CDZ Labor nominee Andrew Puzder admits he hired an undocumented maid


Silver Member
Aug 25, 2011
The fast-food CEO whom Donald Trump tapped to run the Labor Department once hired an undocumented immigrant to work as a housekeeper, the nominee said Monday.

The revelation, which was first reported by the Huffington Post, is the latest development about Puzder, who has faced criticism over reports of wage violations at his restaurants, his views on the minimum wage and his use of ads that critics say are demeaning to women.
Though the act is illegal and has always been so, I'm not sure I'd hold that against him. I don't like the guy for the role he's been nominated for, but I still wouldn't likely hold the hiring of the maid as the "be all end all" to approving him.

I wouldn't because back in the '80s so many people did have illegal alien maids that to hold it against someone now would mean that even worse dregs of society would be the only people eligible for appointed office.
Typical Libturd thread.

Totally ignore the fact that, the moment he learned her status, he fired her, reported her to Immigration and paid back taxes and FICA.
Typical Libturd thread.

Totally ignore the fact that, the moment he learned her status, he fired her, reported her to Immigration and paid back taxes and FICA.

Though I won't likely hold it against the man as a reason to deny him approval for the post to which he's been nominated, of all the folks whom I know who hired an illegal (1970s-1980s) -- pretty much all my peers, business associates and close friends (some ~50 people, give or take), I know with one exception -- I don't know of any who didn't know they were doing so. It was so common that it was practically a joking matter, and not in a polite or even neutrally respectful way....the term "wetback" was often used.

Moreover, it's now, as it has been since 1986, an employer's responsibility to determine/confirm their employee's eligibility-to-work status. Additionally, I don't know how he could have paid back taxes and FICA/FUTA for the person seeing as illegal immigrants can't obtain Social Security cards. The maid wouldn't have an SSN with which to associate any tax sums the employer withholds and remits to the SSA on her behalf. Ditto income tax withholding.
  • Social Security Numbers for Noncitizens
  • 541K DACA SSNs issued
    • Individuals Who Came to the United States as Children -- Providing this only in the interest of completeness because the recipients of the DACA SSNs were minors at the time they received them. The individuals, obviously, would not have been working for Puzder or the people whom I know that ages ago hired illegals to clean their homes and tend to their lawns.
One need not be a citizen to get a SSN, but one must be legally in the U.S. and eligible to work to get one.

In theory the maid could obtain an ITIN, but then doing that would expose her to deportation as her immigrant status would be illegal. As far as I know, an employer cannot file the W7 for to obtain an ITIN on behalf of their illegal employee.
What the people I know did when the INA passed was help their household staff obtain legal status and then they paid the back taxes. When they did that, however, they didn't also fire them. It'd be very odd for an employer to fire the worker and help them become legal [1], though that is what Puzder claims he did.
  • Fire the worker before they gain legal to work status --> Employer has no way to pay the back taxes.
  • Fire the worker after they gain legal to work status --> Employee is likely to make trouble if/when a situation like a nomination hearing comes about, but the employer will be able to pay the back taxes if the employee shares the ITIN number with them.
If the worker is doing acceptable work, there'd be no need to fire them if one is also helping them gain legal to work status.

  1. Under the INA, illegals could gain legal status by applying for it and having met the mandated criteria. Applicants had to prove that they lived and maintained a continuous physical presence in the U.S. since January 1st, 1982, possess a clean criminal record, and provide proof of registration within the Selective Service. Moreover, applicants had to meet minimal knowledge requirements in U.S. history, government and the English language or be pursuing a course of study approved by the Attorney General. Furthermore, after an applicant was assigned a legal status or deemed a temporary lawful resident, they were disqualified from receiving all forms of public welfare assistance for five years. The rules for applications and welfare assistance did not apply to Cuban or Haitian immigrants.

OK, if the guy favors the deportation of those caught employing illegals I'll support him.

Yup, I say lets export folks who hire illegals illegally and import more people willing to work by the rules. If there were not jobs for illegals they wouldn't be trying to get here en-mass and we wouldn't be spending tax dollars on some wall.
Though the act is illegal and has always been so, I'm not sure I'd hold that against him. I don't like the guy for the role he's been nominated for, but I still wouldn't likely hold the hiring of the maid as the "be all end all" to approving him.

It was certainly enough to disqualify appointments in previous administrations. Bill Clinton's appointment of Zoe Baird as Attorney General was derailed by "Nannygate" when it was revealed that she hired two illegal immigrants as a nanny and a chaffeur for her child.

Kimba Wood was another Clinton appointee who was derailed by hiring an illegal immigrant as a nanny for her child. Ms. Wood was appointed as a federal judge.

So based on precedent, this should disqualify his nomination.
Though the act is illegal and has always been so, I'm not sure I'd hold that against him. I don't like the guy for the role he's been nominated for, but I still wouldn't likely hold the hiring of the maid as the "be all end all" to approving him.

It was certainly enough to disqualify appointments in previous administrations. Bill Clinton's appointment of Zoe Baird as Attorney General was derailed by "Nannygate" when it was revealed that she hired two illegal immigrants as a nanny and a chaffeur for her child.

Kimba Wood was another Clinton appointee who was derailed by hiring an illegal immigrant as a nanny for her child. Ms. Wood was appointed as a federal judge.

So based on precedent, this should disqualify his nomination.

That's a reasonable position to take. It's not stance, but it's a valid one.
Though the act is illegal and has always been so, I'm not sure I'd hold that against him. I don't like the guy for the role he's been nominated for, but I still wouldn't likely hold the hiring of the maid as the "be all end all" to approving him.

It was certainly enough to disqualify appointments in previous administrations. Bill Clinton's appointment of Zoe Baird as Attorney General was derailed by "Nannygate" when it was revealed that she hired two illegal immigrants as a nanny and a chaffeur for her child.

Kimba Wood was another Clinton appointee who was derailed by hiring an illegal immigrant as a nanny for her child. Ms. Wood was appointed as a federal judge.

So based on precedent, this should disqualify his nomination.

That's a reasonable position to take. It's not stance, but it's a valid one.

That prior post was supposed to say, "That's a reasonable position to take. It's not my stance, but it's a valid one."

Sorry for the material typo.

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