Key Democrat Operatives. "We Are Going to Lose the Senate Next Year."


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2013
Interesting article from the National Journal. Sounds like the rats are nervous.

Democrats Fear Obamacare Will Cost Them The Senate

Last week, President Obama's pollster Joel Benenson sent a memo to congressional Democrats encouraging them to refocus attention on the economy and ignore the health care chaos that has consumed the administration for the last two months. The three-page set of talking points argued that the media's relentless focus on the Obamacare website is a "distraction" from more important work on the minds of voters.

But for Senate Democrats who backed the unpopular legislation, avoiding the subject isn't so easy. Republicans are armed with reams of polling data showing how the health care law could overturn the Democrats' majority, and are already hitting vulnerable Democrats on the subject. Indeed, Democrats who voted for the law face a damned-if-you-do, damned-if-you-don't crisis: flip-flop on legislation they actively embraced or tie themselves to an increasingly unpopular law that could doom their reelection prospects.

For now, as the White House keeps hope alive that the health care website will be mostly functional by the end of the week, Democrats are holding out hope their political fortunes will improve. Democratic operatives argue that voters are looking for constructive solutions over repealing the law—a proposition backed up by polling that shows repeal still hasn't reached majority support, even with voter frustrations growing. Some of the most vulnerable senators, like Mary Landrieu of Louisiana and Mark Begich of Alaska, have proposed their own fixes to the legislation designed to inoculate them from blowback with their conservative constituencies back home. Even Sen. Al Franken of Minnesota, a loyal ally of the president's on health care, suggested he could support a delay in the individual mandate if the website still isn't working in short order by the end of November.

They're all echoing the line Democratic campaign officials are privately urging their members to take: stress the promised benefits, offer constructive criticism, and hope their constituents are patient enough to sustain them through the rocky rollout. Some may even call for more aggressive oversight of the law's implementation. But it's an open question whether that political line will be sustainable if the health care exchange website is still dysfunctional heading into next year, and an older, sicker insurance pool could mean a "death spiral" of ballooning premiums for 2015. In a telling sign of the White House's longer-term political fears, the administration delayed the second round of open enrollment for one month—to occur right after the 2014 midterms.

"There's only so much muddying up you can do on an issue as important as this," said Tom Bowen, former political adviser to Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel. "People elected politicians who disagree with them as long as they know where they stand. You have to have some flexibility, but trying to sort of shade who you are—that doesn't inspire a lot of confidence."

For Democrats, the politics of the health care law are creating a death spiral of their own. For the White House to protect its signature initiative, it needs to maintain a Democratic Senate majority past 2015. But to do so, Majority Leader Harry Reid needs to insulate vulnerable battleground-state Democrats, who are all too eager to propose their own fixes to the law that may be politically satisfying, but could undermine the fundamentals of the law.

Race-by-race polling conducted over the last month has painted a grim picture of the difficult environment Senate Democrats are facing next year. In Louisiana, a new state survey showed Landrieu's approval rating is now underwater; she tallied only 41 percent of the vote against her GOP opposition. In Arkansas, where advertising on the health care law began early, Sen. Mark Pryor's approval sank to 33 percent, a drop of 18 points since last year. A new Quinnipiac survey showed Sen. Mark Udall of Colorado, who looked like a lock for reelection last month, in a dead heat against little-known GOP opponents. Even a Democratic automated poll from Public Policy Polling showed Sen. Kay Hagan of North Carolina running neck-and-neck against Republican opposition, with her job disapproval spiking over the last two months. These are the types of numbers that wave elections are made of.

link Democrats Fear Obamacare Will Cost Them The Senate -
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Eric Holder is preparing to tie up groups like Karl Roves Crossroads GPS in the courts to drain their cash reserves and distract their attention from participation in the 2014 election.

First, the nuclear option in the Senate, now this. Can an Obama inspired "Night Of The Long Knives" be far behind
Eric Holder is preparing to tie up groups like Karl Roves Crossroads GPS in the courts to drain their cash reserves and distract their attention from participation in the 2014 election.

First, the nuclear option in the Senate, now this. Can an Obama inspired "Night Of The Long Knives" be far behind

Personally, while a bad tactic, I'd like the GOP to jettison Rove.
Obamacare followed so closely by the Iran fiasco has left democrats with very little to run on.
A year is a long time

Try to take insurance away from people a year from now
So the pollster's advice was to deflect attention from the failed website and redirect it to the failed economy.
Good, run on that.

A year is a long time

Try to take insurance away from people a year from now

Obamacare is taking insurance away from people every day, numskull.

Democrats are betting that the elderly will learn to appreciate pediatric dental care insurance and single men will get a lot of benefit from maternity care.

I'll bet all the cancer patients appreciate having their policies cancelled. But those Obama supporters are so caring and compassionate!
Obamacare is taking insurance away from people every day, numskull.

Democrats are betting that the elderly will learn to appreciate pediatric dental care insurance and single men will get a lot of benefit from maternity care.

I'll bet all the cancer patients appreciate having their policies cancelled. But those Obama supporters are so caring and compassionate!

Because the alternative is to lose Social Security and Medicare. When did a Republican ever care about a cancer patient?

Republicans even if they don't lose the House will lose ground in the House. The Senate, yeah Republicans will win that just like they won the Virginia governorship.
I don't think the Republicans will attain a majority in the Senate in 2014. Gain a few seats at most.
Just lurking but other than McConnel who represents a compliant state I think Ds have so far shot themselves in the crotch for 2014 and it remains to be seen as to whether they have shot the family jewels or the femoral artery.
They're right Democrats are going to lose the senate and a lot of house seats also. You can't have a Democrat President that blatantly lies to the American public over 40 times and get away with it.

It's going to be Custer's last stand in November 2014 for Democrats.

Eric Holder is preparing to tie up groups like Karl Roves Crossroads GPS in the courts to drain their cash reserves and distract their attention from participation in the 2014 election.

First, the nuclear option in the Senate, now this. Can an Obama inspired "Night Of The Long Knives" be far behind

I truly do hate Karl Rove in every possible way. If I could think of one good thing to say about Karl Rove, it'll take me a few years to come up with something. Inspite of my profound hatred of Rove, what Eric Dickholder is attempting to do is wrong and fascistic. I would celebrate if Rove and his "Crossroads" group completely fail and no longer exist, but not at the doings of an arm of a radical extremist tryannical dictator we see right now.

William the wie said:
Just lurking but other than McConnel who represents a compliant state I think Ds have so far shot themselves in the crotch for 2014 and it remains to be seen as to whether they have shot the family jewels or the femoral artery.

The good news is, even in spite of being severely underfunded, Mitch McConjob's primary opponent, Matt Bevin won in a Kentucky straw poll with 80% of the vote. Democrats are desperately hoping McConjob wins because they see him as easily beatable. Hopefully in the 2014 primaries, McConjob will be flushed down the toilet to where he belongs. He along with Karl Rove, Lyndsey Graham, John McCain, John Boehner, Eric Cuntor (spelling is intentional) and Paul Ryno are America-hating traitors that need to be serving prison sentences, not serving in office.
the ACA will prove itself in the near future and the economy will continue to improve -

the only train wreck will be how the Republicans try and take credit for the good fortunes when everyone will know they did all they could to prevent it.
A year is a long time

Try to take insurance away from people a year from now

Ah...first they have to get it, Winger! That's proving to be problematic.

You better pray that it's held up long enough so that people don't see the death spiral begin and start asking who's idea this fiasco was in the first place.
the ACA will prove itself in the near future and the economy will continue to improve -

the only train wreck will be how the Republicans try and take credit for the good fortunes when everyone will know they did all they could to prevent it.

Define "near future", Breezy? You DO realize that most of the young and healthy people aren't going to sign up for this unless they are getting big subsidies? When that happens it's going to raise the cost for those few that do sign up...making even more of them balk. The numbers have never worked for this and that will "prove itself in the near future".

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