Krugman Poll on Canadian Healthcare


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
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How many Americans don't have healthcare at all?
How many Americans are happy with the healthcare they have?
How many Americans don't have healthcare at all?
How many Americans are happy with the healthcare they have?[/QUOTE

"They" say about 43 million.."They" also say about 12-20 million of those are illegals. You canadioans wanna help with that? "They" say a goodly portion of the 43 million choose not to have insurance. "They" say that of those that do have insurance about 85% of those are happy with the coverage/care they have! next?
[youtube]<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>[/youtube]

Don't ever ask a question you don't know the anwer to. :lol:
He ended up with the true feeling of Canadian healthcare, all he had to do is ask a Canadian.
Good video PC
How many Americans don't have healthcare at all?
How many Americans are happy with the healthcare they have?[/QUOTE

"They" say about 43 million.."They" also say about 12-20 million of those are illegals. You canadioans wanna help with that? "They" say a goodly portion of the 43 million choose not to have insurance. "They" say that of those that do have insurance about 85% of those are happy with the coverage/care they have! next?

who are "they" and what do ilegals have to do with it?.. sounds like another strawman arguement.....
at any rate you are going to find out how happy most Americans are with their heaithcare very soon....I think last Nov 4th was good indicator.
How many Americans don't have healthcare at all?
How many Americans are happy with the healthcare they have?

Among insured Americans, 82 percent rate their health coverage positively. Among insured people who've experienced a serious or chronic illness or injury in their family in the last year, an enormous 91 percent are satisfied with their care, and 86 percent are satisfied with their coverage. : U.S. Health Care Concerns Increase

“…when one digs deep enough, one finds that only 8 million folks can be classified as "chronically uninsured;" that's still a problem, of course, but a much more manageable one, and puts the lie to the canard that our system is irretrievably broken.”
InsureBlog: Vindicated!

“Once you whittle it down, you start to realize that the number of hard-core uninsured who are citizens is in fact fairly small — perhaps half the reported 47 million or less. (about 7.6%)” Editorials, Political Cartoons, and Polls from Investor's Business Daily -- The '47 Million Uninsured' Myth

How many Americans don't have healthcare at all?
How many Americans are happy with the healthcare they have?

Among insured Americans, 82 percent rate their health coverage positively. Among insured people who've experienced a serious or chronic illness or injury in their family in the last year, an enormous 91 percent are satisfied with their care, and 86 percent are satisfied with their coverage. : U.S. Health Care Concerns Increase

&#8220;&#8230;when one digs deep enough, one finds that only 8 million folks can be classified as "chronically uninsured;" that's still a problem, of course, but a much more manageable one, and puts the lie to the canard that our system is irretrievably broken.&#8221;
InsureBlog: Vindicated!

&#8220;Once you whittle it down, you start to realize that the number of hard-core uninsured who are citizens is in fact fairly small &#8212; perhaps half the reported 47 million or less. (about 7.6%)&#8221; Editorials, Political Cartoons, and Polls from Investor's Business Daily -- The '47 Million Uninsured' Myth


no I'm not....and nobody else should be either when you are citing a poll conducted on less than 5000 people on a media call list like it's a real indicator of how all Americans feel....... ABC:lol: - they should stick to T.V shows like Full House
[youtube]<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>[/youtube]

My soda came out my nose :lol:
How many Americans don't have healthcare at all?
How many Americans are happy with the healthcare they have?[/QUOTE

"They" say about 43 million.."They" also say about 12-20 million of those are illegals. You canadioans wanna help with that? "They" say a goodly portion of the 43 million choose not to have insurance. "They" say that of those that do have insurance about 85% of those are happy with the coverage/care they have! next?

who are "they" and what do ilegals have to do with it?.. sounds like another strawman arguement.....
at any rate you are going to find out how happy most Americans are with their heaithcare very soon....I think last Nov 4th was good indicator.

How about we send 12 million illegals north and you pay for their health care. Then you can ask what that has to do with it.

The point Willow was making is that the number that is in HEAVY rotation in Dem talking points is not a solid or good number. You asked "how many," well about 30 some million Americans don't have health care insurance. But, does that translate into, "can't get health care?" No. All the uninsured have to do is the same thing the illegals do, go sit in the emergency room. They'll get treated and someone with insurance will pick up the tab. Is that a great plan, no. But, it's better than the government running it. It can be fixed, but the Dems have been blocking reforms for decades trying to build up enough dissatisfaction in health care for a government takeover to carry the day.
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You can site all the "personal experiences" you want to about various health care systems. There will always be someone with a contradictory opinion.

The only thing that you can take into account as factual material are the raw numbers, and the numbers say that among modern industrialized nations, countries with nationalized health care systems have longer life-spans and healthier citizenry in general.

Those are the FACTS. Everything that the politicians who have been bought out by private healthcare like to site are simply OPINIONS. And they are usually anonymous opinions (a friend of mine who lives up in canada says, or "Some" say).
How many Americans don't have healthcare at all?
How many Americans are happy with the healthcare they have?[/QUOTE

"They" say about 43 million.."They" also say about 12-20 million of those are illegals. You canadioans wanna help with that? "They" say a goodly portion of the 43 million choose not to have insurance. "They" say that of those that do have insurance about 85% of those are happy with the coverage/care they have! next?

who are "they" and what do ilegals have to do with it?.. sounds like another strawman arguement.....
at any rate you are going to find out how happy most Americans are with their heaithcare very soon....I think last Nov 4th was good indicator.

I hope not! did ya watch the frickin video.. asswipe?
How many Americans don't have healthcare at all?
How many Americans are happy with the healthcare they have?

Among insured Americans, 82 percent rate their health coverage positively. Among insured people who've experienced a serious or chronic illness or injury in their family in the last year, an enormous 91 percent are satisfied with their care, and 86 percent are satisfied with their coverage. : U.S. Health Care Concerns Increase

“…when one digs deep enough, one finds that only 8 million folks can be classified as "chronically uninsured;" that's still a problem, of course, but a much more manageable one, and puts the lie to the canard that our system is irretrievably broken.”
InsureBlog: Vindicated!

“Once you whittle it down, you start to realize that the number of hard-core uninsured who are citizens is in fact fairly small — perhaps half the reported 47 million or less. (about 7.6%)” Editorials, Political Cartoons, and Polls from Investor's Business Daily -- The '47 Million Uninsured' Myth


no I'm not....and nobody else should be either when you are citing a poll conducted on less than 5000 people on a media call list like it's a real indicator of how all Americans feel....... ABC:lol: - they should stick to T.V shows like Full House

Not satisfied with having fucked up your own country, you want to advocate others fuck up theirs. I guess you are a living example of how misery loves company.
who are "they" and what do ilegals have to do with it?.. sounds like another strawman arguement.....
at any rate you are going to find out how happy most Americans are with their heaithcare very soon....I think last Nov 4th was good indicator.

How about we send 12 million illegals north and you pay for their health care. Then you can ask what that has to do with it.

The point Willow was making is that the number that is in HEAVY rotation in Dem talking points is not a solid or good number. You asked "how many," well about 30 some million Americans don't have health care insurance. But, does that translate into, "can't get health care?" No. All the uninsured have to do is the same thing the illegals do, go sit in the emergency room. They'll get treated and someone with insurance will pick up the tab. Is that a great plan, no. But, it's better than the government running it. It can be fixed, but the Dems have been blocking reforms for decades trying to build up enough dissatisfaction in health care for a government takeover to carry the day.

don't bother Tech.. you can tell by his stupidity he's just another ordinary asswipe@ :lol::lol:
sounds like another strawman arguement

It is another strawman argument. When the 43 million person number is floated around, it refers to AMERICANS, not illegals.
You can site all the "personal experiences" you want to about various health care systems. There will always be someone with a contradictory opinion.

The only thing that you can take into account as factual material are the raw numbers, and the numbers say that among modern industrialized nations, countries with nationalized health care systems have longer life-spans and healthier citizenry in general.

Those are the FACTS. Everything that the politicians who have been bought out by private healthcare like to site are simply OPINIONS. And they are usually anonymous opinions (a friend of mine who lives up in canada says, or "Some" say).

Not if you factor out the number of deaths due to homocide and car accident which are wildly higher in the US.

Nice try though.
Among insured Americans, 82 percent rate their health coverage positively. Among insured people who've experienced a serious or chronic illness or injury in their family in the last year, an enormous 91 percent are satisfied with their care, and 86 percent are satisfied with their coverage. : U.S. Health Care Concerns Increase

“…when one digs deep enough, one finds that only 8 million folks can be classified as "chronically uninsured;" that's still a problem, of course, but a much more manageable one, and puts the lie to the canard that our system is irretrievably broken.”
InsureBlog: Vindicated!

“Once you whittle it down, you start to realize that the number of hard-core uninsured who are citizens is in fact fairly small — perhaps half the reported 47 million or less. (about 7.6%)” Editorials, Political Cartoons, and Polls from Investor's Business Daily -- The '47 Million Uninsured' Myth


no I'm not....and nobody else should be either when you are citing a poll conducted on less than 5000 people on a media call list like it's a real indicator of how all Americans feel....... ABC:lol: - they should stick to T.V shows like Full House

Not satisfied with having fucked up your own country, you want to advocate others fuck up theirs. I guess you are a living example of how misery loves company.

That's hilarious coming from a tard who no doubt voted for Dubya twice.
Most Canadians would argue that having healthcare for everyone is not fucked up that's why we voted for it.
sounds like another strawman arguement

It is another strawman argument. When the 43 million person number is floated around, it refers to AMERICANS, not illegals.

Wrong again. Is this going to be a habit with you? 43 million (or 46 million Obama last week) refers to "people in America" without health care coverage. Not that the number is correct anyway. And, like unemployment there is a frictional component to that number.

Not that I really expect you to understand what that is.

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