Kyle Rittenhouse sued by estate of Joseph Rosenbaum


She was a domestic terrorist lawfully killed while committing her treasonous act of domestic terrorism.

Rittenhouse was likewise a domestic terrorist, motivated by racism and hate, he traveled to another state with the intent of murdering black Americans.

You transcribed that silly rant from the Joy Reid show, right?

She was a domestic terrorist lawfully killed while committing her treasonous act of domestic terrorism.

Rittenhouse was likewise a domestic terrorist, motivated by racism and hate, he traveled to another state with the intent of murdering black Americans.

Rittenhouse was not motivated by hate or racism or a desire to commit terrorisim proving your claim to be a bald faced lie
He absoolutely had NO such intent
Oh, my Gosh, not a dumpster fire!

Hey, vandalism and breaking the law is vandalism and breaking the law. Sorry that wasn't as serious as you hoped.
Sure, that justifies shooting him.

If you say so. Though, I believe he was shot for attacking Rittenhouse and trying to take his weapon from him. But then, you knew that.
Basically. The current state of the US is just the natural consequence of leftist influences that originated as far back as the French Revolution. The Progressive Era of the US is where things started falling apart here more specifically.
You can definitely see a pattern if study it all.
Yes, it is.

My turn

How many federal counts is the rapist, currently lapping the GOP field, facing?
Doesn't matter, because he's innocent until proven, yet y'all run with the counts as if they are instant convictions... ROTFLMBO 🤣

You people are so readable it ain't even funny...😕
he was not shot after hitting the ground you absolutely unediucated piece of shit

Kelley testified that Rosenbaum was first wounded in the groin, then in the hand and thigh, as he faced Rittenhouse. After that, Rosenbaum was shot in the head and in the back. Kelley testified the final two shots were at a downward angle.

“This is a close range injury, and so his hand is in close proximity or in contact with the end of that rifle,” Kelly said. “You can kind of think of it in your head. You know, if you put the end of the rifle close to that trajectory through his hand, you move the hand around. You can put it in different relationships to the body that can explain that.”
This is basic biology...Were you a frog fetus or a human fetus?
Doesn't matter... fetuses aren't people.
For all the excuses you use to justify the assaults made by your pedophile, criminal heroes, you seem to be unaware that a jury has already voted in favor of Rittenhouse and self defense.

Doesn't matter. He'll be found civilly liable.

Kelley testified that Rosenbaum was first wounded in the groin, then in the hand and thigh, as he faced Rittenhouse. After that, Rosenbaum was shot in the head and in the back. Kelley testified the final two shots were at a downward angle.

“This is a close range injury, and so his hand is in close proximity or in contact with the end of that rifle,” Kelly said. “You can kind of think of it in your head. You know, if you put the end of the rifle close to that trajectory through his hand, you move the hand around. You can put it in different relationships to the body that can explain that.”
MAP killed... Where's the problem?
It’s likely an attempt at money-making. It’s a long term ploy. A suit targeting Rittenhouse won’t get the family a big pay day, even with the unlikely event of a guilty verdict. But the lawyers would quickly move to hold the city, as a legal entity, responsible as the riots, burning and looting went on for more than a week.

Oh, so close.

Here's why the City will end up paying a shitload of money.

Because they knew it was a volatile situation, and instead of arresting Rittenhouse and the rest of the lunatics who brought guns to the demonstrations, they gave them water and thanked them for being there.

In short, they own whatever Rittenhouse did... because they enabled it.

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