Kevin McCarthy Announces He's Retiring....In An Attempt To Hand The House Back Over To Democrats

I know we disagree on this but I am pretty confident in my evaluation and conclusions on it. We Patriots do ourselves or America absolutely no good whatsoever with intractable, dictatorial, unyielding positions on so many things. We cannot blame the Democrats for that.

Whenever you demand everybody else see it your way with no room for possible compromise or even a different point of view, you're wrong no matter who you are.
The only difference between Democrats and Republicans at this point is most (if not all) of the Democrats are corrupt and on the take whereas the GOP only has fewer on the take. Both parties need to be flushed and restarted from scratch.
The only difference between Democrats and Republicans at this point is most (if not all) of the Democrats are corrupt and on the take whereas the GOP only has fewer on the take. Both parties need to be flushed and restarted from scratch.
Eventually we may have a chance to do that. But now it is what it is. What makes the Republicans, even the worst RINOS, superior to the Democrats is the constituency they serve. So even the most liberal Republicans, the most horrible RINOS, even people like Liz Cheney or George Santos, voted with McCarthy almost all of the time.

Patriots represent a vision of a strong, secure America and maximum liberty, options, choices, opportunity for all with government interfering with that as little as possible. And that is the way the GOP in Congress votes the huge majority of the time.

When we keep throwing people out because we don't like their position on this or that issue or because they were willing to compromise to get something done or just because we don't like them, we are playing right into the Democrats' hands. They have wet dreams they are so happy when we do that.

However we might disagree on various issues, McCarthy was a damn good Speaker with ability to do those things a Speaker has to do in order to be effective. Johnson will probably be good too. But I guarantee, if the Right continues to eat its own, to be intractable given their weak position, we'll lose everything.

My mission right now is to wake everybody up so they don't keep throwing the baby out with the bath water. We can't keep taking these all or nothing positions on things and hope to accomplish anything. We've chosen some very poor hills to stand and die on.
Yes it is. And we Patriots/GOP/conservatives can't take the high road when we do it too.
So basically the high road is keep playing the nice guy while the other side is fcking us over and winning all of the time.

Do everyone a favor and just STFU.
that's the least that spinless treason weasel can do; 'cause y'all so called (R)s are a bunch of sick fucks hell bent on allowing yer orange jesus to kill this nation.
that's the least that spinless treason weasel can do; 'cause y'all so called (R)s are a bunch of sick fucks hell bent on allowing yer orange jesus to kill this nation.
Patience, there won't be a nation to kill after you, Biden and the globalist democrats get through.
Patience, there won't be a nation to kill after you, Biden and the globalist democrats get through.

That would be the dumpster fire that Biden lit on Jan 20, 2020. His admin seems to be fire bugs, as if Biden wasn't accomplishing enough pyrotechnics on his own, Peter Buttplug added a couple of train wrecks to the conflagration as well.
That would be the dumpster fire that Biden lit on Jan 20, 2020. His admin seems to be fire bugs, as if Biden wasn't accomplishing enough pyrotechnics on his own, Peter Buttplug added a couple of train wrecks to the conflagration as well.

Generals do what they're told and if they don't, they just fade away--I assume you'll understand the reference.

Generals do what they’re told. All military people do. However Generals submit plans for approval. For example. Back to Gulf War Mark 1. The original plan to get Iraq out of Kuwait was a full frontal assault staying within the boundary of Kuwait.

Storming Norman didn’t like that plan. He came up with the idea of an end around. He submitted it and got it approved by the Powers that Be in Washington. It was a brilliant plan. It correctly utilized the mix of heavy and light troops he had at his disposal. Using my own unit the 82nd Airborne as Motorized Infantry.

Using your own example. Washington was not thrilled with the Inchon Invasion. The problems that existed seemed to make the effort enormously risky. MacArthur convinced the Joint Chiefs, and the President of the plan. Make no mistake. It was a very dangerous plan.

But MacArthur wasn’t supposed to go north of the 38th. And he did. And the Chinese came in. Costing a lot more lives.

When MacArthur started speaking publicly about bombing Chinese cities. It was the last straw. That sort of thing still happens today. There was a Marine Officer relieved of duty not too long ago for running his mouth.

It is one of the things we were taught. You do not disagree with policy. Not to the public. You can complain to the chain of command and they’ll tell you to shut up and soldier.
that is a democrat requirement, is it not?

According to the totalitarian set here I am a Communist. I’ve been called that in this very thread. But I’m a veteran and a member of the NRA and the USCCA. And the ACLU.

Things are not always 100% this or that. I’m a Moderate who is slightly right of center. Of course anyone who doesn’t make the Kaiser look Liberal is a Communist to the extremists.
Generals do what they’re told. All military people do. However Generals submit plans for approval. For example. Back to Gulf War Mark 1. The original plan to get Iraq out of Kuwait was a full frontal assault staying within the boundary of Kuwait.

Storming Norman didn’t like that plan. He came up with the idea of an end around. He submitted it and got it approved by the Powers that Be in Washington. It was a brilliant plan. It correctly utilized the mix of heavy and light troops he had at his disposal. Using my own unit the 82nd Airborne as Motorized Infantry.

Using your own example. Washington was not thrilled with the Inchon Invasion. The problems that existed seemed to make the effort enormously risky. MacArthur convinced the Joint Chiefs, and the President of the plan. Make no mistake. It was a very dangerous plan.

But MacArthur wasn’t supposed to go north of the 38th. And he did. And the Chinese came in. Costing a lot more lives.

When MacArthur started speaking publicly about bombing Chinese cities. It was the last straw. That sort of thing still happens today. There was a Marine Officer relieved of duty not too long ago for running his mouth.

It is one of the things we were taught. You do not disagree with policy. Not to the public. You can complain to the chain of command and they’ll tell you to shut up and soldier.
Blah, blah, blah, you talk alot but you don't say much. Back to the OP, the country was not without those generals during any period in your lifetime. The lack of promotions had absolutely no effect on the joint chiefs, indeed, the only thing that made the country less secure were the poor choices that this admin had made in appointing them. Try again.
Actually a lot of them are leaving. Republicans and Democrats. And they all blame the radical Republicans for their decision.

You wanted radicals in charge. You got it. And on your own heads be it.

And it's basically made the federal government very ineffective at getting anything done.

The downside of which is ZERO.
Kevin McCarthy is retiring, according to Newmax.

I just heard them say it.

They got rid of one Republican last.....and now another one is planning on quitting.

This is how the Democrats are trying to take back the House. Not by winning elections, but by any means possible.

Right now the algorithms are preventing me from look this up......but I'm still searching to verify it.
Why sure! Nancy ordered McCarthy to resign.

What else are those voices in your head telling you?
Kevin McCarthy is retiring, according to Newmax.

I just heard them say it.

They got rid of one Republican last.....and now another one is planning on quitting.

This is how the Democrats are trying to take back the House. Not by winning elections, but by any means possible.

Right now the algorithms are preventing me from look this up......but I'm still searching to verify it.
This just tells you that McCarthy was there for the wrong reasons. He wanted to be Speaker. When he found out that dream was over, he took his ball and went home. This is not the kind of person we want in Congress anyway. Losing his vote could hurt, but getting rid of his filth is a silver lining.
This just tells you that McCarthy was there for the wrong reasons. He wanted to be Speaker. When he found out that dream was over, he took his ball and went home. This is not the kind of person we want in Congress anyway. Losing his vote could hurt, but getting rid of his filth is a silver lining.
Now McCarthy has removed the mask and shown the woke SOB we suspected he was all along.
He never would have done his job to the best of his ability if he had been allowed to stay in his position. He would have continued to tell us one thing and done the opposite.
I suspect he's looking for a job working at CNN or MSNBC.

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