Keith OLBERBMAN fired from current

As if replacing him with Spitzer is going to help the ratings...

Kicked off of MSNBC....then Current????
What next....FlowerTV?
The same rw's who didn't want lush fired believe it was right to fire Olbermann.

Can we have a show of hands, please?

How many are surprised at this hypocrisy?

A loud barrage of excuses in 3... 2...
The same rw's who didn't want lush fired believe it was right to fire Olbermann.

Can we have a show of hands, please?

How many are surprised at this hypocrisy?

A loud barrage of excuses in 3... 2...

Rush has his own show, he can't be "fired". But then facts were never your strong point.
The same rw's who didn't want lush fired believe it was right to fire Olbermann.

Can we have a show of hands, please?

How many are surprised at this hypocrisy?

A loud barrage of excuses in 3... 2...

Apples and cow pies...

While I find Rush generally annoying and what he said repugnant, that is more of an issue of free speech.

Olbermann, who I find equally annoying and the things he says just as repugnant (and this has been the case since I lived in So. Cal. and he was working the local news), his is, based on all I have read, a case of a fued/disagreement with management.
The same rw's who didn't want lush fired believe it was right to fire Olbermann.

Can we have a show of hands, please?

How many are surprised at this hypocrisy?

A loud barrage of excuses in 3... 2...

You are aware of course that Keith was fired by Al Gore? A far left Liberal Democrat. That Keith had a contract as an employee to the channel, where as Rush owns his own show and has a contract not as an employee but as a contributor to the stations he is on?

Kicked off of MSNBC....then Current????
What next....FlowerTV?


Olberman's a punk who's been striving for relevance for years. It's pretty bad when he can't even make it with the ultra-leftists.
Olberman's a punk who's been striving for relevance for years. It's pretty bad when he can't even make it with the ultra-leftists.

no according leftists, Current is corporate run, right wing media, I love it when they use that. I cant wait unitl they call Olbermann a right winger, it'll happen, he might actually speak the truth once.
Olberdouche hooked up with "His" people and could not even get along with them.
What a ....Douche.
Current was pretty stupid for hiring him to start with.

This wasn't like hiring Cenk Ugyar or whatever his name is. Cenk got fired because he didn't toe the party line, but he was professional. Olberman was a ball of ego, and they should have realized it early on, from the fact he's been fired from about three places previously.

Really, Olbermann's biggest problem was that he only got famous by being the voice of Bush Derangement Syndrome. When Bush went off to enjoy retirement, there was Olbie, still being mad at a guy who wasn't playing anymore...

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