Kyle Rittenhouse sued by estate of Joseph Rosenbaum

Oh, so close.

Here's why the City will end up paying a shitload of money.

Because they knew it was a volatile situation, and instead of arresting Rittenhouse and the rest of the lunatics who brought guns to the demonstrations, they gave them water and thanked them for being there.

In short, they own whatever Rittenhouse did... because they enabled it.
Oh, so sloppy.

As I noted earlier, the city allowed your BLM and antifa rioters a free hand to loot, burn and riot. Kenosha wasn’t the first city to allow your heroes to destroy entire neighborhoods.

Guns were not the problem with retrograde Dems / Marxists in Kenosha. The allowance for looting, arson and property destruction was the obvious problem.
Oh, so sloppy.

As I noted earlier, the city allowed your BLM and antifa rioters a free hand to loot, burn and riot. Kenosha wasn’t the first city to allow your heroes to destroy entire neighborhoods.

Guns were not the problem with retrograde Dems / Marxists in Kenosha. The allowance for looting, arson and property destruction was the obvious problem.
Leftists burn and loot with impunity, and all is well. One kid kills a MAP and some other loser, and people go wild.
Doesn't matter... fetuses aren't people.

Doesn't matter. He'll be found civilly liable.
Follow the science. A fetus has a heartbeat and nervous system. A fetus is a human being. I understand that is difficult to accept for those who support abortion. If a one cell microbe was discovered on Mars, the headlines would be in giant print..."LIFE DISCOVERED ON MARS". Yet, you loons call a complex human being a "clump of cells". You're sick.
lol desperate again. Sucks that you gimps can't censor everything yet, eh?
What are you babbling about now?

You morons start half of your conversation in the middle, as if everyone can see the pretty pictures inside your head.
lol rubbish. Over 80% of those fake 'priests' you keep lying about were just faggot predators. We all know it, even you.
Uh huh, and tRump picked almost exclusively RINOs to work in his *administration.

It's always somebody else's fault with you idiots.
Uh huh, and tRump picked almost exclusively RINOs to work in his *administration.

It's always somebody else's fault with you idiots.
Trump definitely trusted the wrong people in many cases. That's probably the strongest argument against him running again, other than his age.
Trump definitely trusted the wrong people in many cases. That's probably the strongest argument against him running again, other than his age.
So your biggest complaint is that his picked failed to be the villains you wanted them to be?

So your biggest complaint is that his picked failed to be the villains you wanted them to be?

My biggest complaint with Trump in general is that a lot of the people he selected in his Cabinet turned out to be undermining what he was setting out to do.

I have far bigger complaints that have nothing to do with Trump and much more to do with our system and Western culture in general.

This upcoming election is a farce, but the illusion has to be kept up to make people complacent. There are many reasons to doubt the authenticity of presidential elections going as far back as Hayes. I've been skeptical of them since the debacle of 2000.
So "yes" then.

You see this as a matter of villains. I see this as the only non-martial way to shrink the beast that is the federal government. Bannon had the right idea, but he was ousted before he could do much.

Now, it's back to the status quo of neverending government growth.
You see this as a matter of villains. I see this as the only non-martial way to shrink the beast that is the federal government. Bannon had the right idea, but he was ousted before he could do much.

Now, it's back to the status quo of neverending government growth.
Had they done the things he was asking them to do they would indeed have been villains.

Kelley testified that Rosenbaum was first wounded in the groin, then in the hand and thigh, as he faced Rittenhouse. After that, Rosenbaum was shot in the head and in the back. Kelley testified the final two shots were at a downward angle.

“This is a close range injury, and so his hand is in close proximity or in contact with the end of that rifle,” Kelly said. “You can kind of think of it in your head. You know, if you put the end of the rifle close to that trajectory through his hand, you move the hand around. You can put it in different relationships to the body that can explain that.”
Downward angle does not mean whiile he was on the gound you shit for brains

You lie like a cowardly pig when you claim he was shot while on the ground.

The fact that he was shot through the hand supports what we know that he was trying to take away the rifle which is a lethal threat making RIttenhouse's actions in shooting him justified.

You are proven to be a fucking liar
Oh, so close.

Here's why the City will end up paying a shitload of money.

Because they knew it was a volatile situation, and instead of arresting Rittenhouse and the rest of the lunatics who brought guns to the demonstrations, they gave them water and thanked them for being there.

In short, they own whatever Rittenhouse did... because they enabled it.
Wrong motherfucker

He did nothing wrong all three of his attackers did and no one ENABLED them

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