KESC 3 months crisis still hurting & problems for consumers but cares?


VIP Member
Mar 4, 2011
KESC 3 months crisis still hurting & problems for consumers but cares?

I want to draw the attention of CEO of KESC, Chief Minister of Sind and including NEPRA chief why consumers due to KESC management sacked 4500 staff and they forced management to get back all of them but KESC not interested and even Government not sincere to resolve the crisis and relief the consumers.

1. Due to KESC crisis consumer’s face many problems

a. conduct load-shedding totally un-announce or according to pre-schedule
b. last 3 months (May-11, Jun-11 and Jul-11) adopt totally wrong practice for sending average consumption bill ( which is excess billing new method )
c. electricity bills not delivered in fair time but last month of Jun 11 delay distributed bills and Jul 2011 same thing repeat again.
d. when lodge complain to KESC than not timely attend or repair the fault
e. If no bills distribute to consumer than no right for KESC to charge SURCHARGE AMOUNT than it is total INUSTICE and torture with all consumers.

In last 3 years KESC reach to its peak in load shedding and doing as much as load shedding but on other hand sending excess billings to consumers which is totally injustice.

Thanking You.

( Ashfaq Sharif )

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