Katie Couric Trashes Trump Supporters

Well, she's right. Just because you're an average hard-working person, doesn't mean you can't be manipulated into hating. It happens constantly. That's mostly sad.
Hate Is Part of the Survival Instinct. It's the Opposite of Fear.

Americans have had their language usage mangled by the unmanly. "Hate" has been twisted into being nastry all the time. We're not allowed to believe in a healthy hatred.

"Survival of the Fittest" is also misleading. It should be luxury for the fittest, and comfort for anyone who is in any way fit. But "Survival of the Fatherest" does mean misery for everyone else and eventual extinction of its civilization.
This woman has a brain the size of a pea. She considers herself an objective journalist?

/——/ According to Wikipedia, Cutie Katie Couric hasn’t had a broadcasting gig since 2014. Looks like she’s just trying to stay relevant.

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