Rittenhouse booed off stage

Mark Hertzberg/Getty Images

Apparently Kyle was at an event where pundits on the right at the University of Memphis. But things soured quickly as protestors began to jeer him and ask him questions he seemed perplexed to answer. Eventually, he just began to cry and run off as they continued to mock him and make deragatory statements about him, the usual, such as you are a racist blah, blah blah

I remember when the shootings first occurred as the racist card was thrown at him, and he replied that he supported BLM. Since that time, I kinda saw this coming. Kyle takes these mindless and hateful racist accusations to heart, and he is still a kid who does not really understand the Left and what they are about. If he killed himself tomorrow in despair over the hurtful things they yelled at him, they would dance on his grave.

Kyle needs to either grow up and get a clue, or stop making these public events. If he expects to ever be treated with dignity and respect from the left, he is just as clueless as the average Leftist is in general.

Yep, he should stay out of the public eye and go about his life.

Yep, he should stay out of the public eye and go about his life.

If he even can.

You know, there is a whole career here and trail of money to follow if he played his cards right, but my guess is he is clueless or even wanting that route.

Mark Hertzberg/Getty Images

Apparently Kyle was at an event where pundits on the right at the University of Memphis. But things soured quickly as protestors began to jeer him and ask him questions he seemed perplexed to answer. Eventually, he just began to cry and run off as they continued to mock him and make deragatory statements about him, the usual, such as you are a racist blah, blah blah

I remember when the shootings first occurred as the racist card was thrown at him, and he replied that he supported BLM. Since that time, I kinda saw this coming. Kyle takes these mindless and hateful racist accusations to heart, and he is still a kid who does not really understand the Left and what they are about. If he killed himself tomorrow in despair over the hurtful things they yelled at him, they would dance on his grave.

Kyle needs to either grow up and get a clue, or stop making these public events. If he expects to ever be treated with dignity and respect from the left, he is just as clueless as the average Leftist is in general.

Kyle Rittenhouse bought himself a semi-automatic gun and went looking to shoot protestors. He may have put on his little dog and pony show in the the courtroom, but in the court of public opinion, he should be in jail for killing those men.

He should never have been there that night, and he should never have been carrying that gun. Those men would be alive today if he had obeyed the laws regarding buying weapons before his 21st birthday.

He's a thug and a murderer. May he be treated as such wherever he goes.
If he even can.

You know, there is a whole career here and trail of money to follow if he played his cards right, but my guess is he is clueless or even wanting that route.

If he does want it, he's dumber than I thought.


Mark Hertzberg/Getty Images

Apparently Kyle was at an event where pundits on the right at the University of Memphis. But things soured quickly as protestors began to jeer him and ask him questions he seemed perplexed to answer. Eventually, he just began to cry and run off as they continued to mock him and make deragatory statements about him, the usual, such as you are a racist blah, blah blah

I remember when the shootings first occurred as the racist card was thrown at him, and he replied that he supported BLM. Since that time, I kinda saw this coming. Kyle takes these mindless and hateful racist accusations to heart, and he is still a kid who does not really understand the Left and what they are about. If he killed himself tomorrow in despair over the hurtful things they yelled at him, they would dance on his grave.

Kyle needs to either grow up and get a clue, or stop making these public events. If he expects to ever be treated with dignity and respect from the left, he is just as clueless as the average Leftist is in general.
It's Memphis! What do you expect out of a blue city hell hole?

Even their black police kill innocent blacks!
Kyle Rittenhouse bought himself a semi-automatic gun and went looking to shoot protestors. He may have put on his little dog and pony show in the the courtroom, but in the court of public opinion, he should be in jail for killing those men.

He should never have been there that night, and he should never have been carrying that gun. Those men would be alive today if he had obeyed the laws regarding buying weapons before his 21st birthday.

He's a thug and a murderer. May he be treated as such wherever he goes.
Yep, he should stay out of the public eye and go about his life.

the kid doesn't need a job, he's rich from his lawsuit settlements. He's as free to do what he wants as any other american, and fk anyone talking badly about him. Need to blame someone, blame the mayor of Kenosha.

Mark Hertzberg/Getty Images

Apparently Kyle was at an event where pundits on the right at the University of Memphis. But things soured quickly as protestors began to jeer him and ask him questions he seemed perplexed to answer. Eventually, he just began to cry and run off as they continued to mock him and make deragatory statements about him, the usual, such as you are a racist blah, blah blah

I remember when the shootings first occurred as the racist card was thrown at him, and he replied that he supported BLM. Since that time, I kinda saw this coming. Kyle takes these mindless and hateful racist accusations to heart, and he is still a kid who does not really understand the Left and what they are about. If he killed himself tomorrow in despair over the hurtful things they yelled at him, they would dance on his grave.

Kyle needs to either grow up and get a clue, or stop making these public events. If he expects to ever be treated with dignity and respect from the left, he is just as clueless as the average Leftist is in general.

Well, he has learned public speaking is not easy $.

Rittenhouse  2.jpg
the kid doesn't need a job, he's rich from his lawsuit settlements. He's as free to do what he wants as any other american, and fk anyone talking badly about him. Need to blame someone, blame the mayor of Kenosha.

I wasn't talking badly about him. He was on Hannity tonight, said he was scheduled to speak for 30 minutes and left when his 30 minutes were up. After about 2 minutes in they wouldn't let him give the talk he planned, so he just moved on to Q & A for the remainder of his time. That just proves the commies are lying about this as well.

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Mark Hertzberg/Getty Images

Apparently Kyle was at an event where pundits on the right at the University of Memphis. But things soured quickly as protestors began to jeer him and ask him questions he seemed perplexed to answer. Eventually, he just began to cry and run off as they continued to mock him and make deragatory statements about him, the usual, such as you are a racist blah, blah blah

I remember when the shootings first occurred as the racist card was thrown at him, and he replied that he supported BLM. Since that time, I kinda saw this coming. Kyle takes these mindless and hateful racist accusations to heart, and he is still a kid who does not really understand the Left and what they are about. If he killed himself tomorrow in despair over the hurtful things they yelled at him, they would dance on his grave.

Kyle needs to either grow up and get a clue, or stop making these public events. If he expects to ever be treated with dignity and respect from the left, he is just as clueless as the average Leftist is in general.
There is too much money to be made by pleading victimization; it's the Trump model.
He is basically a child. Is he even 21 yet?
When I was 21, I worked two jobs, was a member of the National Guard, and was working my way through College.

This kid is a high school dropout and the only reason anyone knows who he is is because he murdered two unarmed men and got away with it due to a senile judge and unethical lawyers.

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