Killing Heart patients


Diamond Member
May 20, 2014
Researchers found that the 30-day readmission rate (adjusted for patient risk) declined to 18.4% from 20% after the penalties were introduced. Yet the 30-day mortality rate increased to 8.6% from 7.2%—about 5,400 additional deaths per year. Over a one-year period the readmission rate fell by 0.9 percentage points while the mortality rate rose by five. In other words, while fewer patients were being readmitted, many more were dying. ObamaCare’s Death Payments
New regs on medicare patients and readmission rates caused this. We are now playing the same games with general populace that VA plays......
Those who act surprised by this or try to explain this as a statistical anomaly, those are the people who don’t understand what happens when healthcare is regulated by large government.
Researchers found that the 30-day readmission rate (adjusted for patient risk) declined to 18.4% from 20% after the penalties were introduced. Yet the 30-day mortality rate increased to 8.6% from 7.2%—about 5,400 additional deaths per year. Over a one-year period the readmission rate fell by 0.9 percentage points while the mortality rate rose by five. In other words, while fewer patients were being readmitted, many more were dying. ObamaCare’s Death Payments
New regs on medicare patients and readmission rates caused this. We are now playing the same games with general populace that VA plays......

Dear Manonthestreet and BuckToothMoron
if anyone needs more proof that you can't rely on Federal Govt
to manage global programs for whole populations,
just ask anyone in 3 states affected by hurricane flooding:
How is FEMA going? What is the status of the claims?
You'll get a bunch of complaints of no communication, long lines,
busy signals for 2 hours before being cut off, constantly changing, confusing or wrong instructions, denials and rejections for no reason,
impossible delays and lower payouts than people can afford, etc.
All under an overrun system with too many people with diverse
cases and details that the Federal agencies are not equipped to handle.

And this is only for 3 major states: TX LA and CA.
If you add Puerto Rico, they are going through worse.

So ask your nearest Democrat member, leader or supporter
of federalized health care:
If FEMA cannot even manage the demands of the population
of THREE STATES where not even the whole state was affected
but just certain populations concentrated around certain cities or
coastal areas,

You have witnesses across 3 states to
interview and survey as a 'sample'.

The Feds can't even handle that segment.
And you expect the Federal Govt to handle
the populations of 50 states totalling over 300 million???
People that have heartattacks won't even be able to get help at all if it wasn't for obamacare.

People with Schizophrenia, cancer, diabetes, drug addictions, and other mental and physical diseases, including deadly terminal cases and even criminal illnesses, ALSO couldn't get help to save their lives
if it weren't for spiritual healing that is free and does more to cure
people than medicine alone.

Yet govt cannot force people to participate in that either.

There are a lot of things that can save lives, but that doesn't
justify abusing govt to force choices on people.

What we need is to give people equal choice and let
people PAY for the programs they want to work.

So ScienceRocks if you believe in universal care, then pay for it,
require other believers in it to pay and be under it, and manage it
for everyone who consents to be under that plan.
If people DON'T believe in govt health care, then they don't pay into it,
and don't get benefits under it.

If people believe in recreational drug use, and the cost to their lives
brains mental health etc, let them pay for the consequences and let them choose to risk their health later on.

If you are willing to pay for it, sure you should have that choice!

What is conflicting and violating people's rights and beliefs is
IMPOSING beliefs on people and making them pay against their will,
whether "right to life" is imposed on prochoice people who refuse;
or whether "right to health care" is imposed on free market people.
The effect is the same: people want FREEDOM to consent to programs
and policies in order to preserve our right to choose.

ScienceRocks if you can understand how oppressive it feels
for prochoice people to fight to keep prolife people from pushing
that bias on policy into govt and force others to pay and be under it,
perhaps you can understand how people feel who believe in
free market and making the right decisions for themselves
yet are being insulted, attacked, penalized and bullied
for refusing to comply with forced mandates through govt
that violate free choice.

Of all the liberal minded people on here, I hope you may
be one of the few intelligent and astute enough to understand
this critical comparison.

Can you understand the "parallel" between
* prochoice people refusing to be under prolife laws that imposed BELIEFS that "right to life" should be required by law for EVERYONE
* free market people refusing and rejecting tax mandates and penalties
imposing the BELIEF that "right to health care" should be forced on everyone to pay for

Do you understand that
* if prochoice people do not want to lose the "freedom to choose abortion" by penalizing this choice
* then why take away choices and force FINES on people who believe in "free market CHOICES" and don't want to lose freedom to choose HOW TO PAY FOR HEALTH CARE WITH OR WITHOUT GOVT

If the choice of abortion can't be regulated or fined, by imposing BELIEFS about right to life being more important than freedom,
why should the choice of paying for health care be penalized?

If abortion can be prevented other ways besides govt mandates banning that choice, why can't lives be saved by providing health care OTHER WAYS besides govt mandates penalizing any other choice?
The small government whine is just another excuse to let people die and let everything fall apart. It is just dumb...If that is what you want move to somalia where there's next to no government.
your rant doesnt fit the facts....
Researchers found that the 30-day readmission rate (adjusted for patient risk) declined to 18.4% from 20% after the penalties were introduced. Yet the 30-day mortality rate increased to 8.6% from 7.2%—about 5,400 additional deaths per year. Over a one-year period the readmission rate fell by 0.9 percentage points while the mortality rate rose by five. In other words, while fewer patients were being readmitted, many more were dying. ObamaCare’s Death Payments
New regs on medicare patients and readmission rates caused this. We are now playing the same games with general populace that VA plays......

Dear Manonthestreet and BuckToothMoron
if anyone needs more proof that you can't rely on Federal Govt
to manage global programs for whole populations,
just ask anyone in 3 states affected by hurricane flooding:
How is FEMA going? What is the status of the claims?
You'll get a bunch of complaints of no communication, long lines,
busy signals for 2 hours before being cut off, constantly changing, confusing or wrong instructions, denials and rejections for no reason,
impossible delays and lower payouts than people can afford, etc.
All under an overrun system with too many people with diverse
cases and details that the Federal agencies are not equipped to handle.

And this is only for 3 major states: TX LA and CA.
If you add Puerto Rico, they are going through worse.

So ask your nearest Democrat member, leader or supporter
of federalized health care:
If FEMA cannot even manage the demands of the population
of THREE STATES where not even the whole state was affected
but just certain populations concentrated around certain cities or
coastal areas,

You have witnesses across 3 states to
interview and survey as a 'sample'.

The Feds can't even handle that segment.
And you expect the Federal Govt to handle
the populations of 50 states totalling over 300 million???

Spot on! Take a look at the VA Healthcare system. Horribly managed and problems run amok. But our federal government thinks they can scale up it up 10 times and it’ll be smooth sailing.
Researchers found that the 30-day readmission rate (adjusted for patient risk) declined to 18.4% from 20% after the penalties were introduced. Yet the 30-day mortality rate increased to 8.6% from 7.2%—about 5,400 additional deaths per year. Over a one-year period the readmission rate fell by 0.9 percentage points while the mortality rate rose by five. In other words, while fewer patients were being readmitted, many more were dying. ObamaCare’s Death Payments
New regs on medicare patients and readmission rates caused this. We are now playing the same games with general populace that VA plays......

DIms will run with this and say we need a single payer system

The GOP will just ignore it and refuse to repeal Obamacare

Either way we lose.
The small government whine is just another excuse to let people die and let everything fall apart. It is just dumb...If that is what you want move to somalia where there's next to no government.
Dear ScienceRocks
In America we can have and develop equal choice of public and private programs.
It's BOTH not either or.

We have BOTH the Choice to
Invest in state or federal care
Or other model nonprofits such as:
St Jude Children Hospital
Doctor's Without borders
Catholic charities, hospitals and foster or adoption programs

Somalia doesn't have the FREE CHOICE of resources that America has.

ScienceRocks why are you suddenly against FREE CHOICE when it comes to medical and health care programs?
It's the similar concept in not wanting govt in control of reproductive and birth control choices! If you want PEOPLE to have freedom of choice NOT DICTATED BY GOVT, that's what we're asking for health care decisions

You come across like Prolife people who think govt laws REGULATING abortion are the "only way" that's going to work.

And saying do you want to move to CHINA where abortions are forced?

China doesn't have free choice.
And neither does Somalia.

The objection and complaint is that you are "taking away free choice" by REQUIRING health care go through govt where "any other choices are Penalized"

If Prolife did that with the choice of abortion being "penalized by govt and tax fines" you and I would both yell for separation of church and state.

And the same applies to free choice of health care without being fined or punished by govt!!!
China is the most famous for killing heart patients. That one has a state hospital system that receives the pension redirected from the heart patient. So they collect all the cash and keep the heart patient alive at minimum cost, no pain killers, massive collateral injuries including rib fractures, no heating, no food, the slowest form of death and most painful, because you are hooked to machines that beep if you dare die. Hehehe. Catch this one, Obama death panels.
The #1 cause of cardiac death is the cardiologist and his blood pressure scam/medicines. Quit fucking eating garbage and drink at least 3 cups of hibiscus tea per day. Good to go.
Isn't heart attack one of the best ways to die? I mean look at the alternatives, cancer, liver failure, lung collapse, brain desease, priapism. Heart attack is the best, isn't it?
The small government whine is just another excuse to let people die and let everything fall apart. It is just dumb...If that is what you want move to somalia where there's next to no government.

BTW ScienceRocks "Limited" govt is not the same as Small.
It means to focus FEDERAL govt on just FEDERAL CONSTITUTIONAL duties
that federal govt can provide better between states and for the nation, like national
security and military defense.

The other functions especially SOCIAL programs that require INDIVIDUAL
and PERSONAL choices are relegated to STATES and PEOPLE so we have more local control.

You SAY you don't want prolife, or Christians or Republicans/Conservatives
making decisions for you, right? about your health care, your prochoice/reproductive decisions
and now this whole LGBT field of issues and policies/practices.

So that's why you DON'T want to inject your PERSONAL PRIVATE matters
into Federal govt, and you don't want Federal Govt injecting itself into your personal beliefs, choices and affairs.

The problem ScienceRocks is Liberals "imagine" that the liberal LGBT and right to health care
agenda can be injected and embedded on a federal level where you expect "all decisions to
be made your way"

But that's NOT how federal govt works. Federal govt has to represent ALL states and ALL people
of ALL beliefs. So your beliefs are only a fraction of what federal govt has to represent and include.

You are making the same mistake as Christians and prolife who expect to
impose and "establish that agenda" through govt for EVERYONE to follow.

Well if "right to life" can't be imposed through govt because it is a belief that other people oppose,
the same applies to "right to health care"

If "heterosexual marriage only" can't be imposed through govt and force everyone to
agree to those beliefs about marriage, neither can "same sex marriage" be incorporated
and endorsed through govt if THAT violates beliefs of others who reject that as well!

The other problem is we have never directly and specifically addressed
"political beliefs" as a form of Religious belief and free exercise.
But Political religions ARE a form of belief. They are different and more
difficult to manage BECAUSE they involve govt and hard to separate from
the very institution these "political religions and beliefs" are based on.

So we'd either need to AGREE on govt policy in order to be fair to all beliefs.
Or set up internal localized govt where people and taxpayers
can SEPARATE the funding and jurisdiction of their beliefs
and still have them operate through a form of govt that provides public access
BY FREE CHOICE. It just can 't be FORCED on people.

People are not required to use federal reserve money
except when paying govt or other institutions that require using it.

It is perfectly legal to issue and circulate independent currency
within local geographic regions where people and businesses
agree to accept that currency. So we can do the same
with setting up local administrative and service cooperatives
and credit unions to manage health care and taxes/finances
paid into programs to serve those members who choose them.

That would make more sense constitutionally than imposing
either right to life or right to health care through govt
against the beliefs of half the nation, and expect people
to comply and be willing to give up their free choice to federal govt controls!
Isn't heart attack one of the best ways to die? I mean look at the alternatives, cancer, liver failure, lung collapse, brain desease, priapism. Heart attack is the best, isn't it?

I guess it depends on the situation anotherlife
I wouldn't mind dying of a heart attack in the middle
of eating a delicious steak dinner at my favorite restaurant.
What a way to go, with a great last meal!

But if I were a Congressman caught with my pants down
having a gay affair in the office, where someone caught
us on camera and I had a heart attack and died on the spot,
Nope. That would not be too cool.
I would NOT want to be remembered that way!

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