Kobani: The Legend


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
Interesting piece by a Kurd about Kobani.

Kobani: The Legend
Dr. Rashid Karadaghi — Ekurd.net


Kurdish female YPJ fighter in Kobani, Syrian Kurdistan. Photo: YPG/SM
Read more by Dr. Rashid Karadaghi | See Related Articles
November 13, 2014

Not many people outside Rojava (Syrian-occupied Kurdistan), except for Kurds, had heard of Kobani two months ago. Today, anyone who can see, read, or hear knows something about Kobani -- and what they know honors the women and men of the legendary city, the heroic defenders of freedom on behalf of us all. Kobani makes every Kurd proud of being a Kurd. It makes all freedom-loving people proud. In a little over seven weeks Kobani has become a myth and its heroic resistance fighters -- young girls, women, and men -- have become heroes to us all. Like other cities that have fought bravely against invaders in the past, Kobani is etched in our hearts and our memory forever.

I must admit that I have been moved to tears many times these past few weeks, tears of both sorrow and pride -- sorrow for the precious young lives lost in defending Kobani against a horde of barbarians devoid of every value we hold dear in life, and pride in what the valiant Kobani women and men resistance fighters have been able to do to prevent the fall of the city to terror.
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Kobani The Legend?

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