Krishna-Shiva-Vishnu: Consumer Creationism


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Here is a mock discussion about 'consumer consciousness' between Krishna (Hindu god of negotiation), Shiva (Hindu god of destruction), and Vishnu (Hindu god of protection) regarding the modernism-representative 'folk mythos avatars' Cyclonus (the wolfish evil 'first knight' of the diabolical 'Decepticon' robots from Hasbro's A.I. fantasy-adventure franchise Transformers) and Leatherface (the fictional chainsaw-wielding cannibal from the iconic Texas Chainsaw Massacre horror film franchise).


KRISHNA: Consumerism has created a 'mallrats culture.'
SHIVA: Like in the film, Mallrats.
VISHNU: It's also created a 'shoplifting culture.'

KRISHNA: In the '60s, it was the 'tailgating culture.'
SHIVA: Like in the film, Easy Rider.
VISHNU: Hippies were not considered as 'intellectual' as the Beatniks, however...

KRISHNA: Human traffic 'meditation' was 'complicated' arguably by Jack the Ripper.
SHIVA: That was when the 'amateur detective' and the 'armchair warrior' were born.
VISHNU: I'm a big fan of the kids' cartoon series Inspector Gadget.

KRISHNA: The demand for 'traffic imagination' toys reflects the popularity of Garbage Pail Kids (GPK).
SHIVA: Trading-cards with GPK images represented an interest in 'mercantilism cynicism.'
VISHNU: Not unlike the film Fight Club.

KRISHNA: Urbanization has created 'pedestrian sentimentalism' --- e.g., saintly prostitutes.
SHIVA: The romanticization of poverty comes with the explosion of population movements.
VISHNU: That's what The Grapes of Wrath really explores.

KRISHNA: Perhaps Ronald McDonald is the new 'Uncle Sam.'
SHIVA: The marketing of African-American Barbie dolls shows us consumerism is political.
VISHNU: Confluence/multiculturalism makes life necessarily 'political.'

KRISHNA: American food companies such as Sara Lee and Starbucks symbolize consumerism satisfaction.
SHIVA: Hollywood makes films about Wall Street, since mercantilism is now culture.
VISHNU: There are at least three major films about prostitution --- Pretty Woman, Whore, and Moll Flanders.

KRISHNA: The two folk mythos avatars Cyclonus (a wolfish robot) and Leatherface (a cannibal) are symbolic.
SHIVA: Cyclonus represents profiteerism, while Leatherface represents domination.
VISHNU: They both symbolize Occultism in the art world and hence free-speech in the 'consumer bank.'


Sara Lee (Wikipedia)





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