Knowing Evil


Diamond Member
Jun 30, 2018
Womens Reproductive Rights

Though the word abortion is not in the Bible it does talk about when life begins. Anyone to ever read the book knows when that is. That's all I'm saying about that.

Have you whores ever heard of 'birth control' or is it easier just ripping limb from limb an innocent, helpless life from your womb.

God or no God this has more to do with humanity and morality vs. evil. The way my family look at it we would choose Morality and give birth, not butchering. My family isn't evil.

The Poor

A problem that was always handled by neighbors and family was all of the sudden needed fixed by government The Great Society was a cure all. Every one would have a great job ending the poor. It would even clean up the environment and we would all live in a great society.
They now number 69 different Great Society programs. All 69 make one worse off than before going on the program.

The number of poor has exploded. We are throwing a Trillion Dollars a year at it. For that trillion we get democrat ran inner city shit holes, crawling with the dependent. Ones that traded their vote for a food stamp generations ago. I see no morality with any part of creating poverty and dependence. Staying on this path is evil and nothing to do with morals.

Friend and Foe

We still hear it from some single digit IQ'ed Leftist. Russia Collusion, Ukraine, and how bout that Inbreed Impeachment. Never in the history of this nation has a president been raked through the coals as Trump. An attempt to over throw an elected president using Russia as their scapegoat. Still not one traitor has spent 15 minutes behind bars when half should have rotted from their ropes by now. No justice, no morals, only evil.

China Joe, a man that excepts 1.5 BILLION from our biggest foe in economics and military who uses it war might to bully her neighbors and our allies. It doesn't sound nothing like China Joe is a very honorable man. Damn as criminal and treasonous as the last shit you ran for president in 2016 The only difference is Retard Joe has some shits on the side helping him out. There is no morality in shits. No matter the number they are still shits, evil shits.

Russia While we let these Democrat Socialist (a step to Communism) take us along with the dependents the evil way Russia is going the moral way. Russia is not the evil some have said. As a matter of fact we have more in common with the Russian people that any other nation in all Europe. In other words don't let evil tell you who your friends and foes are as they set on their pile of ill gotten gain.

Honoring the Oath

Ya ever wonder why the sir name of Congressmen is The Honorable Dog Lawn Décor or The Honorable Never Dry Out Or Stopstinkin? I could count on one hand the number who have not violated their oath and half never had any honor to begin with. All crooks half of them evil. So what is this honorable shit? All the checks and balances have failed us. We have America hating Crazies we keep allowing to disrespect everything this country is for. With their followers, the Something 4 Nothings and the U OweMes. They ask not what they can do for the country but what they can do the country for. Only the evil and worthless support this madness.

As an American to live in this country you have a duty more than taking what you can steal and cheat the workers out of. None can name a democRat president since JFK who hasn't sold this nation to the highest bidder. But please try so I can put you in your place clinging to the last rung of the food chain. a total waste of good dirt. Evil, that gets nothing right. What a great society we would be if we just took out the shits.


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