Knee-deep in blood: We are all being held hostage by Wayne LaPierre’s children

Knee-deep in blood: We are all being held hostage by Wayne LaPierre’s children

Brilliant piece on the continuing blood bath caused by the NRA.

Let us state for the record that there is critical mass of Americans in this country whose very existence is based upon ignorance, paranoia, racism, seething hatred, bitterness, and bigotry. They can’t get up in the morning unless they have someone to hate or look down upon, because that is what lifts them up and makes their world seem not so shitty.

And occasionally this animating animus bubbles up to the surface and racist all-cap rants on Facebook won’t make the pain go away — and there is the NRA is standing by with, as they say at the hardware stores: “the right tool for the right job.”

Because Wayne LaPierre’s terrorist-enabling organization does their damndest to make sure weapons are unregulated, cheap, and plentiful, practically any U.S. citizen can settle any trifling argument with as little as three pounds of pressure on a trigger.

  • The mother of Adam Lanza — who had severe emotional problems — kept her home stocked with multiple weapons and thought it would be a good idea to bring her son out of his shell by teaching him how to shoot. How did that work out? 26 people dead at Sandy Hook — 20 of whom we’re children 7-years-old or younger. Also: Nancy Lanza. Adam Lanza brought a shotgun, an AR15 assault weapon, and two handguns with him to the elementary school.
  • Elliot Rodgers of Santa Barbara couldn’t get laid and hated women. His solution: he killed 6 people and wounded fourteen others. His weapons of choice: 3 handguns, all purchased legally under the benevolent gaze of Wayne LaPierre.
  • Craig Stephen Hicks had a parking dispute with some Muslim students near the campus of University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He executed all three of them with a shot to the head. He liked to carry his .38 on his hip, because he was an open-carry enthusiast.
  • Another open-carry enthusiast –Alex Kozak — sexually harassed a woman at the mall where he worked. After losing his job, he returned to the mall with his 9mm and shot 20-year-old Andrea Farrington 3-times. In the back.
  • And now Dylann Storm Roof sat in a predominately black church in Charleston, South Carolina, before opening fire and killing nine African-Americans, explaining, “You rape our women and you’re taking over our country — and you have to go.” Dylann had a history of brushes with the law, was arrested in February on drug charges in addition to being kicked out of a mall for acting “weird,” and was described by his uncle as a “loner” who stayed cooped up in his room. He was given a .45 handgun in April for his birthday. By his father.
The NRA is not solely to blame here, although they certainly believe they are 100 percent in the clear because, hey, who can possibly know what people are going to do with a fine piece of machinery designed to kill? You also have idiot parents who think weapons can be therapeutic or might make swell gifts for their oddball kids.

But the NRA, under LaPierre, has its blood-soaked hands smudging-up every attempt at passing laws that might slow down our national genocide, including recently stopping a law that would have kept guns out of the hands of domestic abusers in Louisiana.

I’ll say it again, and I’ll never stop saying it: It’s Wayne LaPierre’s world — and we’re just dying in it.

Put this on t-shirts and sell them at gun shows.


Take it up with the Founding Fathers and the US Constitution bitch.......and get off your knees. It's unbecoming.
America is going to wake up some day, when enough blood is spilled, and the NRA is going to burn to the ground.

Nobody wants to "ban" guns.

The NRA is pure marketing via fear and panic.

There is a difference between a Gun Owner and a Gun Nutter.
Knee-deep in blood: We are all being held hostage by Wayne LaPierre’s children

Brilliant piece on the continuing blood bath caused by the NRA.

Let us state for the record that there is critical mass of Americans in this country whose very existence is based upon ignorance, paranoia, racism, seething hatred, bitterness, and bigotry. They can’t get up in the morning unless they have someone to hate or look down upon, because that is what lifts them up and makes their world seem not so shitty.

And occasionally this animating animus bubbles up to the surface and racist all-cap rants on Facebook won’t make the pain go away — and there is the NRA is standing by with, as they say at the hardware stores: “the right tool for the right job.”

Because Wayne LaPierre’s terrorist-enabling organization does their damndest to make sure weapons are unregulated, cheap, and plentiful, practically any U.S. citizen can settle any trifling argument with as little as three pounds of pressure on a trigger.

  • The mother of Adam Lanza — who had severe emotional problems — kept her home stocked with multiple weapons and thought it would be a good idea to bring her son out of his shell by teaching him how to shoot. How did that work out? 26 people dead at Sandy Hook — 20 of whom we’re children 7-years-old or younger. Also: Nancy Lanza. Adam Lanza brought a shotgun, an AR15 assault weapon, and two handguns with him to the elementary school.
  • Elliot Rodgers of Santa Barbara couldn’t get laid and hated women. His solution: he killed 6 people and wounded fourteen others. His weapons of choice: 3 handguns, all purchased legally under the benevolent gaze of Wayne LaPierre.
  • Craig Stephen Hicks had a parking dispute with some Muslim students near the campus of University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He executed all three of them with a shot to the head. He liked to carry his .38 on his hip, because he was an open-carry enthusiast.
  • Another open-carry enthusiast –Alex Kozak — sexually harassed a woman at the mall where he worked. After losing his job, he returned to the mall with his 9mm and shot 20-year-old Andrea Farrington 3-times. In the back.
  • And now Dylann Storm Roof sat in a predominately black church in Charleston, South Carolina, before opening fire and killing nine African-Americans, explaining, “You rape our women and you’re taking over our country — and you have to go.” Dylann had a history of brushes with the law, was arrested in February on drug charges in addition to being kicked out of a mall for acting “weird,” and was described by his uncle as a “loner” who stayed cooped up in his room. He was given a .45 handgun in April for his birthday. By his father.
The NRA is not solely to blame here, although they certainly believe they are 100 percent in the clear because, hey, who can possibly know what people are going to do with a fine piece of machinery designed to kill? You also have idiot parents who think weapons can be therapeutic or might make swell gifts for their oddball kids.

But the NRA, under LaPierre, has its blood-soaked hands smudging-up every attempt at passing laws that might slow down our national genocide, including recently stopping a law that would have kept guns out of the hands of domestic abusers in Louisiana.

I’ll say it again, and I’ll never stop saying it: It’s Wayne LaPierre’s world — and we’re just dying in it.

Put this on t-shirts and sell them at gun shows.


Take it up with the Founding Fathers and the US Constitution bitch.......and get off your knees. It's unbecoming.

Shut yo mouth, little girl, or I won't let you toss my salad again.
Knee-deep in blood: We are all being held hostage by Wayne LaPierre’s children

Brilliant piece on the continuing blood bath caused by the NRA.

Let us state for the record that there is critical mass of Americans in this country whose very existence is based upon ignorance, paranoia, racism, seething hatred, bitterness, and bigotry. They can’t get up in the morning unless they have someone to hate or look down upon, because that is what lifts them up and makes their world seem not so shitty.

And occasionally this animating animus bubbles up to the surface and racist all-cap rants on Facebook won’t make the pain go away — and there is the NRA is standing by with, as they say at the hardware stores: “the right tool for the right job.”

Because Wayne LaPierre’s terrorist-enabling organization does their damndest to make sure weapons are unregulated, cheap, and plentiful, practically any U.S. citizen can settle any trifling argument with as little as three pounds of pressure on a trigger.

  • The mother of Adam Lanza — who had severe emotional problems — kept her home stocked with multiple weapons and thought it would be a good idea to bring her son out of his shell by teaching him how to shoot. How did that work out? 26 people dead at Sandy Hook — 20 of whom we’re children 7-years-old or younger. Also: Nancy Lanza. Adam Lanza brought a shotgun, an AR15 assault weapon, and two handguns with him to the elementary school.
  • Elliot Rodgers of Santa Barbara couldn’t get laid and hated women. His solution: he killed 6 people and wounded fourteen others. His weapons of choice: 3 handguns, all purchased legally under the benevolent gaze of Wayne LaPierre.
  • Craig Stephen Hicks had a parking dispute with some Muslim students near the campus of University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He executed all three of them with a shot to the head. He liked to carry his .38 on his hip, because he was an open-carry enthusiast.
  • Another open-carry enthusiast –Alex Kozak — sexually harassed a woman at the mall where he worked. After losing his job, he returned to the mall with his 9mm and shot 20-year-old Andrea Farrington 3-times. In the back.
  • And now Dylann Storm Roof sat in a predominately black church in Charleston, South Carolina, before opening fire and killing nine African-Americans, explaining, “You rape our women and you’re taking over our country — and you have to go.” Dylann had a history of brushes with the law, was arrested in February on drug charges in addition to being kicked out of a mall for acting “weird,” and was described by his uncle as a “loner” who stayed cooped up in his room. He was given a .45 handgun in April for his birthday. By his father.
The NRA is not solely to blame here, although they certainly believe they are 100 percent in the clear because, hey, who can possibly know what people are going to do with a fine piece of machinery designed to kill? You also have idiot parents who think weapons can be therapeutic or might make swell gifts for their oddball kids.

But the NRA, under LaPierre, has its blood-soaked hands smudging-up every attempt at passing laws that might slow down our national genocide, including recently stopping a law that would have kept guns out of the hands of domestic abusers in Louisiana.

I’ll say it again, and I’ll never stop saying it: It’s Wayne LaPierre’s world — and we’re just dying in it.

Put this on t-shirts and sell them at gun shows.



Moonbats and their silly excuses.

Now friends and readers... Of the two competing sets of ideas; we have the Ideological Left and the Philosophical Right... Which do you suppose it is that demands that there is no God and as a result claims a right to take human life where such represents an Inconvenience?

Take your time and let that sink in... .
What is Lapissare's hell going to look like?

Will he have to endure gun shot deaths and violence for eternity?

Absolutely! Everyone knows that it is so much more fun to be stoned, burned alive or beheaded. (sarcasm)
America is going to wake up some day, when enough blood is spilled, and the NRA is going to burn to the ground.

Nobody wants to "ban" guns.

The NRA is pure marketing via fear and panic.

There is a difference between a Gun Owner and a Gun Nutter.

Fuck off, Nazi Bitch

Take it up with the Founding Fathers and the US Constitution bitch.......and get off your knees. It's unbecoming.

Liberals prefer to live on their knees, either performing a service for their masters, or begging for better rations.

Look at all the butt-hurt nutters.

We don't want your penis replacements.

You may continue to shoot cans and big fruit, yee-ha, boys.

Obama So Broken Up Over Charleston Church Massacre He Plans To Spend The Weekend On The Golf Course…

It’s almost like he doesn’t care.

Via WHD:

Man, the fun never stops.

President Obama continues to cast a pall of unseriousness over his presidency, which was already of questionable seriousness, planning a weekend of golf out in California following two days of fundraising on the Left Coast.

This just a week after throwing a White House bash for 500 of his closest friends. Meanwhile, his wife is on a taxpayer-funded excursion to Europe where she is promoting health and education overseas while taking in some sights with her daughters and her mother.

According to the Washington Examiner, Obama will golf in Palm Springs even amidst drought, a prospect that should deeply annoy enviros and Californians forced to restrict their water use. Golf courses are notorious guzzlers of water.
What is Lapissare's hell going to look like?

Will he have to endure gun shot deaths and violence for eternity?

I suspect your hell will look just like your life here looks Haznonuts, you'll see shit encrusted colon walls and nothing else - since your head will still be firmly shoved up your ass..
Last edited:
Fuck off, Nazi Bitch


I am under no illusion that the left is desperate to disarm us for the very purpose of repeating what has happened in every other despotic leftist regime. The bed wetting libtards here know it too.

We'd be fools to ignore their track record. They murder their own citizens and have a body count well into the hundreds of millions

Obama So Broken Up Over Charleston Church Massacre He Plans To Spend The Weekend On The Golf Course…

It’s almost like he doesn’t care.

Via WHD:

Man, the fun never stops.

President Obama continues to cast a pall of unseriousness over his presidency, which was already of questionable seriousness, planning a weekend of golf out in California following two days of fundraising on the Left Coast.

This just a week after throwing a White House bash for 500 of his closest friends. Meanwhile, his wife is on a taxpayer-funded excursion to Europe where she is promoting health and education overseas while taking in some sights with her daughters and her mother.

According to the Washington Examiner, Obama will golf in Palm Springs even amidst drought, a prospect that should deeply annoy enviros and Californians forced to restrict their water use. Golf courses are notorious guzzlers of water.

Obama: Black lives matt...ahh fuck it, I'm going golfing
I'll admit that closing down the mental hospitals was a really stupid move. What did we expect? We allow our truly fucked in the head to run around without any help.

that isn't the problem. it's not keeping guns away from crazies, loons, and criminals.

it's harder to get a drivers license in some places than a gun license.

but we can pretend it's about mental institutions.

While I know that a DL is not a right but a privilege it is interesting that we require anyone wanting a DL to prove competency before allowing them to drive a 2 ton vehicle on public roads.

But no competency is required to carry around a lethal weapon capable of killing someone from a distance.

That alone says that there is something wrong with not enforcing reasonable competency testing for everyone who wants to carry a gun.

But the NRA screeches that this amounts to "grabbing our guns" which is total BS. It just means you can't walk around in public without proving that you know when NOT to pull the trigger.
LOL your type just doesn't get it and never will.
Crazy does crazy its that simple. Out of 350 some odd million people we have a small hand full of bat shit crazy people doing what bat shit crazy people do.
There is nothing in the constitution about DL,there is about the right to own a gun,don't like that,get the Constitution amended,and good luck with that.Every time your type start crowing about guns,and push laws,you loose in very big ways,at the voting booth,every time,you are the small fringe that has no relevancy.
You all can ban guns but you'll never get mine. And there about another 100 million who feel the same way.

You all NRA haters can be unarmed but not me.

What will you do with your gun if it is banned?

You can't take it out. You can't sell it. If you are found with it, you will go to jail

Worth it?

They will not be banned. 2nd.

You are wrong

Obama is going to confiscate all the guns. It is all over the rightwing media

Well, you're partially right. O does hate guns and the 2nd.


Obama So Broken Up Over Charleston Church Massacre He Plans To Spend The Weekend On The Golf Course…

It’s almost like he doesn’t care.

Via WHD:

Man, the fun never stops.

President Obama continues to cast a pall of unseriousness over his presidency, which was already of questionable seriousness, planning a weekend of golf out in California following two days of fundraising on the Left Coast.

This just a week after throwing a White House bash for 500 of his closest friends. Meanwhile, his wife is on a taxpayer-funded excursion to Europe where she is promoting health and education overseas while taking in some sights with her daughters and her mother.

According to the Washington Examiner, Obama will golf in Palm Springs even amidst drought, a prospect that should deeply annoy enviros and Californians forced to restrict their water use. Golf courses are notorious guzzlers of water.

Obama: Black lives matt...ahh fuck it, I'm going golfing

okie dokie, Frankie. :rolleyes:
You are wrong

Obama is going to confiscate all the guns. It is all over the rightwing media

Well, you're partially right. O does hate guns and the 2nd.

After 14 massacres since he has been President...I think he is sick of them

But yet he's done nothing to stop the root of the problem and the root has nothing to do with guns.

The root of our problem with massacres is keeping guns out of the hands of crazy people

But no....NRA won't allow that

What the NRA won't allow is the progressive "solution" of making it so hard for law abiding citizens to get firearms that the crazy's have a harder time getting them by proxy.

All your solutions make it harder for ME to get a firearm, not the crazy person or the criminal.

Are you SURE you're not one of the crazy? And even if you're not, and that someday can be ruled out, whose to say the next time someone cuts you off on the highway and flips you the bird you won't react with violence?
Report: Charleston Shooter Bought Gun At Store, Passed Background Check

But meanwhile the false media story that he got it from his father serves the Obama effort to try to restrict familial/friend transfers. Meanwhile he somehow actually passed a background check, despite his prior drug use and drug arrest.

Via NRO:

CNN reports today that the shooter in Charleston did not in fact receive his handgun from his father — possibly in violation of a host of federal and state laws — but bought it himself in a store:

He himself bought the .45-caliber handgun used in the shooting last April at a Charleston gun store, according to the two officials. Earlier, a senior law enforcement official had indicated that [his] father bought him a Glock firearm for his birthday. This means that he passed a background check — a background check of precisely the sort that gun control advocates wish to extend to all transactions.

Keep reading…
Once again, a seething post of hate by Edgetho. I guess his mirror is clouded.

And another drive-by troll post that can't refute a post so he/it attacks the poster instead of the post.

What's to refute? I notice you posted my comment without its frame, that being your venomous post to which it responded. My post was not an attack, it was based on evidence, in the post you omitted and other hateful rants you've posted.

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