KS Gov Kelly vetos bill to protect women and children


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
(warning the AP is far left Dem misinformation)

Topeka Kan. (AP) — Kansas’ Democratic governor on Thursday vetoed a sweeping set of anti-transgender measures, including a ban on gender-affirming care for children and teenagers, but the Republican lawmakers who pushed them appeared to have the votes to override most of her actions.

Gov. Laura Kelly rejected restrictions for transgender people in using restrooms, locker rooms and other public facilities; limits on where they are housed in state prisons and county jails; and even restrictions on rooming arrangements for transgender youth on overnight school trips.

The Degenerate Democrat Party is dominated by gay men and transsexual men.
KS Gov. Laura Kelly is putting the desires of gay men and transsexual men above the safety and privacy of women and children.
It is as if Kansas was a sinking ship and Gov. Kelly was the captain, she would command "abandon ship!!! gay men and transsexual men first!!".
Nothing hurts the dems worse than a veto override.

It hurts them in their quest to change policy to fit their absurd agenda, but it doesn't hurt them politically- in fact it saves their ass on a political level.

Sane people will forget about this attempt to enforce insanity, as it was never enacted.

Yet, broads like Miss Kelly of Kansas will be seen as heroes and martyrs by the leftist morons.
It hurts them in their quest to change policy to fit their absurd agenda, but it doesn't hurt them politically- in fact it saves their ass on a political level.

Sane people will forget about this attempt to enforce insanity, as it was never enacted.

Yet, broads like Miss Kelly of Kansas will be seen as heroes and martyrs by the leftist morons.
Hopefully they think twice about electing another dem.
Just wait.

Disney will cook up a TRANS version of Wizard of Oz next...

The line in the sand needs to be made extremely clear.

America's children have been under a massive assault by left wing homosexuals in public education for decades, and it snowballed under homO.

If Americans cannot stand up for the right of our young people to NOT BE SEXUALLY INITIALIZED AS HOMO in public education, then we are lost as a country....
I can only assume the governor is all for child abuse and pedophilia. I honestly can't believe they go on record admitting that.
I'd like the demofk women in here to verify they agree with this nut job

Disney will cook up a TRANS version of Wizard of Oz next...
Or worse!

The horror!
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(warning the AP is far left Dem misinformation)

Topeka Kan. (AP) — Kansas’ Democratic governor on Thursday vetoed a sweeping set of anti-transgender measures, including a ban on gender-affirming care for children and teenagers, but the Republican lawmakers who pushed them appeared to have the votes to override most of her actions.

Gov. Laura Kelly rejected restrictions for transgender people in using restrooms, locker rooms and other public facilities; limits on where they are housed in state prisons and county jails; and even restrictions on rooming arrangements for transgender youth on overnight school trips.

The Degenerate Democrat Party is dominated by gay men and transsexual men.
KS Gov. Laura Kelly is putting the desires of gay men and transsexual men above the safety and privacy of women and children.
It is as if Kansas was a sinking ship and Gov. Kelly was the captain, she would command "abandon ship!!! gay men and transsexual men first!!".

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