Koran’s denial of Jesus’ crucifixion & Islam’s legitimacy


Senior Member
Sep 30, 2017
Islam’s legitimacy is predicated on Muslims’ claim that the Koran was dictated by “Allah” and, thus, is inerrant, infallible and perfect. Muslims typically allege that the Bible was changed or corrupted by Jews & Christians (although, unable to prove this allegation or even explain how and when), necessitating the “infallible” Koran.

But, what if the Koran isn’t inerrant, infallible and perfect? It would undermine the premise of divine authorship and invalidate Islam. Muslims do not like to be confronted with the prospect of errors in the Koran, but, many exist.

For example, perhaps the most egregious error is the Koran is the denial of the historical crucifixion of Jesus, an undebateable fact verified by reputable ancient Roman (Tacitus) and Jewish (Josephus) historians, the preponderance of reputable scholars and recorded in the Bible.

“And [for] their saying, "Indeed, we have killed the Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, the messenger of Allah ." And they did not kill him, nor did they crucify him; but [another] was made to resemble him to them. And indeed, those who differ over it are in doubt about it. They have no knowledge of it except the following of assumption. And they did not kill him, for certain.
Rather, Allah raised him to Himself. And ever is Allah Exalted in Might and Wise.”

Surat An-Nisa' [4:157-158] - The Noble Qur'an - القرآن الكريم

Now, the Koran would have people believe that Allah fashioned a Jesus look-alike or body double to cleverly deceive the Roman authorities, and raise Jesus alive to heaven as the Romans proceeded to crucify the Jesus imposter! Why would “Allah” with his infinite powers have needed to resort to such shenanigans when “Allah” could have simply raised Jesus? Of course, this nonsensical series of events never occurred, making the Koran mistaken about perhaps the most famous event in history and committing perhaps the biggest blunder in literary history, which would render the Koran a farce and Islam a hoax.
It is all likely bullshit anyways. Either islam or christianity are based on reality.
It is all likely bullshit anyways. Either islam or christianity are based on reality.

Jesus’ crucifixion was reality. Only Muslims deny the event and believe the foolishness of a crucified Jesus body-double, which, sadly, means they go through life in ignorance
I don't know. Why would God or Allah take part in any of the shenanigans he's been said to do? Shenanigans are his thing.
I don't know. Why would God or Allah take part in any of the shenanigans he's been said to do? Shenanigans are his thing.

God and Allah are not one and the same, though Muslims desperately delude themselves into believing otherwise
And yet Islam has 1.2 billion adherents worldwide and still growing. .... :thup:
I don't know. Why would God or Allah take part in any of the shenanigans he's been said to do? Shenanigans are his thing.

God and Allah are not one and the same, though Muslims desperately delude themselves into believing otherwise

You didn't answer my question. Why is it ridiculous for Allah to resort to shenanigans when that's God's whole thing as well?
I don't know. Why would God or Allah take part in any of the shenanigans he's been said to do? Shenanigans are his thing.

God and Allah are not one and the same, though Muslims desperately delude themselves into believing otherwise

You didn't answer my question. Why is it ridiculous for Allah to resort to shenanigans when that's God's whole thing as well?

If “Allah” is all-powerful and the most wise, as Muslims claim, he would simply have raised Jesus in full view of the Roman authorities, not create some farcical Jesus body double to fool them
It is all likely bullshit anyways. Either islam or christianity are based on reality.

Jesus’ crucifixion was reality. Only Muslims deny the event and believe the foolishness of a crucified Jesus body-double, which, sadly, means they go through life in ignorance

Is the body double thing actually written in the Koran or is it just something they believe?
I don't know. Why would God or Allah take part in any of the shenanigans he's been said to do? Shenanigans are his thing.

God and Allah are not one and the same, though Muslims desperately delude themselves into believing otherwise

You didn't answer my question. Why is it ridiculous for Allah to resort to shenanigans when that's God's whole thing as well?

If “Allah” is all-powerful and the most wise, as Muslims claim, he would simply have raised Jesus in full view of the Roman authorities, not create some farcical Jesus body double to fool them

If God is all powerful and wise why did he let a man be born, tortured mercilessly, killed, resurrected after three, and brought to Heaven to stay there until some date he set where he would wipe out most of his creations for shits and giggles? Shenanigans!
It is all likely bullshit anyways. Either islam or christianity are based on reality.

Jesus’ crucifixion was reality. Only Muslims deny the event and believe the foolishness of a crucified Jesus body-double, which, sadly, means they go through life in ignorance

Is the body double thing actually written in the Kuran or is it just something they believe?

Koran sez “And they did not kill him, nor did they crucify him; but [another] was made to resemble him to them.”

Muslims differ on who was “really” crucified instead of Jesus. They’re in their own alternate universe
I don't know. Why would God or Allah take part in any of the shenanigans he's been said to do? Shenanigans are his thing.

God and Allah are not one and the same, though Muslims desperately delude themselves into believing otherwise

You didn't answer my question. Why is it ridiculous for Allah to resort to shenanigans when that's God's whole thing as well?

Are you an atheist?

It is all likely bullshit anyways. Either islam or christianity are based on reality.

Jesus’ crucifixion was reality. Only Muslims deny the event and believe the foolishness of a crucified Jesus body-double, which, sadly, means they go through life in ignorance

Is the body double thing actually written in the Koran or is it just something they believe?

Muslims believe that no prophet of God can endure pain. Therefor he never could have been crucified.
I don't know. Why would God or Allah take part in any of the shenanigans he's been said to do? Shenanigans are his thing.

God and Allah are not one and the same, though Muslims desperately delude themselves into believing otherwise

You didn't answer my question. Why is it ridiculous for Allah to resort to shenanigans when that's God's whole thing as well?

If “Allah” is all-powerful and the most wise, as Muslims claim, he would simply have raised Jesus in full view of the Roman authorities, not create some farcical Jesus body double to fool them

If God is all powerful and wise why did he let a man be born, tortured mercilessly, killed, resurrected after three, and brought to Heaven to stay there until some date he set where he would wipe out most of his creations for shits and giggles? Shenanigans!

Christianity doesn’t deny Jesus’ crucifixion and death. But, Muslims, who didn’t even exist until 600+ years later and 1000 miles away, think they know better
It is all likely bullshit anyways. Either islam or christianity are based on reality.

Jesus’ crucifixion was reality. Only Muslims deny the event and believe the foolishness of a crucified Jesus body-double, which, sadly, means they go through life in ignorance

Is the body double thing actually written in the Koran or is it just something they believe?

Muslims believe that no prophet of God can endure pain. Therefor he never could have been crucified.

Muslims believe an Arab caveman in Arabia was the last prophet.
And yet Islam has 1.2 billion adherents worldwide and still growing. .... :thup:

I admire that. Faith begets a life of good. Now we may differ on the who what and where....but still I like to think we could all cross over and one day meet the truth in our Lord. See you on the finish line Sunni Man. :) Your heart and soul are good.
And yet Islam has 1.2 billion adherents worldwide and still growing. .... :thup:

I admire that. Faith begets a life of good. Now we may differ on the who what and where....but still I like to think we could all cross over and one day meet the truth in our Lord. See you on the finish line Sunni Man. :) Your heart and soul are good.

Muslims believe “Muslim Jesus” will return to proclaim Islam and destroy Christianity.

Muslims generally are taught to hate Christians whom they believe are guilty of the monstrously unforgivable sin of shirk in calling Jesus son of God

Most Muslims are not nice people
It is all likely bullshit anyways. Either islam or christianity are based on reality.

Jesus’ crucifixion was reality. Only Muslims deny the event and believe the foolishness of a crucified Jesus body-double, which, sadly, means they go through life in ignorance

Is the body double thing actually written in the Kuran or is it just something they believe?

Koran sez “And they did not kill him, nor did they crucify him; but [another] was made to resemble him to them.”

Muslims differ on who was “really” crucified instead of Jesus. They’re in their own alternate universe

Well, according to Christianity that would be considered blasphemy, making the entire Muslim religion, blasphemous...no?

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