Kelly Is Back And Still Stands Behind Her Insane Comments

This is truly nuts but goes to show how left and right wing networks conduct themselves.

On left leaning networks, when someone does something very unprofessional, they are immediately fired. On right wing networks like fox, they get a pat on the back and tell them to keep going with their racist remarks :cuckoo:

Megyn Kelly doubles down on ?white Santa?: I did it for the kids | The Raw Story

the insane here is YOU and all the ignorant idiots "outraged" by the simplek facts.
Kelley made a dumb statement. But who in the public eye has not?

"57 states"
"what difference does it make"
"ah ain't no ways tarred"

Kelly didn't make a dumb statement. She made a snarky sarcastic statement to point out how dumb it is to say that Santa should be a big penguin.

She was being sarcastic??? THIS is the new defense?

Then why is she defending it?

Try again. :cuckoo:
Santa has no real color. He is the color of the beholder. It's a Christmas magic thing.

Kelly's next husband will be a black man!

And if keeping in vein with your racist comment .. she will be also more satisfied would you not agree?
The idea of Santa Clause isn't white. There are Chinese Santas in China and spanish Santas in Spain. The way Santa is depicted in this country is of a white man because we are descended from the Europeans where the legend of Santa originated. In the United States Santa Clause speaks English. In Italy I guarantee you that Santa speaks Italian. Should he speak Italian here too? No.

What the liberals are really angry about is that this country was settled by white Europeans who came by the millions and made this a majority white country.

In Italy there is no Santa Claus. At least traditionally

it is St. Nicholas as it is the 4th century Bishop and later Saint who is the original figure who started the tradition of presents for children ( poor).

And in the vast majority of countries in Europe the presents always were given on St. Nicholas day which is december 6th by Gregorian calendar and December 19th by Julian.
The Saint is venerated both by Catholics and Orthodox.

A truly ecumenical Saint ( which is obvious since he is from 4th century).

And obviously, being Greek he was WHITE.
For sure the Elf's are white, no way black Elf's are going to work that hard
I am offended--------------the grinch is green. I demand a white grinch.
I heard she will soon become Murdoch's personal assistant in change of creating racist quotes...
Kelley made a dumb statement. But who in the public eye has not?

"57 states"
"what difference does it make"
"ah ain't no ways tarred"

Kelly didn't make a dumb statement. She made a snarky sarcastic statement to point out how dumb it is to say that Santa should be a big penguin.

She was being sarcastic??? THIS is the new defense?

Then why is she defending it?

Try again. :cuckoo:

defense? of WHAT? :cuckoo:

stating the truth and facts?
As for her asssinine statement that she did it for the kids -

Here's this NSFRW's superb and very funny take down.

War on Christmas - S#@t's Getting Weird Edition - The Daily Show with Jon Stewart - 12/12/13 - Video Clip | Comedy Central

Besides, katzen says she was being sarcastic.

So, which is it?


“Who are you even talking to?” Stewart asked. “Children who are sophisticated enough to be watching a news channel at 10 o’clock at night, yet innocent enough to still believe Santa Claus is real, yet racist enough to be freaked out if he isn’t white?”

Face it rw's ... She gonna say whatever she can think of not to look so completely stupid. Some of you might want to follow suit.

You wingnuts know this is why she's pissed, don't you? They talked her into saying that stupid stuff and she's embarrassed now.

I hope she goes back to her own brand of reporting. She was much better before. If she listens to Fox handlers, we're going to get Sean Hannity lite. They just replaced him with her because people like her better than him.

We'll see if she can stand her ground with these idiots. I hope so.
Kelley made a dumb statement. But who in the public eye has not?

"57 states"
"what difference does it make"
"ah ain't no ways tarred"

Kelly didn't make a dumb statement. She made a snarky sarcastic statement to point out how dumb it is to say that Santa should be a big penguin.

yes, but she should have known it would be taken out of context and not said it. Therefore it was dumb.

Well how about this for being dumb and taken out of context from supposedly the smartest president we've ever had!
Obama said: ... We've got to get the job done there and that requires us to have enough troops that we are not just air raiding villages and killing civilians, which is causing enormous problems there."
Barack Obama Caught on Tape Accusing U.S. Troops of 'Killing Civilians' | Fox News

NOW that's the context right??? BUT HOW f...king dumb to allow our enemies to snip portions like this:
Presidential candidate Obama accuses the US Military of methodically and systematically "air raiding villages and killing civilians"..
YOU do think that was a "dumb" comment that most likely encouraged the barbarian terrorists to encourage more bomb planting on little kids so when the US troops handed out candy they blew our troops and the kids up!

The barbarians TOOK idiotic stupid DUMB comments like these and used them to encourage recruits!
Don't believe me???
LOOK at this Harvard study found here THE "EMBOLDENMENT EFFECT" asked:

"Are insurgents in Iraq emboldened by voices in the news media expressing dissent or calling for troop withdrawals from Iraq?

The short answer is YES!!! according to Radha Iyengar, a Robert Wood Johnson Scholar in health policy
research at Harvard and Jonathan Monten of the Belfer Center at the university's Kennedy School of Government.

Are insurgents affected by information on US casualty sensitivity? Using data on attacks and variation in access to international news across Iraqi provinces, we identify an “emboldenment” effect by comparing the rate of insurgent attacks in areas with higher and lower access to information about U.S news after public statements critical of the war. (wouldn't you conclude the next president accusing the US military of methodically and systematically air raiding villages killing civilians.. dissent???) We find in periods after a spike in war-critical statements, insurgent attacks increases by 5-10 percent.

SO please Megan was talking about Santa Claus and historically CORRECT while the big idiot in chief running for office provides fodder for killing our troops!
SEEMS to be a little out of perspective wouldn't you think???
Kelley made a dumb statement. But who in the public eye has not?

"57 states"
"what difference does it make"
"ah ain't no ways tarred"

Kelly didn't make a dumb statement. She made a snarky sarcastic statement to point out how dumb it is to say that Santa should be a big penguin.

yes, but she should have known it would be taken out of context and not said it. Therefore it was dumb.

EVERYTHING will be taken out of context by the left. She could have said Santa wears a red suit and it would be taken out of context.

The left truncates language. It's how they exercise control. obamacare is racist, so are the words "golf" and "Chicago". They make it up as they go along. The best way to handle it is to keep poking a stick in their cage. Make them frothed up until they lose all power to use those words as weapons.
leftard ignorant idiots still stubbornly "offended" by the pure fact that 1st century Jew and 4th century Greek were White :lol:
Kelly didn't make a dumb statement. She made a snarky sarcastic statement to point out how dumb it is to say that Santa should be a big penguin.

She was being sarcastic??? THIS is the new defense?

Then why is she defending it?

Try again. :cuckoo:

defense? of WHAT? :cuckoo:

stating the truth and facts?

Uh, Vox, both Santa and Jesus/God are imaginary creatures.

Santa does not bring your presents down the chimney and there is no one waiting for you on a cloud in heaven.

Maybe they'll hire her for Morning Joe. She'd be a good fit there.
Sarcasm? No.

It was snark. Snark aimed at riling up a few dummies. Irresponsible in nature. I even got the feeling that she was sorry she started the topic. The panelists were trying to take it seriously. But....even they realize that Santa is not real.

Sane people and a few comedians found the attempt to be lame and called her out on it. Nutters took that to be a sign of outrage. You guys often mistake our mocking you for outrage.
Last edited:
Kelley made a dumb statement. But who in the public eye has not?

"57 states"
"what difference does it make"
"ah ain't no ways tarred"

Kelly didn't make a dumb statement. She made a snarky sarcastic statement to point out how dumb it is to say that Santa should be a big penguin.

yes, but she should have known it would be taken out of context and not said it. Therefore it was dumb.

what was dumb? the simple pure academic facts?

what is dumb is a brouhaha around the idiot leftard "outraged".

I e-mailed some links to my friends overseas - they are laughing their hearts off and first could not believe it and thought it was a joke, since nobody could be so retarded as to assume Jesus Christ and St. Nicholas were anything else but Caucasian(white)

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