Keystone XL Pipeline - too hot for Obama


Feb 14, 2011
My impression about Obama since early in his presidency has been that when things look iffy, he hangs back.

If something happens which he can take credit for, then he'll step up and act like he was part of it all along. If he can't figure out a way to use it for what he hopes will be good publicity, he keeps hanging back.

That Obama struck again yesterday. Do Democrats not see this side of him? Or do they have to pretend not to because admitting it would lead to other uncomfortable questions?

Keystone XL pipeline decision delayed until after 2012 election -

The Obama administration's move pleases environmentalists but opens the president to criticism that he failed to pursue a chance to create thousands of jobs.
republican controlled nebraska also wants the pipeline delayed due to the possible effects it could have on their state........
My impression about Obama since early in his presidency has been that when things look iffy, he hangs back.

If something happens which he can take credit for, then he'll step up and act like he was part of it all along. If he can't figure out a way to use it for what he hopes will be good publicity, he keeps hanging back.

That Obama struck again yesterday. Do Democrats not see this side of him? Or do they have to pretend not to because admitting it would lead to other uncomfortable questions?

Keystone XL pipeline decision delayed until after 2012 election -

The Obama administration's move pleases environmentalists but opens the president to criticism that he failed to pursue a chance to create thousands of jobs.

From your linked article:

Officials in Nebraska also expressed concern over whether the potential damage to the environment, in particular aquifers that supply drinking water, had been thoroughly reviewed. U.S. officials said they'd use the additional time to examine such issues, especially the proposed pathway through that state's Sand Hills ecosystem.

Care to retract your BS claims?
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Fail to see what there is to retract.

You are blaming the delay on Obama exclusively in your original post, yes? Still blinded by your partisanship?

Obama always has an excuse. And he always has people to carry the water for him.

Aren't your arms getting tired yet?

This project was bungled. Obama has now punted it. And now it may be past saving.
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My impression about Obama since early in his presidency has been that when things look iffy, he hangs back.

If something happens which he can take credit for, then he'll step up and act like he was part of it all along. If he can't figure out a way to use it for what he hopes will be good publicity, he keeps hanging back.

That Obama struck again yesterday. Do Democrats not see this side of him? Or do they have to pretend not to because admitting it would lead to other uncomfortable questions?

Keystone XL pipeline decision delayed until after 2012 election -

The Obama administration's move pleases environmentalists but opens the president to criticism that he failed to pursue a chance to create thousands of jobs.

Both Prime Minister Harper and our Finance Minister have all ready gone "Fuck you" to Obama.

We are going to bring the pipeline to ports to ship to Asia. You have such a horrid losing economy Canucks are getting to the point that we don't need you whatsoever.

Now Levin last night recognized this move by the moronic twit in the WH is just to begin with cost 20,000 construction jobs.

So to preserve his "enviro" bullshit, he just cost 20,000 construction workers their jobs.

When you put an academic in office, this is what you get. I feel sorry for those and yes I listen to radio out of Fargo and Roseau Badger Greenbush who know what they just lost to the moronic twits out of Washington.
Fail to see what there is to retract.

You are blaming the delay on Obama exclusively in your original post, yes? Still blinded by your partisanship?

Obama always has an excuse. And he always has people to carry the water for him.

Aren't your arms getting tired yet?

This project was bungled. Obama has now punted it. And now it may be past saving.

Ahhh, so you ARE still blinded by your partisanship. Thanks!
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My impression about Obama since early in his presidency has been that when things look iffy, he hangs back.

If something happens which he can take credit for, then he'll step up and act like he was part of it all along. If he can't figure out a way to use it for what he hopes will be good publicity, he keeps hanging back.

That Obama struck again yesterday. Do Democrats not see this side of him? Or do they have to pretend not to because admitting it would lead to other uncomfortable questions?

Keystone XL pipeline decision delayed until after 2012 election -

The Obama administration's move pleases environmentalists but opens the president to criticism that he failed to pursue a chance to create thousands of jobs.

Both Prime Minister Harper and our Finance Minister have all ready gone "Fuck you" to Obama.

We are going to bring the pipeline to ports to ship to Asia. You have such a horrid losing economy Canucks are getting to the point that we don't need you whatsoever.

Now Levin last night recognized this move by the moronic twit in the WH is just to begin with cost 20,000 construction jobs.

So to preserve his "enviro" bullshit, he just cost 20,000 construction workers their jobs.

When you put an academic in office, this is what you get. I feel sorry for those and yes I listen to radio out of Fargo and Roseau Badger Greenbush who know what they just lost to the moronic twits out of Washington.

Thanks TD for the perspective from up your way.
All you have to do is ask your self.. Are we better off than we were four years ago? even Dick Tater says we aren't ..
The review for this pipeline has been ongoing for three 3 years. What we have here is a pussified president who doesn't have the guts to make the call and risk political problems with some groups over others. So, in typical Obama fashion, he does nothing.
All you have to do is ask your self.. Are we better off than we were four years ago? even Dick Tater says we aren't ..

i am doing better than i was 4 years ago....

but i do not give obama or government credit for that.....

just as i would not give them blame if i wasnt.......
The review for this pipeline has been ongoing for three 3 years. What we have here is a pussified president who doesn't have the guts to make the call and risk political problems with some groups over others. So, in typical Obama fashion, he does nothing.

The man has no leadership skills whatsoever. It's really pretty pathetic. What's more pathetic is how many people there are in this country who were stupid enough to actually vote for him when all the warning signs were there as plain as day and many of them are prepared to do it again. Imbeciles.
All you have to do is ask your self.. Are we better off than we were four years ago? even Dick Tater says we aren't ..

i am doing better than i was 4 years ago....

but i do not give obama or government credit for that.....

just as i would not give them blame if i wasnt.......

We, asshole,, such as we as a nation I think is what was meant.. and the answer is NO emphatically.. he has tripled the debt, divided us by class, sown the seeds of discontent, and raised the price of gasoline.. unemployment is at 9% and he just blew another 20 thousand jobs and a source of energy.. get it now asswarp?
republican controlled nebraska also wants the pipeline delayed due to the possible effects it could have on their state........

Who in Nebraska wants it held back? An entire state doesn't have an opinion.
From your linked article:

Officials in Nebraska also expressed concern over whether the potential damage to the environment, in particular aquifers that supply drinking water, had been thoroughly reviewed. U.S. officials said they'd use the additional time to examine such issues, especially the proposed pathway through that state's Sand Hills ecosystem.

Care to retract your BS claims?

Which "officials," turd? A couple of anonymous officials doesn't equate to the entire state of Nebraska.

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