Karine Jean-Pierre blasted for warning it may take ‘a few days’ to count votes: ‘This insanity has to stop’

As Tree has already pointed out in another thread, it is funny how trunks of uncounted ballots are always found and every vote is for a demofk!!! that is statistically impossible. Just is.

Each election people have YEARS in-between to fix problems. If people are loading boxes of ballots into vehicles to take to a location to be counted, just how are they being misplaced or forgotten about? Worse, OTOH, authorities keep telling us how important voter confidence is and how worried they are about misinformation, then they perennially botch the entire process that for 250 years we did routinely on time without high technology!

More people? Not THAT many more people, besides, if there is more people to count then there ought to be more people to DO the counting. And again, we now have machines and computers speeding stuff up, we ain't counting punch cards.

If you balance a pencil on its point and let go, maybe once in a million times it will fall straight to the side, yet now we are to believe that in these bad times, people are still straight down the middle on every issue, every candidate?

If we had a massive earthquake killing millions and one candidate was FOR earthquakes and the other against, would that too end up 49/51 needing days and days to decide how people feel?
With the Left determined to do whatever it takes to win, and the Right mostly determined to do nothing there are only two potential final outcomes to all this in the long term......

1). Marxists Leftists achieve absolute control over America much like the Nazis gained complete control over Germany. (Likely)
2). An unavoidable uprising by the Right finally becomes necessary and the Left is put down by whatever means necessary. (UNlikely)
Thanks for the laugh.

You are hereby given the medal for one of the most outrageous conspiracy theories ( read LIES) ever posted about Democrats and Republicans.

Geesh, some people simply cannot wait for the outcome of an election.
"Progressive" democrats are a small number of the Democratic Party.

People like yourself like to claim that ALL Democrats are progressive and therefore FAR-LEFT to SCARE the Republican voters.

It is hard to believe that you do NOT know that so many Republicans are going to vote for the Democrats this election, just as it happened in 2016 and 2018, and 2020.

Just Waaaiiiittttt. until all of the votes are counted. ALL of them.

You added nine unnecessary blank likes to this post.
You are truly shooting blanks in every sense :spinner:
Another thread where the Republicans are arguing that we shouldn't count all legally placed votes. If a citizen votes legally their vote should count. When it is counted is prescribed by law and it isnt before midnight on the voting day.
That's the problem, even if there wasn't one vote messed with, the allegations will have merit because people will ask "why could we count all the votes in the 1990s in one day but now it takes days??
The presidential race took a month in 1999/2000
With the Left determined to do whatever it takes to win, and the Right mostly determined to do nothing

But, wasn't that the line of BS that the GOP was feeding us in 2020?

Remember all the republicans claiming Trump wasn't a "true conservative?" And the number of republicans bragging that they valued holding to their "true principles of conservatism" rather than compromise to vote for a guy like Trump? A guy like what? A winner? Find me a republican who can name a single issue Trump ran on or did that so bothered any republican?

Basically what these idiots were saying is that they'd rather lose than change to remain competitive to assure that the winner was someone who would carry forward their own plans for America. What kind of party does that? A party which thinks so little of itself that its methods are more important than its success?

That sounds more like a rationalization for DEFEAT. People only do that in a ONE-PARTY system where the other party is a fraud just put up there to give people a false sense that they actually have a choice. And now here comes MAGA offering people a real choice!

No matter no one but honest, intelligent people like them-- -- that leaves out the entire D party, most of the R party, and all of the media as well.
[You are in India. This is the USA.

Many States decided to pass bills which only allow the start of counting of the votes after the polls close.

It is not incompetence, it is not irresponsibility. It is the way it has been for some time.

There are also all the absentee votes which are coming from Americans and Military who live abroad.

If your intention is to put doubt in people's mind, especially Republicans, forget it. ]

The chances of knowing which party will control the U.S. Senate on election night 2022 is increasingly small, and the chances of knowing who won every single U.S. House and statewide race is zero. As Americans we should not consider that evidence of fraud, instead, we should understand it to be evidence of a careful, successfully administered, functional election. And as citizens, we have an obligation to push back against those who falsely and recklessly paint that scenario as something uncommon, unforeseen, and sinister.

In 2020, election night became “election week” as the counting of absentee ballots across a bevy of close states delayed most networks declaring who won the presidency and certain close House and Senate races. Since 2020, misinformation, disinformation, election-related conspiracy theories, and election denialism has thrived, and they will be a vocal minority once again after the election.

According to the National Conference of State Legislatures, there are numerous ways in which states are required to process and/or count early and absentee ballots. Some states can process these ballots prior to Election Day, while others cannot even begin processing those ballots until Election Day. The counting of early and absentee ballots varies, too. Some states can begin counting prior to Election Day (although results are not made public). Other states can begin counting prior to polls closing on Election Day, but not prior to that date. Still others cannot begin counting votes until after polls close on Election Day.

As the table below shows, the intersection of the timing of processing and counting of early and absentee votes varies dramatically. In some states, early and absentee ballots cannot be processed until Election Day and cannot be counted until after the polls close on election night.


*Source: [ii] National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) *Connecticut allows processing to begin at the discretion of the local registrar of voters. *Ohio allows processing to begin before counting at a time determined by the board of elections. *Maryland does not permit the processing of absentee/mail ballots until 10 a.m. on Thursday after an election, based on state regulation.Prior to the 2020 election, few people voted early or absentee. However, because of COVID-19, many state legislatures, governors, and other election officials implemented measuresto make voting early or by absentee much easier, in an effort to make voting safer for one’s personal health. This swelled the number of voters using early and absentee methods, to historic levels. According to the New York Times, more than 101 million Americans voted in this way in 2020.

Between 2020 and 2022 many states kept in place numerous changes to their voting procedures, making early and absentee voting much easier. While fewer people will take advantage of these procedures both because fewer votes will be cast in the 2022 midterms, relative to the 2020 presidential, and the share of in-person Election Day voters is expected to be higher this year than two years ago, early and absentee voters are expected to be dramatically higher than in 2018 and all previous elections. This reality puts significant pressure on state, county, and local election administrators to count millions of votes as quickly as possible. It also means in close races the true outcome may not be known for days. This is made more difficult in the many states in which mail-in absentee votes can still be accepted for days or even weeks after Election Day, so long as the ballot is postmarked on or before November 8. (A policy that applies to civilian and especially military ballots.)

Of the 11 states with competitive U.S. Senate and/or governors races, seven can begin processing early and absentee ballots early.Why we won’t know much on election night Four—Michigan, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin—can only begin processing and counting ballots on Election Day. New Hampshire cannot even begin counting them until the polls close that night. Three other states—Georgia, North Carolina, and Texas—cannot count their pre-processed ballots until Election Day. It is no coincidence that many of these states were ground zero for 2020 election lawsuits, conspiracy theories and denialism, as Democratic-heavy early and absentee ballots were counted more slowly than in-person Election Day votes.

(full article online)

Progs started this election drama decades ago. Trusting you is death. We see it every day. We see people destroyed every day for flippant comments. Even some of your own is starting to be affected. Tyranny is a mutha.

Anyone who looks at this curve and determines there is nothing odd about it is a liar or moron.
Progs started this election drama decades ago. Trusting you is death. We see it every day. We see people destroyed every day for flippant comments. Even some of your own is starting to be affected. Tyranny is a mutha.
All talk and no facts. Show the facts. You do have lots of them, right?

Post them !
Another thread where the Republicans are arguing that we shouldn't count all legally placed votes. If a citizen votes legally their vote should count. When it is counted is prescribed by law and it isnt before midnight on the voting day.
prove they are complaining about legal ballots. I bet you are funnen us.
what part of unverified doesn't the stroke ass understand? Explain to him that is state law. He wishes to fight the state law go get it changed. It's very simple.
The presidential race took a month in 1999/2000
until SCOTUS stepped in to shut the demofks down.

It's always demofks. you fks contest every last election and then come in here and blame republicans. How can you live with yourself?
That never happened. Nice to be an agent for conspiracy theories, though. Which is what you are.
Oh but it did, and the evidence was there, but no Judge was going to open that can of worms after such a contentious election, and the Democrats counted on it. All of the unrequested absentee ballots that went out, and went back without verification of the signature is how they cheated, and will most likely try to do it today.

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