Kentucky County clerk had married 4 times, in violation of the Bible

there's that caring and tolerance of the left folks. Please kick that nasty party that is filled with such nasty people out of our lives come 2016. this kind of stuff is crawling lower than a snake. and what this American CITIZEN did to have her name smeared: is stand up for her principles
how disgusting

I have principles. If you don't like them, I have other principles.

That sort of attitude, I'll be for human rights when it comes to mahh guns, but human rights can go stuff themselves if they come and do something I don't like.
so what sex is a wife, and what sex is a husband as defined by the new testament
It doesn't matter. She doesn't respect the Bible.
You need to read more of those passages on Paul's opinions because your missing something really major here: and if you desire and are ready to judge her on her faith and reasons for divorcing you'd better get down and dirty and find out exactly why she got those divorces while your at it. When you get all that personal information on why she got divorces or that is if you even get it you can come back and tell us all about how you feel since your appear ready to start throwing stones.

You could say the same about her judging others and throwing stones.

No one was judging her until she decided to get her hate on.

Her god would not approve. And Jesus certainly never taught anything like what we're seeing from the phony christians.
Did you not say that you are an Atheist so how do you know what a real Christian is or what Jesus would approve of? You claim to have no sin so the Bible says you are a liar if we desire to get technical about scriptures. Are you going to tell me next that he did not turn over the tables on the money changers in the Temple and whip them out of the Temple? Besides she is not throwing stones from what I have read she simply is standing up for her God given Constitutional rights as an American citizen. Do you object to that?
The Bible says you shouldn't get divorced.

Clearly, this woman isn't a Christian.
Clearly you do not have a clue what it truly says about divorce.

Yes. It says one should respect the sanctity and holiness of marriage.

Why do you hate Jesus?
Why do you make a false accusation?

Jesus is crying for her divorce.
Nah, but there are many whiners trying to stone her for standing for what she believes is the right way. Have you not read that even the Lord gave a writ of divorce to the harlot before He called that harlot back?
By the way, if any of you ever wear a cotton/polyester shirt, you are a sinner too.
Leviticus 19:19.
You are to keep My statutes. You shall not breed together two kinds of your cattle; you shall not sow your field with two kinds of seed, nor wear a garment upon you of two kinds of material mixed together.
there's that caring and tolerance of the left folks. Please kick that nasty party that is filled with such nasty people out of our lives come 2016. this kind of stuff is crawling lower than a snake. and what this American CITIZEN did to have her name smeared: is stand up for her principles
how disgusting
Your attempt at deflection has failed...miserably.
so what sex is a wife, and what sex is a husband as defined by the new testament
It doesn't matter. She doesn't respect the Bible.

She respects the parts that serve her agenda of hate and ignore the rest. Just like the thumpers here.
the jews shopped around til they found someone who would actually crucify Jesus
You mean to tell me these sodomites/sons of belial can't find a Pontius Pilot that will give in to their wants
This nasty vile woman SAYS she believes in a religion that would have stoned her to death for her multiple marriages.

What a massive disconnect.
so what sex is a wife, and what sex is a husband as defined by the new testament

Wives are female.

Husbands are male.

That isn't a religious thing it is defined by the gender of the spouse.

So you can have a Civil Marriage between different-sex couples where you have a wife and a husband. You can also have a Civil Marriage between same-sex couples where you have a wife and a wife. You can also have a Civil Marriage between same-sex couples where you have a husband and a husband.

You folks are correct in that there are some verses in the Bible that seem to prohibit divorce for any reason; however, there is an exception to this rule found in Matthew 5:32

“But I say unto you, That whosoever shall put away his wife, saving for the cause of fornication, causeth her to commit adultery: and whosoever shall marry her that is divorced committeth adultery” (KJV).

“But I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, makes her the victim of adultery, and anyone who marries a divorced woman commits adultery” (NIV).

Since we don't know the specific reasons for her divorces (perhaps her husbands cheated), I suggest it is to early to call her a hypocrite.
As I understand it, she cheated on her second husband with her third husband. I'm not sure what happened to the first husband, nor how she ended up with the fourth.

According to her, she did all that before she found Christianity.

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