Kelly-Ann Conway Divorces Her Husband.

always liked her. when i heard Milo Yiannopolos is a fan of hers, i knew she was a winner

George Conway is a piece of work.
Finally the former Trump Spokeswoman has come to her senses and is kicking him to the curb.

LOL. Love the Twitter handle. "Kellyanne Conway Finally Divorces 'Extremely Unattractive Loser".
Sure, like she's a catch. Well, maybe in the foaming at the mouth, bat shit crazy way like MTG is...but man....that's five miles of bad dirt road. :auiqs.jpg:
She's going to pledge her allegiance to Trump and go down with the MAGA ship. Good for George. I realize opposites might attract (Carville/Matalin) but as soon as she went MAGA, I'd have kicked her to the curb.
I married a Democrat but within a few months she dumped the Democrat Party. Nowadays she is more Conservative than I am. She even converted her father, who held elected office once as a Democrat.

Kellianne's ex looks like a drunk Jim Belushi.
I married a Democrat but within a few months she dumped the Democrat Party. Nowadays she is more Conservative than I am. She even converted her father, who held elected office once as a Democrat.

Kellianne's ex looks like a drunk Jim Belushi.
He reminds me more of what his brother John would look like today.
George Conway (George Salazar) once dated Laura Ingraham. let's see if he comes back to her?

does this mean Kellyanne retains her original last name and becomes Kellyanne Fitzpatrick?

Kellyanne was a liberal growing up, and wore an impeach Nixon shirt as a kid, according to her memoir
LOL. Love the Twitter handle. "Kellyanne Conway Finally Divorces 'Extremely Unattractive Loser".
Sure, like she's a catch. Well, maybe in the foaming at the mouth, bat shit crazy way like MTG is...but man....that's five miles of bad dirt road. :auiqs.jpg:
She's going to pledge her allegiance to Trump and go down with the MAGA ship. Good for George. I realize opposites might attract (Carville/Matalin) but as soon as she went MAGA, I'd have kicked her to the curb.

Better than the 10 dollar street walkers you frequent.
I married a Democrat but within a few months she dumped the Democrat Party. Nowadays she is more Conservative than I am. She even converted her father, who held elected office once as a Democrat.

Kellianne's ex looks like a drunk Jim Belushi.
My story too. I started out as a Democrat as was everyone in my family but eventually as they shifted further and further left and away from my core beliefs, I eventually dumped them. My husband, actually more conservative than I am, hung on as a Democrat until Hillary's proposed healthcare overhaul, gave up on the Dems and joined the GOP.

Given the history there, I seriously doubt politics was the reason for the Conway divorce.
LOL. Love the Twitter handle. "Kellyanne Conway Finally Divorces 'Extremely Unattractive Loser".
Sure, like she's a catch. Well, maybe in the foaming at the mouth, bat shit crazy way like MTG is...but man....that's five miles of bad dirt road. :auiqs.jpg:
She's going to pledge her allegiance to Trump and go down with the MAGA ship. Good for George. I realize opposites might attract (Carville/Matalin) but as soon as she went MAGA, I'd have kicked her to the curb.
Kellianne is a lot more attractive than most of those Feminazi queer hags we see in the Democrat Party.
I doubt that was the cause

If she didnt split from him over politics when she was working for Trump she has less reason to now
Not if she is planning to return to the Trump campaign team for 2024.

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