossible. Just is.
Each election people have YEARS in-between to fix problems. If people are loading boxes of ballots into vehicles to take to a location to be counted, just how are they being misplaced or forgotten about? Worse, OTOH, authorities keep telling us how important voter confidence is and how worried they are about misinformation, then they perennially botch the entire process that for 250 years we did routinely on time without high technology!
More people? Not THAT many more people, besides, if there is more people to count then there ought to be more people to DO the counting. And again, we now have machines and computers speeding stuff up, we ain't counting punch cards.
If you balance a pencil on its point and let go, maybe once in a million times it will fall straight to the side, yet now we are to believe that in these bad times, people are still straight down the middle on every issue, every candidate?
If we had a massive earthquake killing millions and one candidate was FOR earthquakes and the other against, would that too end up 49/51 needing days and days to decide how people feel?