Krauthammer warns of congress irrelevancy if obama keeps writing his own laws

I agree that Obama has overstepped his bounds. In particular, delaying or rewriting provisions in the ACA.

But the GOP's motives are far less than pure. They want those provisions to go into effect so that a great deal of harm will come to pass. They could easily have passed legislation by now which would have accomplished the same things Obama's rewriting has done. But you know they never will. They want harm to happen.

So don't kid yourself. Both sides reek of shit. Neither has the best interests of America in their hearts.

Actually, one of things that caused the democrat shutdown of parts of the government last year was democrat refusal to even consider delaying all of Oh-crap! care for one year.

The Republican all-or-nothing tactic blew up in their faces. Instead of working to fix the problems in the legislation, they stonewalled and wasted a lot of time futilely repealing ObamaCare 40 times.. And they paid for it in the polls. That's why they began beating the Benghazi drums again right afterwards. A dog and pony show to distract from their budget standdown fuckup.

They could pass legislation fixing the mandate problems today if they wanted to.
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I am on topic, unhappy one.

The SCOTUS ruling is bad (it decides when a part of the Constitution is applicable no longer because the reason has evaporated) although the conclusion is good.

You are not one of those who cause happiness wherever they go; but rather whenever they go. - thanks to Oscar Wilde

Answer to the OP or stop trolling and get off the thread. . . hmmm.
I agree that Obama has overstepped his bounds. In particular, delaying or rewriting provisions in the ACA.

But the GOP's motives are far less than pure. They want those provisions to go into effect so that a great deal of harm will come to pass. They could easily have passed legislation by now which would have accomplished the same things Obama's rewriting has done. But you know they never will. They want harm to happen.

So don't kid yourself. Both sides reek of shit. Neither has the best interests of America in their hearts.

Actually, one of things that caused the democrat shutdown of parts of the government last year was democrat refusal to even consider delaying all of Oh-crap! care for one year.

Oh-crapa Care is working for me. My rates have dropped dramatically. I have been paying out the nose for the last 10 years for nothing else except my age and location, regardless of whether it was a group plan or private policy. Barely a damn fucking visit to the doctor and yet it kept going up. I'm thrilled now. Finally it's in balance.
This issue of appointments would be mitigated tremendously if the TP creep peeps realize that the primaries (Republican primaries!) have gutted them politically, while the TPM is a laughing stock to America.

Govern, LGS, not obstruct.
LGS is not only dull herself; but is the cause of dullness in others." -

Some few folks are angry indeed, but it is not a tidal wave.

If the GOP in the House would work toward governance as they did last fall instead of the general obstructionism, this country would be far better off.

The overwhelming majority of America has no desire to have TeaP peep creeps running our governments.

WTF are you groaning about Snarkley?
His empty ball sack.
Obama does with Executive Orders what Bush did with signing statements. Bush would sign legislation enacted by Congress but would add a statement saying he would decide if he would follow the law or not, regardless of Congress's opinion on the matter.

It's one thing to choose to enforce or NOT enforce a law written by Congress. The Oath of Office implies that an executive has the right to deny the enforcement of unconstitutional or impractical laws.

However, the Oath of Office does not imply that the President can write his own laws and then enforce them.

Article I


All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.

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