Killing yoga peeps

And why aren't white men disowning these terrorists?
And why aren't white men disowning these terrorists?

I'm not aware of anyone condoning his actions, but if it makes you feel better, then of course his vile behavior is anathema to what any man should believe in.
Ravi is our board misandrist.

So cute
I thought this thread would be about Bill O'Reilly's next book.

Just found out one of the wounded is a student in one of the biology classes my younger brother teaches at FSU.

I hope that he/she will be okay. I also hope that your prior sentences were sarcasm. I'm relatively new here so it's hard to tell at times.
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I also hope that your prior sentences were sarcasm. I'm relatively new here so it's hard to tell at times.

Hope is a town in Indiana.

I don’t joke. I have no sense of humor. I am an ultra-Conservative and Authoritarian. I have no use for anyone with alternative points of view.
I also hope that your prior sentences were sarcasm. I'm relatively new here so it's hard to tell at times.

Hope is a town in Indiana.

I don’t joke. I have no sense of humor. I am an ultra-Conservative and Authoritarian. I have no use for anyone with alternative points of view.

OK, now I’m starting to think that you’re a troll account set up to make conservatives look like evil psychopaths. Get a new hobby.
what in gods name is wrong with these entitled white men? We have too many disgruntled, butthurt gun owners. Beyond sick.

The Latest: Yoga shooter posted racist, misogynistic videos

what in gods name is wrong with these entitled white men?

Was there more than one shooter? Let me post a video of some guy from another race then, commence to ask what is wrong with them all. Of course, this guy was beyond sick, and his actions as well as his views should be completely condemned. Hate to break it to you though, the VAST majority of gun owners are never going to do this... your looking at a fraction of a percent here.
Not being a phycologist myself, I probably cant tell you whats wrong with this guy and I can really relate to him at all.
OK, now I’m starting to think that you’re a troll account set up to make conservatives look like evil psychopaths. Get a new hobby.

Nope; not a troll. Those around here, and several other places can speak to thst. I’m as real and serious as a heart attack.
And why aren't white men disowning these terrorists?
I'm a white guy and I do not condone murder. Particularly of yoga pants wearing ladies.
The world needs more hot ladies in yoga pants

Depends on your definition of hot.


Incompatible. You're one or the other. Authoritarianism is a trait of liberalism. NEVER conservatism.

Not st all. The Ultimate form of Traditional Conseratism is Authoritarianism. You seem to have Libertarians confused with Conservatives.
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