Ketanji Brown Jackson nomination news


Neutronium Member & truth speaker #StopBrandon
Nov 11, 2021
Red State! Amen.

The panel deadlocked but the confirmation now goes to the full Senate. I didn’t expect it to be this close. But I did predict that she would get the confirmation. I believe she now will.
There is still hope

After all, democrats don't know what a woman is so perhaps they will also forget what voting is.
Susan Collins (R) already said she will vote to confirm. Ketanji will be the next SCOTUS Justice.

Say hello to liberal justice Ketanji Brown Jackson!
Not at all since it's on a schedule. Her addition to the SC doesn't change anything.
So? Who is arguing to the contrary? :cucko:

I predicted that she’s going to get confirmed. You, for some inexplicable reason, found it necessary to tell us when the full Senate vote will be as though that was in dispute. It isn’t. It hasn’t been. I then advised you that the timing of that final vote isn’t in issue. And apparently you agree — but still seem to be doing so in your instinctive (but brainless) argumentative style.

Her addition to the Supreme Court does change something: It will obviate any reason to discuss the confirmation process any further.
So? Who is arguing to the contrary? :cucko:

I predicted that she’s going to get confirmed. You, for some inexplicable reason, found it necessary to tell us when the full Senate vote will be as though that was in dispute. It isn’t. It hasn’t been. I then advised you that the timing of that final vote isn’t in issue. And apparently you agree — but still seem to be doing so in your instinctive (but brainless) argumentative style.

Her addition to the Supreme Court does change something: It will obviate any reason to discuss the confirmation process any further.
I am afraid you just can't take an opinion without needing to shit on it.
There is still hope

After all, democrats don't know what a woman is so perhaps they will also forget what voting is.

Claiming she can't identify a woman without a biology degree is the groundwork for the left claiming no one can identify what a child is, either. It's a favor to the Biden family pedophilia ring.
You know damn well I really have no desire to interact with you but you do seem to insist. This woman doesn't belong on the Supreme Court.


I'm not so sure it's a woman.


Her ruling going easy on any pedophile should disqualify her. Anyone that gives her a pass onto the Supreme Court needs to go asap.
Don't naïvely swallow the hyper-partisan smears.

More Support Ketanji Brown Jackson’s Confirmation Than Any Of Trump’s Supreme Court Nominees, Poll Finds​

The poll found 49% of respondents think the Senate should confirm Jackson—which is up from 47% who said the same over the last two weeks—while 26% oppose her confirmation.
That’s higher than the 48% who supported Justice Amy Coney Barrett right before her confirmation in 2020, 37% who wanted Justice Brett Kavanaugh confirmed in 2018 and 44% who supported Justice Neil Gorsuch in 2017.

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