karl marx grave needs to be removed.

Karl Marx's London grave vandalised in suspected hammer attack

Someone had the guts to begin tearing down an abomination to humanity. I can't believe it isn't a public toilet but if I get the chance I will piss there someday.
Maybe you should learn to read first?

Karl Marx - Wikipedia

"From an academic perspective, Marx's work contributed to the birth of modern sociology.

"He has been cited as one of the 19th century's three masters of the 'school of suspicion' alongside Friedrich Nietzsche and Sigmund Freud[264] and as one of the three principal architects of modern social science along with Émile Durkheim and Max Weber.[265]

"In contrast to other philosophers, Marx offered theories that could often be tested with the scientific method.[19]

"Both Marx and Auguste Comte set out to develop scientifically justified ideologies in the wake of European secularisation and new developments in the philosophies of history and science.

"Working in the Hegelian tradition, Marx rejected Comtean sociological positivism in attempt to develop a science of society.[266]

"Karl Löwith considered Marx and Søren Kierkegaard to be the two greatest Hegelian philosophical successors.[267]

"In modern sociological theory, Marxist sociology is recognised as one of the main classical perspectives.

"Isaiah Berlin considers Marx the true founder of modern sociology 'in so far as anyone can claim the title'.[268]

"Beyond social science, he has also had a lasting legacy in philosophy, literature, the arts and the humanities.[269][270][271][272]"
Karl Marx has been dead since 1883 and right wingers are still afraid of him. Is it because they really do think that Capitalism sucks?
Hitler has been dead since 1945 and left wingers still see Nazis in the oval office and on every street corner

Why would one be alert to the threat of fascism but not of communism which is far worse ?
I don`t see Nazis on every corner or in the Whitehouse but the orange man did gain high office using religious and racial hatred. He may not be a Nazi but some of his Deplorables are indeed Nazi sympathizers with the losers in Charlottesville being a prime example.
I don`t see Nazis on every corner or in the Whitehouse but the orange man did gain high office using religious and racial hatred. He may not be a Nazi but some of his Deplorables are indeed Nazi sympathizers with the losers in Charlottesville being a prime example.
Speaking of weapons grade stupid...
Speaking of weapons Pete is firing blanks this morning...as usual.
I'd like to piss on Andrew Jackson's grave...
and some day Dick Cheney's.

by the time you assholes get done stripping this nation from everything we were built on, You will be pissing when ordered stupid fk, just like you will exist on an ORDER TO OBEY your HITLER. LEARN history stupid fks. Better yet COMPREHEND WHAT HISTORY IS AND WHY IT IS NEEDED then pass it on once your anti american brain grows a bit if ever.




And you sheep fks are so stupid you won't ever see it coming !! The NWO as Bush mentioned dozens of times in his speeches.
The only threat to Marx grave in "New" Highgate is it being buried under tons of depleted lip-balm tubes. Left by liberal Americans who queue up daily to kiss the bastard's ass then find the cold metal tears the skin off their tender little lips. If they had any brain left at all they'd hold back their adulations until summer but noooooooo....

Maybe they're rushing because Britain may be closed after the end of March?
What difference do people think that they are going to make by doing whatever want to where ever a person's name is placed? Why isn't that person being dead enough for them?

God bless you always!!!

What difference do people think that they are going to make by doing whatever want to where ever a person's name is placed? Why isn't that person being dead enough for them?

God bless you always!!!

When you come from the sort of Ayn Rand school of "greed is good", then I suppose a statue of Karl Marx to them would be like a statue of Satan to Holy Rollers.
Karl Marx has been dead since 1883 and right wingers are still afraid of him. Is it because they really do think that Capitalism sucks?
Hitler has been dead since 1945 and left wingers still see Nazis in the oval office and on every street corner

Why would one be alert to the threat of fascism but not of communism which is far worse ?
I don`t see Nazis on every corner or in the Whitehouse but the orange man did gain high office using religious and racial hatred. He may not be a Nazi but some of his Deplorables are indeed Nazi sympathizers with the losers in Charlottesville being a prime example.

And there are far more communists running around than fascists and communists are far worse.
Karl Marx's London grave vandalised in suspected hammer attack

Someone had the guts to begin tearing down an abomination to humanity. I can't believe it isn't a public toilet but if I get the chance I will piss there someday.
Maybe you should learn to read first?

Karl Marx - Wikipedia

"From an academic perspective, Marx's work contributed to the birth of modern sociology.

"He has been cited as one of the 19th century's three masters of the 'school of suspicion' alongside Friedrich Nietzsche and Sigmund Freud[264] and as one of the three principal architects of modern social science along with Émile Durkheim and Max Weber.[265]

"In contrast to other philosophers, Marx offered theories that could often be tested with the scientific method.[19]

"Both Marx and Auguste Comte set out to develop scientifically justified ideologies in the wake of European secularisation and new developments in the philosophies of history and science.

"Working in the Hegelian tradition, Marx rejected Comtean sociological positivism in attempt to develop a science of society.[266]

"Karl Löwith considered Marx and Søren Kierkegaard to be the two greatest Hegelian philosophical successors.[267]

"In modern sociological theory, Marxist sociology is recognised as one of the main classical perspectives.

"Isaiah Berlin considers Marx the true founder of modern sociology 'in so far as anyone can claim the title'.[268]

"Beyond social science, he has also had a lasting legacy in philosophy, literature, the arts and the humanities.[269][270][271][272]"
Thats nice except it is also false.

NONE of Marx's theories can be scientifically tested.

Every prediction he ever made was absolutely false.

the followers of his ideology have committed more genocide than any one else in the twentieth century

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