Zone1 Khazarians vs. Children of Abraham

Whether I'm hateful or not is irrelevant as to whether what I'm saying is true or not. I can be hateful and correct. What I hate is your xenophobic, anti-human Jewish culture and religion. That I certainly hate, because I have to, if I'm human and love Allah (الله سبحانه وتعالىt).
So you admit you are hateful. One down.
Your claim that I'm ignorant is just your opinion and for you to believe otherwise, makes you delusional. Majnoon, crazy. meshuggana.
No, you have demonstrated, for all to see, an ignorance of Judaism, history and language Two down.
It's ironic when ZioNazis accuse those who hate them, of being hateful, when the reason that most of that "goy" hate is directed at them, is due to their own hatred and evil works against the "goyim".
So I point out that you are hateful because you hate me but that's due to my own works (none of which you can name or list)? So the Jews are the victim but the Jews deserves to be the victim. Great thinking.
Jews like Rosend pretend all of the hatred directed at them by non-Jews ("goyim"), is always irrational,
where did I do that? Betcha can't find anywhere.
Some Jews like Rosend claim that the non-Jews hate them because they're jealous of the Jews.
I said you are jealous that a word refers to Jews. Try to keep things straight.
That's how they justify or explain away the fact that so many non-Jews mistrust and hate them.
really? Where did I do that?
Can you imagine allowing Jews to live in your country
allowing? So you endorse the idea of letting a government ban certain people and allow others to live there. Got it.
and then discovering that they hate your guts for being "goyim" (Gentiles - non-Jewish, Christian, Muslim..etc)? They have a sick culture and religion that brainwashes (i.e. conditions, contaminates, poisons. etc) them into thinking that they are ontologically, essentially superior to everybody else:
Feel free to think that and take snippets of things you don't understand to try and prove your point. Jews don't claim we are superior, but you, because you feel inferior assume we say that.
These Jews identify Christianity and Western civilization as "Edom", "Esau" and "Amalek".
No, we don't. This is just more about Judaism you don't understand.
They believe the "goyim" (practically all of humanity), will be enslaved by Jews.
No, we don't. But you can feel free to misrepresent whatever you want. Because you are ignorant of Judaism, your claims don't really amount to much.
I was a so-called "Sabbath Goy"
why "so called"?
I worked for Jews and I know what they say about non-Jews, how they use the word "goy" pejoratively, as a type of denigrating label.
maybe it was just about you. Maybe the problem is you because we don't talk about other non-Jews like that.
In order to get better treatment from them, I told them my father was Jewish. So they treated me as a potential convert to Judaism, a "Jewish soul" stuck in a goy's body.
No, they didn't because having a Jewish father has no bearing on whether someone might convert or how he is viewed. But keep making things up so you can feel sorry for yourself.
I got into a really bad argument with one of them and he reminded me that my mother is a "shishka", or mere goy-girlfriend of a Jewish man (my father, who they thought was Jewish).
No, that's not what that there anything you actually DO know?
I know how these people think, and that's one of the reasons I chose to convert to Islam rather than Judaism or become a Noahide (a non-Jewish caste within Judaism, under the heel of Jews, that receives instructions from rabbis yet remains non-Jewish, hence inferior to Jews).
Wrong on so many levels. The first is that you would never have been allowed to convert so even your "choice" is a lie. Then your depiction of Noachide is wrong and no one in Judaism thinks of Noachides as inferior. This is more of your ignorance, mixed with a feeling of inferiority which is manufacturing a reality for you.
Jews are the most xenophobic, bigoted, ethnocentric, elitist, narcissistic, arrogant, smug group of people on Earth.
Wow, what an absolutely hateful and ignorant statement. But I can't expect anything else.
To the point of being anti-human and absolutely demonic.
You take your persecution to supernatural levels. Amazing.

And I get it -- you don't like all sorts of minorities and blame the existence of things you don't like on Jews. You want a repressive society which follows your personal understanding of the world, otherwise, it's the Jews' fault.
Rosend and his ilk will always play the victims, crying foul, whenever non-Jews call them out.
All I have done is point out your errors. You are the one playing the victim of the big bad Jews (we who are, apparently, "demonic").
We Muslims do believe the world must eventually be under the rule of Sharia or divine law.
"must". So you believe that the world must fall under your set of laws.
But we have a different view of humanity and ourselves, allowing non-Muslims to exist with rights, that don't exist in Judaism.
really? Show me a Jewish text that supports this claims. Betcha can't (not someone saying it, but the actual text that teaches it).
Muslims aren't little gods, divinely "chosen" by Almighty God, to act as mediators or priests to humanity.
Good thing. Jews aren't either. Just because you don't know what the concept means in Judaism doesn't free you to invent something. I mean, you do it anyway, but you shouldn't.
That's the Jewish religious psychosis, that generates much of the hatred Rosend constantly complains about. A hatred well deserved, and rational.
When did I complain about the hatred? I just pointed out that you are hateful and you admitted it.
So you admit you are hateful. One down.

No, you have demonstrated, for all to see, an ignorance of Judaism, history and language Two down.

So I point out that you are hateful because you hate me but that's due to my own works (none of which you can name or list)? So the Jews are the victim but the Jews deserves to be the victim. Great thinking.

where did I do that? Betcha can't find anywhere.

I said you are jealous that a word refers to Jews. Try to keep things straight.

really? Where did I do that?

allowing? So you endorse the idea of letting a government ban certain people and allow others to live there. Got it.

Feel free to think that and take snippets of things you don't understand to try and prove your point. Jews don't claim we are superior, but you, because you feel inferior assume we say that.

No, we don't. This is just more about Judaism you don't understand.

No, we don't. But you can feel free to misrepresent whatever you want. Because you are ignorant of Judaism, your claims don't really amount to much.

why "so called"?

maybe it was just about you. Maybe the problem is you because we don't talk about other non-Jews like that.

No, they didn't because having a Jewish father has no bearing on whether someone might convert or how he is viewed. But keep making things up so you can feel sorry for yourself.

No, that's not what that there anything you actually DO know?

Wrong on so many levels. The first is that you would never have been allowed to convert so even your "choice" is a lie. Then your depiction of Noachide is wrong and no one in Judaism thinks of Noachides as inferior. This is more of your ignorance, mixed with a feeling of inferiority which is manufacturing a reality for you.

Wow, what an absolutely hateful and ignorant statement. But I can't expect anything else.

You take your persecution to supernatural levels. Amazing.

And I get it -- you don't like all sorts of minorities and blame the existence of things you don't like on Jews. You want a repressive society which follows your personal understanding of the world, otherwise, it's the Jews' fault.

All I have done is point out your errors. You are the one playing the victim of the big bad Jews (we who are, apparently, "demonic").

"must". So you believe that the world must fall under your set of laws.

really? Show me a Jewish text that supports this claims. Betcha can't (not someone saying it, but the actual text that teaches it).

Good thing. Jews aren't either. Just because you don't know what the concept means in Judaism doesn't free you to invent something. I mean, you do it anyway, but you shouldn't.

When did I complain about the hatred? I just pointed out that you are hateful and you admitted it.

Yes, I hate your Jewish culture, rabbinic Judaism, and the Jewish ZioNazis who defend and promote it. Does that by default render my views about Jewish culture, rabbinic Judaism, and ZionNazis incorrect? No of course not. Hatred is a human emotion that even the God of the Bible and his righteous servants expressed:

Psa_139:21-22 Do not I hate them, O LORD, that hate thee? and am not I grieved with those that rise up against I hate them with perfect hatred: I count them mine enemies.

Pro_8:13 The fear of the LORD is to hate evil: pride, and arrogancy, and the evil way, and the froward mouth, do I hate.

It's natural to hate Jews when they believe and behave as they do. You can continue with your lies and deny reality, but the truth is clear and in front of everyone. There are countless videos of rabbis admitting to everything that I'm saying. Your denial that the word for non-Jew, i.e. "goy" or "goyim" isn't used pejoratively within Jewish circles is laughable, to someone like me who has plenty of experience working for and around Chasidim. You're just firing lie after lie out of your keyboard. One lie after another. That's all you ZioNazis do, lie lie lie lie lie lie lie...lie lie lie....

The world is watching and it's waking up.



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Yes, I hate your Jewish culture, rabbinic Judaism, and the Jewish ZioNazis who defend and promote it.
So hateful. We know.
Does that by default render my views about Jewish culture, rabbinic Judaism, and ZionNazis incorrect?
Nope. Your ignorance does.
It's natural to hate Jews when they believe and behave as they do.
Or at least as you think they do.
You can continue with your lies and deny reality, but the truth is clear and in front of everyone. There are countless videos of rabbis admitting to everything that I'm saying. Your denial that the word for non-Jew, i.e. "goy" or "goyim" isn't used pejoratively within Jewish circles is laughable, to someone like me who has plenty of experience working for and around Chasidim
So you, who have "worked for and around Chasidim" are privy to something. But I, having lived as and among Orthodox Jews for over 50 years, and worked among Jews for 30 years don't see that. You must be more authoritative about Judaism then. Why would I know anything about my own culture. You clearly know more as an outsider. Good job.
. You're just firing lie after lie out of your keyboard. One lie after another. That's all you ZioNazis do, lie lie lie lie lie lie lie...lie lie lie....
Maybe if you were smarter, you'd understand. Maybe. Probably not though as you are starting with preconceived (incorrect) notions and are having too much fun enjoying being hateful.
So hateful. We know.

Nope. Your ignorance does.

Or at least as you think they do.

So you, who have "worked for and around Chasidim" are privy to something. But I, having lived as and among Orthodox Jews for over 50 years, and worked among Jews for 30 years don't see that. You must be more authoritative about Judaism then. Why would I know anything about my own culture. You clearly know more as an outsider. Good job.

Maybe if you were smarter, you'd understand. Maybe. Probably not though as you are starting with preconceived (incorrect) notions and are having too much fun enjoying being hateful.
You continue to lie lie lie lie lie......Your denials and objections don't work today in 2024 with so much information accessible to the public.
You continue to lie lie lie lie lie......Your denials and objections don't work today in 2024 with so much information accessible to the public.
When you decide you want to engage with the texts and facts and are tired of having other people do the thinking for you, let me know. When you decide you want to move beyond your hate and try learning something authentic, let me know.
feel free to stand on that claim as developed by other people for you. I read the original sources and have them backing me.

So you admit you are hateful. One down.

No, you have demonstrated, for all to see, an ignorance of Judaism, history and language Two down.

So I point out that you are hateful because you hate me but that's due to my own works (none of which you can name or list)? So the Jews are the victim but the Jews deserves to be the victim. Great thinking.

where did I do that? Betcha can't find anywhere.

I said you are jealous that a word refers to Jews. Try to keep things straight.

really? Where did I do that?

allowing? So you endorse the idea of letting a government ban certain people and allow others to live there. Got it.

Feel free to think that and take snippets of things you don't understand to try and prove your point. Jews don't claim we are superior, but you, because you feel inferior assume we say that.

No, we don't. This is just more about Judaism you don't understand.

No, we don't. But you can feel free to misrepresent whatever you want. Because you are ignorant of Judaism, your claims don't really amount to much.

why "so called"?

maybe it was just about you. Maybe the problem is you because we don't talk about other non-Jews like that.

No, they didn't because having a Jewish father has no bearing on whether someone might convert or how he is viewed. But keep making things up so you can feel sorry for yourself.

No, that's not what that there anything you actually DO know?

Wrong on so many levels. The first is that you would never have been allowed to convert so even your "choice" is a lie. Then your depiction of Noachide is wrong and no one in Judaism thinks of Noachides as inferior. This is more of your ignorance, mixed with a feeling of inferiority which is manufacturing a reality for you.

Wow, what an absolutely hateful and ignorant statement. But I can't expect anything else.

You take your persecution to supernatural levels. Amazing.

And I get it -- you don't like all sorts of minorities and blame the existence of things you don't like on Jews. You want a repressive society which follows your personal understanding of the world, otherwise, it's the Jews' fault.

All I have done is point out your errors. You are the one playing the victim of the big bad Jews (we who are, apparently, "demonic").

"must". So you believe that the world must fall under your set of laws.

really? Show me a Jewish text that supports this claims. Betcha can't (not someone saying it, but the actual text that teaches it).

Good thing. Jews aren't either. Just because you don't know what the concept means in Judaism doesn't free you to invent something. I mean, you do it anyway, but you shouldn't.

When did I complain about the hatred? I just pointed out that you are hateful and you admitted it.
Just like he says, all you are doing is denying everything. That's your argument, a long-winded denial. Aql has even embedded videos with rabbis saying everything he's asserting. It's clear who has the stronger case.
Just like he says, all you are doing is denying everything. That's your argument, a long-winded denial. Aql has even embedded videos with rabbis saying everything he's asserting. It's clear who has the stronger case.
Isn't pallywood fun? Read the koran---it says----FIRST RULE---LIE LOTS
Isn't pallywood fun? Read the koran---it says----FIRST RULE---LIE LOTS
You're not debunking anything he's said. Just denying it, isn't a refutation. His evidence consists of rabbis agreeing with everything he's saying. How the heck do you reduce that to him just lying? His evidence is right there, in front of us.
Just like he says, all you are doing is denying everything. That's your argument, a long-winded denial. Aql has even embedded videos with rabbis saying everything he's asserting. It's clear who has the stronger case.
I have presented myself for a discussion of the texts but because he doesn't know the texts and just takes videos, he has no interest in an actual discussion. Judaism isn't easy and it isn't obvious. Taking a video and then claiming that anyone who watches it (with no background or grounding) will understand that some vision of monolithic Judaism will emerge is foolish. But if he, or others don't want to investigate and learn the actual source content, what else can one do?

There were claims (here, elsewhere, who remembers) that the talmud and Jewish texts say certain things that they don't. Let's look at the specific texts in question. Is that any sort of evasion? it is simply a concession to the fact that outsiders who don't know Judaism need years of catching up before they are even on the level of discussing this stuff.

Sorry that you and others want spoon fed soundbites. That's not how Judaism works.

Just to give a bit of insight here -- someone can look at the US bill of rights and say "it says congress shall make no law" and you can get all sorts of experts who agree and therefore, watching those experts, one now has backing to the argument that according to the constitution, congress shall make no laws. Simply saying "that's not what it says" wouldn't be persuasive to you because that's just a denial. Of course it is just a denial because anyone who lacks the grounding of English and the study of politics and primary documents won't understand a more complex and intricate explanation.
You're not debunking anything he's said. Just denying it, isn't a refutation. His evidence consists of rabbis agreeing with everything he's saying. How the heck do you reduce that to him just lying? His evidence is right there, in front of us.
he has no real evidence. But I do
I have presented myself for a discussion of the texts but because he doesn't know the texts and just takes videos, he has no interest in an actual discussion. Judaism isn't easy and it isn't obvious. Taking a video and then claiming that anyone who watches it (with no background or grounding) will understand that some vision of monolithic Judaism will emerge is foolish. But if he, or others don't want to investigate and learn the actual source content, what else can one do?

There were claims (here, elsewhere, who remembers) that the talmud and Jewish texts say certain things that they don't. Let's look at the specific texts in question. Is that any sort of evasion? it is simply a concession to the fact that outsiders who don't know Judaism need years of catching up before they are even on the level of discussing this stuff.

Sorry that you and others want spoon fed soundbites. That's not how Judaism works.
You're in Lalaland, The rabbis are in the video saying exactly what he's asserting, and you're talking about texts. You're out of it. Jews bring a lot of hate and persecution on themselves by their attitude and actions, just as Aql claims. Those rabbis demonstrate exactly this, and you keep talking about texts. WOW, you're in outer space.
You're in Lalaland, The rabbis are in the video saying exactly what he's asserting, and you're talking about texts. You're out of it. Jews bring a lot of hate and persecution on themselves by their attitude and actions, just as Aql claims. Those rabbis demonstrate exactly this, and you keep talking about texts. WOW, you're in outer space.
No, I'm in reality, speaking as a rabbi. Watching people think that they can understand Judaism because they take isolated videos that have statements that they don't understand is hilarious.
No, I'm in reality, speaking as a rabbi. Watching people think that they can understand Judaism because they take isolated videos that have statements that they don't understand is hilarious.



It's not just the videos, it's everything he's presented. You're just denying it and saying he doesn't understand. It's pretty clear and convincing, what he's presented.
View attachment 934050


It's not just the videos, it's everything he's presented. You're just denying it and saying he doesn't understand. It's pretty clear and convincing, what he's presented.

Rosend is an expert in sophistry, smoke, and mirrors. He's a well-educated and smart Jew, so his disingenuous defense of rabbinic Judaism and ZioNazism is tricky. However, all he can do concerning my evidence is deny it. That's essentially the thrust of his "argument" or response. Denial, claiming we're not seeing or hearing what is there, and ignoring a lot of the points made by not providing a genuine, substantive rebuttal or response. It's just him denying what I'm saying, even though it's clear as day. He's suffering from cognitive dissonance.
Rosend is an expert in sophistry, smoke, and mirrors. He's a well-educated and smart Jew, so his disingenuous defense of rabbinic Judaism and ZioNazism is tricky. However, all he can do concerning my evidence is deny it. That's essentially the thrust of his "argument" or response. Denial, claiming we're not seeing or hearing what is there, and ignoring a lot of the points made by not providing a genuine, substantive rebuttal or response. It's just him denying what I'm saying, even though it's clear as day. He's suffering from cognitive dissonance.
what "points" do you imagine you made? I first read the islamo-nazi literature when I was about 8 years old. The stuff was scattered around
the town in which I lived in the 1950s. I believed it too. It was well written--
interestingly by nazi war criminals that had escaped the Nuremburg trials
to places like Egypt and Syria. I also read the news paper called NATIONAL ENQUIRER. I believed that paper too. It's easy to sway the uneducated and
immature mind
View attachment 934050


It's not just the videos, it's everything he's presented. You're just denying it and saying he doesn't understand. It's pretty clear and convincing, what he's presented.
But he didn't present anything. He cut and pasted claims that had no grounding in actual texts. The only reason it makes sense to you is because you are no more a student of it than he is so you are placated by the bits he is lining up for you. I would suggest setting the bar higher and doing some of the actual research yourself. If there are texts you need, let me know so we can review them together. Or you could just decide that because he gives you stuff you agree with, you needn't learn anything. Your choice.
But he didn't present anything. He cut and pasted claims that had no grounding in actual texts. The only reason it makes sense to you is because you are no more a student of it than he is so you are placated by the bits he is lining up for you. I would suggest setting the bar higher and doing some of the actual research yourself. If there are texts you need, let me know so we can review them together. Or you could just decide that because he gives you stuff you agree with, you needn't learn anything. Your choice.
You're delusional.

Idolatrous, crazy Jews, who think their souls descend from the higher worlds and all of humanity is going to be their slaves. It's time to come back to Earth and join humanity. Stop worshiping yourselves.
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The "master race" proponents aren't us Muslims, it's the Jews. They're the ones with the "special souls" that descend from the higher worlds:

They're supposedly, ontologically superior to everyone else.

We believe all human beings are equal before God concerning their nature. Muslims don't claim to be the "chosen ones" or position themselves as the "priesthood" of the nations, the mediators between God and man. That's the Jewish psychosis, which you reinforce and encourage. Listen to what these Jews think about America and Western Christian civilization:

Note: Two short ads that can be skipped after a few seconds might play before the video I mentioned starts:

These are the people that America and many self-hating Europeans are blindly supporting. These Jews hate your guts, and yet you're sending them billions of dollars in aid, weapons..etc. Germany partially subsidized the sale of six Dolphin Class Submarines to Israel. These xenophobic, misanthropic ZioNazi psychos, are armed with the latest, most advanced German submarines, capable of firing nukes! These anti-human religious nutbags have 200+ nukes and they're identifying the Western Christian world as "Edom", and "Amalek":

"Thus says the Lord of hosts, ‘I will punish the Amalekites for what they did in opposing the Israelites when they came up out of Egypt. Now go and strike Amalek and utterly destroy all that they have; do not spare them, but kill both man and woman, child and infant, ox and sheep, camel and donkey.’” (1 Samuel 15:2-3)

"כֹּה אָמַר יְהוָה צְבָאוֹת פָּקַדְתִּי אֵת אֲשֶׁר עָשָׂה עֲמָלֵק לְיִשְׂרָאֵל אֲשֶׁר שָׂם לוֹ בַדֶּרֶךְ בַּעֲלֹתוֹ מִמִּצְרָיִם. עַתָּה לֵךְ וְהִכִּיתָ אֶת עֲמָלֵק וְהַחֲרֵמְתֶּם אֶת כָּל אֲשֶׁר לוֹ וְלֹא תַחְמֹל עָלָיו וְהֵמַתָּה מֵאִישׁ עַד אִשָּׁה מֵעֹלֵל וְעַד יוֹנֵק מִשּׁוֹר וְעַד שֶׂה מִגָּמָל וְעַד חֲמוֹר." (שמואל א טו, 2-3)

These crazy ZioNazi-Jews identify everyone they don't like as "Amalek", granting them divine license to slaughter them. Muslims don't see themselves or the world as these ZioNazis do. We consider you the same to us, as far as your human essence and potential before God. You're not ontologically, essentially inferior to Muslims. Our souls are both human and hence equal before God, it's our character, deeds, and beliefs that determine our relationship with our Creator, not some inherent quality that is exclusively given to some and not to others.


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