Keeping Muslims Out Is Not Enough. We Need to Deport Many who Are Here Now


So why is it that the MSM keeps on bringing these thugs on their news shows and giving them air time, as if they had an ounce of decency and validity as being spokesmen for all Muslims ? And here's a picture of their top dog, Nihad Awad, whom FBI agents refer to as "Jihad Awad"
So you do know that sedition would require a trial and conviction.

Anyone who is convicted of sedition- I am all in favor of being thrown in prison. Like the persons convicted in the Holy Land Foundation- happy to see them go to jail.

Now you just have to actually find evidence, and convict every other Muslim American you want to through in prison.
Many Muslim Brotherhood operatives have been identified by the US Justice Dept as just that (which is in itself an indictment of sedition) They also made a list of dozens of Muslim Brotherhood front organizations.. You do know the EM, right ? Or are you just popping in here like some mindless stray cat ?

As I said- I am fine with anyone being prosecuted and convicted of a crime.

Unlike yourself- I don't put the noose in front of the conviction.

This creep, Mohamed Elibiary, was reappointed to the US Homeland Security Advisory Council, and then promoted to a Sr. Fellow position, has a long list of Islamist/jihadist activity. Elibiary has defended Muslim Brotherhood luminary Sayyid Qutb , Ayatollah Khomeini, and radical New York Imam Siraj Wahhaj. He has asserted conspiracy theories, supported terror-related individuals and organizations and accused the government of mounting a war against Islam.

Elibiary is the registered agent for the North Texas Islamic Council (NTIC), and one of the directors is H. Mustafaa Carroll, who is also the executive director of the Houston chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) CAIR is a Muslim Brotherhood-linked group in the U.S. that was formed as part of a Hamas-support network in the U.S. Elibiary was featured in a CNN piece in December 2009 as a “deradicalizer.” He likened the allure of radicalism among American Muslim teens to “at-risk gangbangers", Some of his statements and actions, however, expose an affinity for some of modern Islam’s most radical ideologues.

Elibiary has defended Sayyid Qutb, the Islamist ideologue credited with inspiring the Muslim Brotherhood and terrorist groups including al-Qaida In December 2004, Elibiary spoke at a conference held in honor of Iran’s Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini entitled, “A Tribute to Great Islamic Visionary.”

In a 2006 e-mail exchange, Elibiary accused columnist Rod Dreher of having “the reputation of being a Klansman without a hood in the Dallas Muslim community.” He further warned Dreher against treating Muslims unfairly, saying “Treat people as inferiors and you can expect someone to put a banana in your exhaust pipe or something.”

The list just goes on and on for this jihadist, unbelievably having held a job in Us Homkeland Security. For a fuller check of his pile of dirty laundry, click the link >>>
As I said- I am fine with anyone being prosecuted and convicted of a crime.

Unlike yourself- I don't put the noose in front of the conviction.
That's because you are ignorant of who needs the noose. But then as you keep reading this thread, your ignorance is being cured. (if you are reading it) Caution: there might be a quiz coming up. :biggrin:

PS - convictions begin with charges.

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