Kelly Is Back And Still Stands Behind Her Insane Comments

This is truly nuts but goes to show how left and right wing networks conduct themselves.

On left leaning networks, when someone does something very unprofessional, they are immediately fired. On right wing networks like fox, they get a pat on the back and tell them to keep going with their racist remarks :cuckoo:

Megyn Kelly doubles down on ?white Santa?: I did it for the kids | The Raw Story

I was watching it last nite...she was cracking me well as the guy on the O'Reilly show...going on about the WAR on Christmas. :lol:
You nutjob liberals get mad when someone just points out FACTS in your face.

Santa Claus is a European, "white" with it. Making up different color Santas to make yourselves feel important and better about your pathetic lives is feel inferior because "dey ain't no black Santa fo u."

Oh, it's a bigger laugh seeing you scumbags claiming the Egyptians and Jews (Jesus) are black. You're nutjobs....
Santa has no real color. He is the color of the beholder. It's a Christmas magic thing.

Kelly's next husband will be a black man!
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She's getting rave reviews and increased viewership.

No wonder the Libtards hate her! Almost as much as Rush. What an acolade that is! :clap2::clap2::clap2:
This is how liberals can suspend a kid from school for using an imaginary bow and arrow, or nibbling a pop tart into the shape of a gun that could "threaten" other children. They are flat insane and getting more insane by the moment.

Kelly handled their latest manufactured phony outrage beautifully.
The idea of Santa Clause isn't white. There are Chinese Santas in China and spanish Santas in Spain. The way Santa is depicted in this country is of a white man because we are descended from the Europeans where the legend of Santa originated. In the United States Santa Clause speaks English. In Italy I guarantee you that Santa speaks Italian. Should he speak Italian here too? No.

What the liberals are really angry about is that this country was settled by white Europeans who came by the millions and made this a majority white country.
You nutjob liberals get mad when someone just points out FACTS in your face.

Santa Claus is a European, "white" with it. Making up different color Santas to make yourselves feel important and better about your pathetic lives is feel inferior because "dey ain't no black Santa fo u."

Oh, it's a bigger laugh seeing you scumbags claiming the Egyptians and Jews (Jesus) are black. You're nutjobs....

Santa Claus isn't real...but...the saint he is based on was a Greek living in what is now Turkey.

But it is funny how you want to fight for a "white" Santa (imaginary guy) while making fun of those who would like THEIR imaginary guy look more like themselves.

Here's the difference between conservatives and progressives, conservatives cry out against wrongs and injustice like Benghazi, obamacare, the debt, the economy, while progressives worry about talk show hosts, jokes they don't like, and what color Santa is.

That is the kind if stupidity that gives us a president like Obama.
She's getting rave reviews and increased viewership.

No wonder the Libtards hate her! Almost as much as Rush. What an acolade that is! :clap2::clap2::clap2:

Yes...rave reviews over the color of an imaginary guy. I LOVE it! :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
Anyone stupid enough to get bent out of shape because someone believes Santa Claus and Jesus are white is a moron.

Insane is what you guys are for claiming there is something wrong for believing what you want.

Santa Claus was a European invention from a WHITE Saint. Jesus was born to Jews in Israel at most he was olive skinned if not white.

It is truly unbelievable the lengths you race baiters will go to make up an outrage to whine about.
Here's the difference between conservatives and progressives, conservatives cry out against wrongs and injustice like Benghazi, obamacare, the debt, the economy, while progressives worry about talk show hosts, jokes they don't like, and what color Santa is.

That is the kind if stupidity that gives us a president like Obama.

That's quite perceptive! Very true.
This is truly nuts but goes to show how left and right wing networks conduct themselves.

On left leaning networks, when someone does something very unprofessional, they are immediately fired. On right wing networks like fox, they get a pat on the back and tell them to keep going with their racist remarks :cuckoo:

Megyn Kelly doubles down on ?white Santa?: I did it for the kids | The Raw Story

since we know you are a lying bad of hateful shit.

know what

I'm going to get cable tv again and add to her ratings. In just a few months she has driven you fucking morons over the edge of you standard obsessions right into stalker level bullshit.

Move over Sara Palin, the left has a new woman to spew their hate on.


love it when leftist show how evil they really are, just warms the heart
Lezbo...she was just pointing how fucking stupid you liberals are. If there is only a "white" Santa Claus...then some liberals will ban him from their schools because it is "unfair, racist" blah, blah, blah.

She was just pointing how fucking insane you stare at her lusting after her.

You nutjob liberals get mad when someone just points out FACTS in your face.

Santa Claus is a European, "white" with it. Making up different color Santas to make yourselves feel important and better about your pathetic lives is feel inferior because "dey ain't no black Santa fo u."

Oh, it's a bigger laugh seeing you scumbags claiming the Egyptians and Jews (Jesus) are black. You're nutjobs....

Santa Claus isn't real...but...the saint he is based on was a Greek living in what is now Turkey.

But it is funny how you want to fight for a "white" Santa (imaginary guy) while making fun of those who would like THEIR imaginary guy look more like themselves.


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