Kids in Gay Marriages maladjusted, 35% Less Likely to Graduate High School

You are a social con who is wrong almost every time, Rosh.

You cannot define "lefty" or "neo-con", although you are supporting the imperialist agenda of Russia. That is unAmerican.
I'm a literal progressive's progressive. I've left you out-of-date left wing democrats in my dust. That probably explains why you have so much trouble seeing forward.
My definition of neocon for lefties is in the literal sense. You left wing democrats are rigidly mired in old school 1960's agendas and too conservative to budge forward.
You still advocate for segregation but call it diversity. You continue to contribute to unstructured families and the social problems that generates through your advocacy for single parenting by choice and homo parenting, refusing to pay attention to up-to-date empirical data because it contradicts your old fashioned dogma.
Did you really just say that diversity is segregation? LOL
For democrats it is.
You are a social con who is wrong almost every time, Rosh.

You cannot define "lefty" or "neo-con", although you are supporting the imperialist agenda of Russia. That is unAmerican.
I'm a literal progressive's progressive. I've left you out-of-date left wing democrats in my dust. That probably explains why you have so much trouble seeing forward.
My definition of neocon for lefties is in the literal sense. You left wing democrats are rigidly mired in old school 1960's agendas and too conservative to budge forward.
You still advocate for segregation but call it diversity. You continue to contribute to unstructured families and the social problems that generates through your advocacy for single parenting by choice and homo parenting, refusing to pay attention to up-to-date empirical data because it contradicts your old fashioned dogma.

pure bat guano crazy talk.
Only if you are too intellectually challenged to get it.
This is akin to the post-1960's phenomenon we've witnessed in the black neighborhoods in the US.
Kids need both parents. The more we contribute to and create alternatives to that the more we exacerbate social problems and failure. This is why democrats need to be removed. Or else they need to simply progress a little more than a little.

So are you suggesting that divorce be outlawed for parents?

And you suggest it is Democrats that are the problem- even though the 5 states with the highest divorce rates are Republican?

Even when Republican poster boy Newt Gingrich divorced his wife and abandoned his kids?

That is serious partisan blindness.
You are citing the anecdotal to qualify a bad thing. I'm not advocating divorce but you use it to justify another bad thing. Very democrat of you.
Inferior genes as gay people are normally not capable of getting a woman. So they're biologically selected against...So the one or so they do have or the adopted will be within a shitty environment(of a loser) or have less intelligence.
The inferior genes are clearly evidenced in the far right social conservatives and so-called libertarians.
Children in "common law" marriages fared the same or worse than children in same sex homes. Marriage matters.
The fact remains: families that are an integral part of the community produce well adjusted children.

When members of society attack families the children will suffer.

Hey, far right social con reactionaries: stop attacking families.
You are a social con who is wrong almost every time, Rosh.

You cannot define "lefty" or "neo-con", although you are supporting the imperialist agenda of Russia. That is unAmerican.
I'm a literal progressive's progressive. I've left you out-of-date left wing democrats in my dust. That probably explains why you have so much trouble seeing forward.
My definition of neocon for lefties is in the literal sense. You left wing democrats are rigidly mired in old school 1960's agendas and too conservative to budge forward.
You still advocate for segregation but call it diversity. You continue to contribute to unstructured families and the social problems that generates through your advocacy for single parenting by choice and homo parenting, refusing to pay attention to up-to-date empirical data because it contradicts your old fashioned dogma.

pure bat guano crazy talk.
Only if you are too intellectually challenged to get it.

Its not a matter of intellect- Einstein couldn't figure out that twisted mass of bat guano craziness.
Inferior genes as gay people are normally not capable of getting a woman. So they're biologically selected against...So the one or so they do have or the adopted will be within a shitty environment(of a loser) or have less intelligence.

Gay people- i.e. lesbians- get women all the time.

Once again the ignorance of the homophobes is on display.
This is akin to the post-1960's phenomenon we've witnessed in the black neighborhoods in the US.
Kids need both parents. The more we contribute to and create alternatives to that the more we exacerbate social problems and failure. This is why democrats need to be removed. Or else they need to simply progress a little more than a little.

So are you suggesting that divorce be outlawed for parents?

And you suggest it is Democrats that are the problem- even though the 5 states with the highest divorce rates are Republican?

Even when Republican poster boy Newt Gingrich divorced his wife and abandoned his kids?

That is serious partisan blindness.
You are citing the anecdotal to qualify a bad thing. I'm not advocating divorce but you use it to justify another bad thing. Very democrat of you.

You were the one who described the issue of abandoned children to be why 'democrats need to be removed'- without any substantiation at all.
I pointed out that this is hardly a Democratic issue since heterosexual Republicans like Newt Gingrich abandon their families as much as heterosexual Democrats.

I am just waiting for once to see any of the bigots who beat their chests and pull their hair calling out "What about the children' to attack homosexuals, to actually address the problems children actually have.

Remember- the population of homosexuals is roughly 2-4% of the population. The number of homosexual couples raising children is a small percentage of that.

There are around 7,000,000 children in California- and approximately 40,000 children being raised by gay parents.

Show me the thread where you have argued for protections of the 6,960,000 children that are not being raised by gay parents.

Remember we have 20,000 children a year that age out of the system because nobody adopts them- children abandoned by their mom and dad, and thrust out into the world without any mom and dad- or any support system.

And your only concern is preventing gays from being allowed to provide a home for them.
You are a social con who is wrong almost every time, Rosh.

You cannot define "lefty" or "neo-con", although you are supporting the imperialist agenda of Russia. That is unAmerican.
I'm a literal progressive's progressive. I've left you out-of-date left wing democrats in my dust. That probably explains why you have so much trouble seeing forward.
My definition of neocon for lefties is in the literal sense. You left wing democrats are rigidly mired in old school 1960's agendas and too conservative to budge forward.
You still advocate for segregation but call it diversity. You continue to contribute to unstructured families and the social problems that generates through your advocacy for single parenting by choice and homo parenting, refusing to pay attention to up-to-date empirical data because it contradicts your old fashioned dogma.

pure bat guano crazy talk.
Only if you are too intellectually challenged to get it.

Its not a matter of intellect- Einstein couldn't figure out that twisted mass of bat guano craziness.
I guess you're too conditioned, too. Not my fault.
Rosh doesn't like that the rest of the world will not accept his narrative, terms, and definitions.

He is only entitled to his opinion, nothing else except the accepted narrative, terms, and definitions.
Rosh doesn't like that the rest of the world will not accept his narrative, terms, and definitions.

He is only entitled to his opinion, nothing else except the accepted narrative, terms, and definitions.
I welcome any and all rebuttal. Problem is that I'm not getting any. People who can't figure out the obvious respond with disparagement as you just did.
When you use accepted terms and definitions, except discussion.

No one is going to hypothetical loony land with you.
You are a social con who is wrong almost every time, Rosh.

You cannot define "lefty" or "neo-con", although you are supporting the imperialist agenda of Russia. That is unAmerican.
I'm a literal progressive's progressive. I've left you out-of-date left wing democrats in my dust. That probably explains why you have so much trouble seeing forward.
My definition of neocon for lefties is in the literal sense. You left wing democrats are rigidly mired in old school 1960's agendas and too conservative to budge forward.
You still advocate for segregation but call it diversity. You continue to contribute to unstructured families and the social problems that generates through your advocacy for single parenting by choice and homo parenting, refusing to pay attention to up-to-date empirical data because it contradicts your old fashioned dogma.

pure bat guano crazy talk.
Only if you are too intellectually challenged to get it.

Its not a matter of intellect- Einstein couldn't figure out that twisted mass of bat guano craziness.
I guess you're too conditioned, too. Not my fault.

And not my fault that your posts are bat guano crazy.

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