Krugman eviscerates Austrian school, hack, cranks

Krugman is leaving Princeton in disgrace. Who cares what he has to say besides foaming at the mouth moonbats?

He is?


Because he's been wrong on almost everything.

Here's a clue.

Shortly after Krugman’s departure was announced no less than the revered Paul Volcker, himself a Princeton alum, made a comment — subject unnamed — sounding as if directed at Prof. Krugman. It sounded like “Don’t let the saloon doors hit you on the way out. Bub.”

To the Daily Princetonian (later reprised by the Wall Street Journal) Volcker stated with refreshing bluntness:

"The responsibility of any central bank is price stability. … They ought to make sure that they are making policies that are convincing to the public and to the markets that they’re not going to tolerate inflation."

This was followed by a show-stopping statement: “This kind of stuff that you’re being taught at Princeton disturbs me.”

Taught at Princeton by … whom?

Paul Krugman, perhaps? Krugman, last year, wrote an op-ed for the New York Times entitled Not Enough Inflation. It betrayed an extremely louche, at best, attitude toward inflation’s insidious dangers. Smoking gun?

Volcker’s comment, in full context:

"The responsibility of the government is to have a stable currency. This kind of stuff that you’re being taught at Princeton disturbs me. Your teachers must be telling you that if you’ve got expected inflation, then everybody adjusts and then it’s OK. Is that what they’re telling you? Where did the question come from?"...

Is Paul Krugman Leaving Princeton In Quiet Disgrace? - Forbes
I used to value Toro's opinion :(

The Following User Says Thank You to CrusaderFrank For This Useful Post:
Toro (Today)

I have total respect for Krugman as an economist in his field of specialization.

But he's a partisan douchebag who acts like we do here, except he is a public figure who uses his platform at the NYT to engage in childish antics which engages him to his base, i.e. you, but debases public debate.
Krugman is leaving Princeton in disgrace. Who cares what he has to say besides foaming at the mouth moonbats?

No way! He's leaving Princeton to go to CUNY.
That's really impressive marketing and pay scale move. He's passionate about public policy. Gee? When did that start?


Later loser. His column will go when he leaves that prestigious school for CUNY.
I used to value Toro's opinion :(

The Following User Says Thank You to CrusaderFrank For This Useful Post:
Toro (Today)

I have total respect for Krugman as an economist in his field of specialization.

But he's a partisan douchebag who acts like we do here, except he is a public figure who uses his platform at the NYT to engage in childish antics which engages him to his base, i.e. you, but debases public debate.

Right? People think he got the Nobel because he is some sort of economic god. It's nonsense. Trade flow is is specialty in current environments and I think it was deserved. But his hack punditry leaves me no choice but to clown suit the man eternally.
I used to value Toro's opinion :(

The Following User Says Thank You to CrusaderFrank For This Useful Post:
Toro (Today)

I have total respect for Krugman as an economist in his field of specialization.

But he's a partisan douchebag who acts like we do here, except he is a public figure who uses his platform at the NYT to engage in childish antics which engages him to his base, i.e. you, but debases public debate.

I agree. I'm still looking for a liberal here who will state a substantive position of Krugman's that they are willing to support.
Krugmans noble prize thesis was about as lowbrow as you can get, essentially people like to buy different things and they don't have to produced nearby.

Breathtaking no?
Its like shooting fish in a barrel for him:

Economics and Politics by Paul Krugman - The Conscience of a Liberal -
James Pethokoukis and Ramesh Ponnuru are frustrated. They’ve been trying to convert Republicans to market monetarism, but the right’s favorite intellectuals keep turning to cranks peddling conspiracy theories about inflation. Three years ago it was Niall Ferguson, citing a bogus source. Ferguson was widely ridiculed, by moderate conservatives as well as liberals — but here comes Amity Shlaes, making the same argument and citing the same source. The “reform conservatives” have made no headway at all.

discuss Austrian failure(s)...

It's no wonder you have to cherry pick a quote from Krugman's political rants in order to make it appear he is a legitimate economist. Clever manipulation of the CPI formula has masked the rise in inflation that everyone else (including Janet Yellen) knows is already happening. The only thing that has kept the dollar propped up so far is that it has been considered by foreign investors to be a "safe haven" from fiscal turbulence abroad.

Do you think that will last forever?
. Clever manipulation of the CPI formula has masked the rise in inflation that everyone else (including Janet Yellen) knows is already happening.

I don't know about that. Housing is going no where fast, China India South Korea etc are making tons of cheaper stuff. Even on expensive stuff there is huge new international competition to drive down prices. Incomes have been falling, not rising.
I don't see inflation anywhere but history isn't over yet.

Speaking of cranks and inflation, where is that Meet the Press clip of Krugman saying the Fed should inflate the housing market?

Weird, NOT a right winger fuktard, on the other post you claimed it was 60 minutes? lol

Krugman needs to know enough to avoid snarky comments that could be taken seriously ten years later!

Of course, he was warning about the housing bubble long before most others, e.g., in 2006

Another Day, Another Slander of Krugman
I used to value Toro's opinion :(

I have total respect for Krugman as an economist in his field of specialization.

But he's a partisan douchebag who acts like we do here, except he is a public figure who uses his platform at the NYT to engage in childish antics which engages him to his base, i.e. you, but debases public debate.

I agree. I'm still looking for a liberal here who will state a substantive position of Krugman's that they are willing to support.

We needed a bigger stimulus to get out of Dubya's recession!
Let's not count food, energy, housing, interest rates, etc. After all, ping pong balls are very affordable and come in a variety of colors...
I don't see inflation anywhere but history isn't over yet.

Speaking of cranks and inflation, where is that Meet the Press clip of Krugman saying the Fed should inflate the housing market?

Weird, NOT a right winger fuktard, on the other post you claimed it was 60 minutes? lol

Krugman needs to know enough to avoid snarky comments that could be taken seriously ten years later!

Of course, he was warning about the housing bubble long before most others, e.g., in 2006

Another Day, Another Slander of Krugman

Krugman owns every Rightie in this thread & it burns them up because they know it :eusa_drool:
Its like shooting fish in a barrel for him:

Economics and Politics by Paul Krugman - The Conscience of a Liberal -
James Pethokoukis and Ramesh Ponnuru are frustrated. They’ve been trying to convert Republicans to market monetarism, but the right’s favorite intellectuals keep turning to cranks peddling conspiracy theories about inflation. Three years ago it was Niall Ferguson, citing a bogus source. Ferguson was widely ridiculed, by moderate conservatives as well as liberals — but here comes Amity Shlaes, making the same argument and citing the same source. The “reform conservatives” have made no headway at all.

discuss Austrian failure(s)...

^ thanks for proving that you haven't read the thread, all 3 pages of it :thup:

...and Rand in your siggie? :eusa_doh:
^ thanks for proving that you haven't read the thread, all 3 pages of it :thup:

...and Rand in your siggie? :eusa_doh:

If I hadn't read the thread, I'd have posted ths...

Just sayin', Krugman's been singing the same song for years and the former Enron advisor is usually wrong.
I don't see inflation anywhere but history isn't over yet.

Speaking of cranks and inflation, where is that Meet the Press clip of Krugman saying the Fed should inflate the housing market?

Weird, NOT a right winger fuktard, on the other post you claimed it was 60 minutes? lol

Krugman needs to know enough to avoid snarky comments that could be taken seriously ten years later!

Of course, he was warning about the housing bubble long before most others, e.g., in 2006

Another Day, Another Slander of Krugman

Krugman owns every Rightie in this thread & it burns them up because they know it :eusa_drool:

Speaking of burns


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