Key Women's March speaker is a monster

Men used to have sex with feminists in the 60s. why men didn't see that shit was a dire threat and do some serious shunning,I'll never know.

It's incredible just how evil all this shit is.
Men used to have sex with feminists in the 60s. why men didn't see that shit was a dire threat and do some serious shunning,I'll never know.

you must be a real loser if you feel that threatened by women who want nothing more than not to be subservient to morons like you.

thank goodness women like me don't have to take your pathetic lunacy anymore.
Libtards draw monsters like shit draws flies. Remember how they shit all over themselves backing Roman Polanski?
Men used to have sex with feminists in the 60s. why men didn't see that shit was a dire threat and do some serious shunning,I'll never know.

you must be a real loser if you feel that threatened by women who want nothing more than not to be subservient to morons like you.

thank goodness women like me don't have to take your pathetic lunacy anymore.
I am a woman you daft c*nt
"...they picked him up on March 8 in Elmhurst, Queens, at Maria’s home, and drugged him to make him drowsy. Then they drove him to Selma’s apartment in Harlem. The apartment had already been prepared for an extended torture session: The closet door had been cut, a pot put in it for use as a toilet, the windows boarded.

"For the next 15 to 20 days (police aren’t sure just when Vigliarole died), the man was starved, burned, beaten, and tortured. (Even 10 years later, Spurling could recall Rita’s chilling response when they questioned her about shoving a three-foot metal bar up Vigliarole’s rear: “He was a homo anyway.” How did she know? “When I stuck the bar up his rectum he wiggled.”)

Heroine of the left.


Paid big $$ to talk to young people. Awesome.

The Women Movement’s Embrace of Rape-Torturer Psychopath Donna Hylton
“I couldn’t believe this girl who was so intelligent and nice-looking could be so unemotional about what she was telling me she and her friends had done. They’d squeezed the victim’s testicles with a pair of pliers, beat him, burned him. Actually, I thought the judge’s sentence was lenient. Once a jailbird, always a jailbird.”


But there was another moment, on our second day together, when she slipped verbally, and said in an almost irritable way, “He [the victim] was going to die anyway, so . . .” and then she caught herself. I just looked at her. All her previous protestations that when arrested she’d had no idea Vigliarole was dead were clearly lies.

The Women Movement’s Embrace of Rape-Torturer Psychopath Donna Hylton

Wow, we go ever deeper into the sewer of the Alt-Left cult. This is stunning. This - thing - is a very much a a monster. She should have been executed.

Yes! In a nutshell she had a big problem with Trump's reference to grabbing pussy but she had no problem grabbing a man's testicles with a pliars, ramming an iron pipe up his rectum, burning him and torturing him to death. I bet if you asked her she would be outraged at water boarding.
The Women's March was full of hatred, violence, obscenities, and false narratives. Not to mention destruction of private property, and littering the venues of where they rioted and demonstrated. They are their own enemy- not President Trump.
The Women's March was full of hatred, violence, obscenities, and false narratives. Not to mention destruction of private property, and littering the venues of where they rioted and demonstrated. They are their own enemy- not President Trump.
The bitches tried to light another woman's hair on fire!
The Women's March was full of hatred, violence, obscenities, and false narratives. Not to mention destruction of private property, and littering the venues of where they rioted and demonstrated. They are their own enemy- not President Trump.
The bitches tried to light another woman's hair on fire!

But that wasn't just any hair. That was Trump supporting hair.

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