Kyl;e Rittenhouse will be a billionaire by the time his lawyers are done.

So you just admitted that there is no such rule.

Here's my rule.

I post links WHEN I FEEL LIKE IT. You could just as easily have googled it.

And that's why I dismissed your claim as to what Trump said. Since you refuse to post a link or cite a source and given your reputation here as a prevaricator with a predilection for exaggeration, conflation and little regard for the truth, I have no choice but to say you lied and dismiss it. See how that works?
And that's why I dismissed your claim as to what Trump said.

You would have rejected regardless. BECAUSE


It's just kind of a waste, really... because frankly, you don't have a problem with Trump's racism, so pointing it out doesn't really do a lot of good.
You would have rejected regardless. BECAUSE

View attachment 636625

It's just kind of a waste, really... because frankly, you don't have a problem with Trump's racism, so pointing it out doesn't really do a lot of good.

That's the whole point you fucking idiot: you didn't point out a goddamn thing.

Until or unless you provide a source, it is just your opinion. THAT'SWHY I ASKED FOR A LINK.

If you had provided a link where he was directly quoted as saying what you claim, I could have determined that for myself. And again, no, YOU made the claim so it is up to YOU to support it. That is the principle by which adult, gentlemanly discourse is conducted.

Also, your stupid meme is inapt. I never claimed Trump didn't say this. In fact, I never expressed any kind of opinion or assertion one way or the other.
Google is your friend. Just google "police chiefs condemn trump"
My god Moon Bat, are you still obsessed with this thread?

You are one sick in the mind Moon Bat

Just let it go. The bad guys lost this one and the good guys won. LET IT GO!

The bad guys from the Left win enough (like when they stole an election) so just be happy. The country is progressing towards being the Socialist shithole you want so don't get too depressed because Kyle was not guilty of the crime you wanted him to be.

By the way Moon Bat. I went with my wife today to do a little shopping.

On the streets of Tampa I saw a rally for DeSantis. Probably a hundred people supporting Trump and DeSantis and mentioned that Biden has fucked America.

What are you going to do in the midterm when the Republicans slaughter the filthy ass Democrats? Are you going to be a cry baby about that like you are with the Kyle verdict?

You Moon Bats are pathetic confused sicko assholes and you prove it all the time.
Google is your friend. Just google "police chiefs condemn trump"

Why didn't you do that since you went to the trouble of rickrolling anyway? If you had you might have established at least a modicum of credibility. As it stands now you have none.
Why didn't you do that since you went to the trouble of rickrolling anyway? If you had you might have established at least a modicum of credibility. As it stands now you have none.

Because the rickrolling was funny...

In fact, that's my new policy whenever someone DEMANDS a link, I'm just going to Rick Roll them.
So you just admitted that there is no such rule.

Here's my rule.

I post links WHEN I FEEL LIKE IT. You could just as easily have googled it.
No one really expects you to post links because your posts are misquotes,or taken out of context, or just plain lies.
No one really expects you to post links because your posts are misquotes,or taken out of context, or just plain lies.

actually, when I do post links, I get the following.

1) You pretend you didn't see them.
2) You whine that because it came from a source that was actual journalism, you scream "FAKE NEWS" (even if it is video of Trump saying exactly what he said.)
3) You try to rationalize what he said. "Well, when he said Mexicans were rapists, he just meant SOME Mexicans!"
There was a curfew and most protesters went home by dusk. There was no one left on the street but trouble makers and vigilantes.

No, there was NO curfew being enforced. The police had been ordered to not enforce it. That's why the judge dropped that charge (with no complaints by the DA) from Kyle's case.


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