karl marx grave needs to be removed.

Karl Marx's London grave vandalised in suspected hammer attack

Someone had the guts to begin tearing down an abomination to humanity. I can't believe it isn't a public toilet but if I get the chance I will piss there someday.

You either understand what Marx was teaching or you
believe the lies that are told about what he taught.

You either understand what Marx was teaching or you
believe the lies that are told about what he taught.
Marx was a fucking idiot with no real understanding of anything and no manner of reliable foresight.

He said that socialism would eventually lead to communism, when, in fact, the reverse is true. Communism is a stateless Utopian society that is IMPOSSIBLE to achieve. As soon as "the People" own everything collectively, they will fight with each other over the management of the property and means of production...thus, requiring the State....aka Socialism.

Karl Marx was a motherfucking moron with ZERO understanding of economics or human nature.

I propose that anyone praising that brain-dead moron be automatically disqualified from certain professions due to lack of suitable intelligence.
The irony of Britannia fending off Hitler to provide dirt for Marx is incomprehensible.

WTF are the Limeys thinking about?
I don't know how a brilliant man like Winston Churchill (who hated commie bullshit) could tolerate that fucking disease of a moron remaining on British soil.

Karl Marx's London grave vandalised in suspected hammer attack

Someone had the guts to begin tearing down an abomination to humanity. I can't believe it isn't a public toilet but if I get the chance I will piss there someday.

You either understand what Marx was teaching or you
believe the lies that are told about what he taught.

View attachment 244366
Take your little fucking Karl Marx and shove him up your ass... He was a fucking piece of shit.
My high school philosophy teacher, who was a mousy little man who wore a suit and bow tie to class, told us he once went to London to see Karl Marx's grave.

The cemetery custodian took one look at my teacher and pointed him in the right direction of Karl Marx's grave.

My teacher asked the custodian how he knew he was looking for Karl Marx's grave.

"You look like the type," said the custodian.
Karl Marx's London grave vandalised in suspected hammer attack

Someone had the guts to begin tearing down an abomination to humanity. I can't believe it isn't a public toilet but if I get the chance I will piss there someday.

You either understand what Marx was teaching or you
believe the lies that are told about what he taught.

View attachment 244366
Take your little fucking Karl Marx and shove him up your ass... He was a fucking piece of shit.
i.e. he was a complete dumb fuck.
. . . I think it is probably best if I am cremated. . .
I'd like to piss on Andrew Jackson's grave...
and some day Dick Cheney's.
We get it, you’re an un-American piece of shit.
The most American here this evening apparently.
Dick Cheney fucked this country worse than any one person ever, you blithering, smugnorant worm.

We could ask you to back that up, but based on your posting history you have yet to do so with anything you have posted, so let's just cut to the chase and we can all ignore you!

Karl Marx has been dead since 1883 and right wingers are still afraid of him. Is it because they really do think that Capitalism sucks?
Karl Marx has been dead since 1883 and right wingers are still afraid of him. Is it because they really do think that Capitalism sucks?
Hitler has been dead since 1945 and left wingers still see Nazis in the oval office and on every street corner

Why would one be alert to the threat of fascism but not of communism which is far worse ?

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