Knee-deep in blood: We are all being held hostage by Wayne LaPierre’s children

What evidence are you referring to? I'm providing evidence that gun control in other countries is highly successful, but they don't have an organization like the NRA to contend with.

These Laws Are The Reason Canada Australia Japan And The UK Have Such Low Gun Homicide Rates - Business Insider


You really think that chart helps your case?

Considering that Mexico has stricter gun laws than the US but a higher per capita homicide rate, yes.

So you envision comparing our crime to countries like Mexico rather than countries like Canada, England, France, Italy, Germany or Japan?

That is the United States you strive for?
Better than Mexico?

I never said that my moronic little friend. I was simply countering your numbnutted friends comment about places with stricter gun laws having lower homicide rates.

Actually, you were countering nothing

Mexico has tougher gun laws in response to a rampant drug and crime rate
They do not have rampant drug and crime rate BECAUSE of their tight gun laws
Don't wanna a gun, don't own one. And enforce the law. Problem solved. You're welcome.
You all can ban guns but you'll never get mine. And there about another 100 million who feel the same way.

You all NRA haters can be unarmed but not me.
There are a few liberals who want to ban semi automatic weapons, but the majority believe in the 2nd amendment, and that includes President Obama. The NRA to this day warns its members that the government wants to take all guns away, its just another NRA lie.

They also want to make it impossible for law abiding citizens to get said weapons. Look at what it takes to get a gun in NYC with a clean record for an example of what progressives want for country wide gun laws.

How many mass murderers, or murderers in general, have a "clean record"? If it were "impossible"

Murderers in general tend to own guns they are not supposed to own, most of them being felons already.

That's untrue. Post the evidence and then apologize to the readers for misleading them.
Are you SURE you're not one of the crazy? And even if you're not, and that someday can be ruled out, whose to say the next time someone cuts you off on the highway and flips you the bird you won't react with violence?

Good God you bed wtters are stupid.

First of all you're projecting.

"People" like you probably shouldn't have guns if you think a minor traffic incident could lead to gunfire.

Secondly, people are cut off, brake checked, and flipped off on the roads everyday in Texas where we are armed to the teeth. It's happened to all of us, and none of us have reacted violently.


You really think that chart helps your case?

Considering that Mexico has stricter gun laws than the US but a higher per capita homicide rate, yes.

So you envision comparing our crime to countries like Mexico rather than countries like Canada, England, France, Italy, Germany or Japan?

That is the United States you strive for?
Better than Mexico?

I never said that my moronic little friend. I was simply countering your numbnutted friends comment about places with stricter gun laws having lower homicide rates.

Actually, you were countering nothing

Mexico has tougher gun laws in response to a rampant drug and crime rate
They do not have rampant drug and crime rate BECAUSE of their tight gun laws

Really ? Wanna link us up with some facts to back that up ?
[that isn't the problem. it's not keeping guns away from crazies, loons, and criminals.

it's harder to get a drivers license in some places than a gun license.

While I agree we need to keep firearms out of the hands of the mentally ill it SHOULD be easier to get a gun license than a drivers license. We have the RIGHT to keep and bear arms. We do not have a RIGHT to drive.

You want to fix the problem.... get rid of the mentally ill, not the guns.

After reading a number of your posts, how do you expect to escape the dragnet used to get rid of the mentally ill?
We have gun laws now. So why aren't they being enforced? How are so many criminals getting guns? Law Enforcement needs to focus more on taking guns away from criminals. They need to end their witchhunt on law-abiding Gun Owner Citizens. It's time to re-focus. Legal Gun Owners are not the problem.
Well, you're partially right. O does hate guns and the 2nd.

After 14 massacres since he has been President...I think he is sick of them

But yet he's done nothing to stop the root of the problem and the root has nothing to do with guns.

The root of our problem with massacres is keeping guns out of the hands of crazy people

But no....NRA won't allow that

What the NRA won't allow is the progressive "solution" of making it so hard for law abiding citizens to get firearms that the crazy's have a harder time getting them by proxy.

All your solutions make it harder for ME to get a firearm, not the crazy person or the criminal.

Are you SURE you're not one of the crazy? And even if you're not, and that someday can be ruled out, whose to say the next time someone cuts you off on the highway and flips you the bird you won't react with violence?

A case of the "could happens" is not enough to restrict a persons rights.
I could use my car to plow into a bunch of people just as easily as shooting them.
That's untrue. Post the evidence and then apologize to the readers for misleading them.

The Sky is Blue.

Pull your head out of your fucking ass and you can see it

LOL, another angry post by an out-of-control lunatic. You are one od the people who need to be prevented from owning, possessing or ever having a gun under your custody or control.

Post the evidence that most murderers are convicted felons!

You really think that chart helps your case?

Considering that Mexico has stricter gun laws than the US but a higher per capita homicide rate, yes.

So you envision comparing our crime to countries like Mexico rather than countries like Canada, England, France, Italy, Germany or Japan?

That is the United States you strive for?
Better than Mexico?

I never said that my moronic little friend. I was simply countering your numbnutted friends comment about places with stricter gun laws having lower homicide rates.

Actually, you were countering nothing

Mexico has tougher gun laws in response to a rampant drug and crime rate
They do not have rampant drug and crime rate BECAUSE of their tight gun laws

You're an idiot.
After 14 massacres since he has been President...I think he is sick of them

But yet he's done nothing to stop the root of the problem and the root has nothing to do with guns.

The root of our problem with massacres is keeping guns out of the hands of crazy people

But no....NRA won't allow that

What the NRA won't allow is the progressive "solution" of making it so hard for law abiding citizens to get firearms that the crazy's have a harder time getting them by proxy.

All your solutions make it harder for ME to get a firearm, not the crazy person or the criminal.

Are you SURE you're not one of the crazy? And even if you're not, and that someday can be ruled out, whose to say the next time someone cuts you off on the highway and flips you the bird you won't react with violence?

A case of the "could happens" is not enough to restrict a persons rights.
I could use my car to plow into a bunch of people just as easily as shooting them.

Yep, you could. Other than being an obvious non sequitur, do you have a point?
I was about to post a photo of Newtown Children.

Then I realized putting them so close the disgusting far-right people on USMB would be an abomination.
That's untrue. Post the evidence and then apologize to the readers for misleading them.

The Sky is Blue.

Pull your head out of your fucking ass and you can see it

LOL, another angry post by an out-of-control lunatic. You are one od the people who need to be prevented from owning, possessing or ever having a gun under your custody or control.

Post the evidence that most murderers are convicted felons!

Who said anything about convicted felons? You didn't you dishonest piece of shit.

You were remarking that most guns were LEGALLY owned by the perp.

You're an idiot......

Of guns recovered from persons arrested and charged with a crime:

84 percent of those guns were stolen in a burglary; including 4 percent stolen from a relative or a friend.

6 percent of those guns were confiscated and resold by a “law enforcement officer.” Legalized armed robbery, in other words.

2 percent of those guns were stolen from the police or the military.

2 percent of those guns were stolen from a parcel or delivery service.

That leaves just six percent of guns taken from arrestees that could properly be considered possible “crime guns” that could also have been legally purchased. And most of those were never used in a crime. If they had been “crime guns” they would already have been ditched.


I take it back, you're not an idiot, you're a lying scumbag
Actually, you were countering nothing

Mexico has tougher gun laws in response to a rampant drug and crime rate
They do not have rampant drug and crime rate BECAUSE of their tight gun laws

Their oppressive gun laws have done NOTHING to contain their rampant violent crime - quite the opposite.

The drug lords and the government are one and the same in Mexico, just as they are in this country. Mexico disarms the peasants to ensure the criminals operate unopposed - just as you seek to do in this country.
You all can ban guns but you'll never get mine. And there about another 100 million who feel the same way.

You all NRA haters can be unarmed but not me.
There are a few liberals who want to ban semi automatic weapons, but the majority believe in the 2nd amendment, and that includes President Obama. The NRA to this day warns its members that the government wants to take all guns away, its just another NRA lie.

They also want to make it impossible for law abiding citizens to get said weapons. Look at what it takes to get a gun in NYC with a clean record for an example of what progressives want for country wide gun laws.

How many mass murderers, or murderers in general, have a "clean record"? If it were "impossible"

Murderers in general tend to own guns they are not supposed to own, most of them being felons already.

That's untrue. Post the evidence and then apologize to the readers for misleading them.

Post evidence to the contrary.

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